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ORS PENT GAT Ts Here Are 101 Keys to Japanese “As Clan As a Spt Bamboo" tore ecco uch anbeauty sen Sicbiomen| ied en expense are en ie taro on en ere (Culture Through Popular Phrases cae Eye Contents Preface . Seotion One Talons Relating to Nature aa Things Thot Grow: Gomosur > Honan Arosh Hao yor Dengo = Imo [ro Ko] © Arc oo ® Iwan 9g Hone ¢ Korogor Ini Koko Mesazu ® Minors ode Alamo no SogaryInaho Kane ® Nemewash & Ne mo Flo mo Nov © Soka ® Sonshoe wo Kofubu deme [Pirie) Rare Tokone to Hono Tole o Wat Wo © Un utah Yorba ju no Kage, Water, Wind, and Clouds: Ame go Fur to eri Forvo foo ime Fue J Katomoru 9 Kaze no yor Kuro o Thoma Yoo s Mizu ni Nagosy = Mizu ne ova © Mievo Ute Yoo s Mizu Skeabot © Valet Mice Section Twe: Téioms Creatures Large and Small 25-46 Birds ond Beasts: Ashimoto koro Tr a Tot © Hane © Nobasu 2 Karte Kia Neko no Yoo » Neko ne hk mo © Nek aban, Neo o Hit "Neko ne Te mo Karta 3 Ong na no Muna ® Suzume ne Namida © Tos fer Ato © Nigosocu © Teor Holos 2 Uno no Hone Fish, Frogs; and Others: Comane no Hogi 3 Hoch na Su Tutusto oo = Hippon Dok | 00 ‘Nake ne Kaworu [oio! © Shirazu{ = Ka no Nobu Yoore oe Monae n Uma Kr © Mush mt Nokian Hoch» obo 0 You © fade Row ‘Moshi Sukzu Seotion Thrve: Idioms ‘The Human Body 47-68 ‘Abia mo Ekubo © Agura @ Kaku © Ashimoto o Miu «Ashi o Aru 2 Atma go Sogary» Awozer Kao go ua’ Haroge’ 9 thin Denes Koo go Hi fotomi go Semi” Koshi go Hk ® Mint goo & Rycoyale Kah i Nigosh © Shincoo ga Tajo © Sir Me de Mia © Tura no Kawa ge Aus Ude 8 Migolu © Ushrogan! 9 lore Oma! 5 Uskroybie Soarery Yoo Section Four: Iaioms ‘From One to Ten and More 66-76 Cari mo Taumorebe Yoro to Naru = Happoo Bin hn Hota Boers © Hier Zumoa o Tor 3 Ishi no Ue 1 mo Sannen © Jounin Tir & Nimaio 0 Tsukau Nino Ashi e Fumu 3 Onna Sannin Yorebo Kashimashi ® Sonrin Yoreba Manju ne Chie 2 Sushizume Seotion Five tome ‘Prom Place to Place rr-88 ‘Ana go Attra Hointi = Ishibashi o Tate Wtory Saswale = Onobriaan = Sumebo Mato 1 Wot Fune Beotion Ste: Idioms ‘More Cultural Keys 83-101 ‘Azameshi Mae © Bolo ve Shinonakya Neoranai {ChamPon = Deru Kur wa Utorery® Hokori Musume 5 Juuboke ne Sumi o [Yoo de] Tstsuku = Kataboo © Katsugu © Rooin Yo no Golesi = Koshikoke © Kasai ‘Mane ni wa Futa 0 Suru'® Madogiva Zoku = Noren 11 Udecsh = Oncyi Kama no Methio Kuta 2 Saji e Nagens 2 Sashim! no Tsim © Sod no Shia 0 Suna ‘2 Kami Yoo ® Tekobar 0 Osu © Yuushuv mo Bio Kozan Indexes Idioms listed by key images ais Taioms Usted alphabetically air Preface Tigers rele iment ion Berar rer Sere: tay el vipa ee Peel wn eh ta ech iar pep conpe cath ont aa ee rgd eae i sa Gaahicore} comes a os ae Ce eer ae ete bch 120 fleur sabi shop n'a nse anita Sy aha lg lon pony meds Toone Piece herckon Siepetesacaiied Seem alae ellen your Japanese friends, colleagues, and business 2 operant heel eerste erik inn af dio! bee Hae ct Soleo he Seco pe LT Soe ccna Drees mend cael Siete SS ea rida tion lesan The Joponese people. In this book, we itodce 101 popular Jopanese iam ad exper hl we Belew ae both ineroning end unflt tusent of Japanese oy nd cir, ach ios irvoduced in zation, fled by Jopanerearhogropsy, nd fen rl vont, nerdotontre Seibert, since conned wih he val, they lead Youle he force of he phos, whch cones dey ut ef Jepeneve mythology, nlure imagery, anim hocloton or tne human body ex metaphor ‘We hove purposely ronltedsuzume no nomido cx “ers ofa sparen" for exemple, becouse S20 6 nom lierliyondnotraly—ard va Japanese (toy says "smel” Hod we rendoted i lossy Te Tres "6 todo eat dal fhe avo ord fete ‘Fife pace wows hove been lst in he rendering ‘Obrtorlrarlohons of loponess ons ere wha! et this Bone apart rom oer books on his {abject In oddito, bockgound information on pvr wage of sch om oles iu ns nso opener cle We have oka added © some fot Yo provide 0 conte in which fhe iiom general ued. To ossst Yyouln studying the language, some tes presented Wives stapes: Romentichon, lopanese ortrogropy, {nd finaly Engh: anions ond nrraves rete Suhr pertnalerpreioions "ie Book can be red om begining fo end ia cope siting or canbe rad in whatever ero Jou kooea Fer hondy reference, an elphabetial ne of ‘Glome ar wel os on index of idioms orgoized by key Images ore provided ‘ire sody hin: Aor you've looked ot each ‘entry go rough the book a second me ond place pur herd rr the oppor of he lchond pope ES you con rece the om in Jopanese simply by icokng ot te ration, Th bk tered fo oryone who boson intr in leaning re abou he lepanese iSguage and culture What you re curey tenrlled in a Joponese language coun, ore ‘lamin 2 hip to lapon, ore crius sbouJoponese fines, oF simply want fo ge fo know Jour JopareseInends beter you wil reler to TRvvonthology of colar lapanes idioms agoin tend again. Michool L. Moyoard Serko K. Maynard Section One Relating to Nature Things That Grow Water, Wind, and Clouds LD ees 5 “sesame grinding” (ingratiating oneself, apple-polishing, overtly flattering, toadying, sucking up to ‘one’s superiors) When 0 person makes an avery ingrtioing remark, he she grinding sesome sods” Others call areton ro the goman ether by saying the word, by (nonverbal) ‘mcking mtions wih the ft oer the pal of te other frand femeloSng the grinding of road sxome seeds sith 2 pela ond mart), or by doing both. Uke the ‘mousy sesame rede ground up in he mortar, he person ‘aking fovor ie scking to everthing (on). Somple text: (Sie: spoerfrmelinas) ‘4 Katoo-son ipa kolichoo a shooskin rahi dss 90 8 oppor 0 des ko, Kolo smen hen zu gomesuel © ya ita» do koro, soosrelakarichoo mi nory tore fo wo ometemoshia ldo ne ie ® eit) Leetyers by EAEDERCEA LAS 22> [As hear Me Kalo is lly going to be promted to secton chi luster thought, | wo hinting he would make secon ‘hf soon since i's been apple-palishing forthe post three yor a | ' “Blossoms bring storms.” (Life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness.) This etait insight is shortened version of ui n muragume, hana i ars, which ieraly translated, ‘Clouds ove the moon, siorm ore losons.” tof some tht miforine looms Sehind even he happiest Semple text (Sry: woker/conolfemele) ‘A Keklon shite ieshuan de kyuun goshuin go nya fo tr oknadku ne. ‘Shower ppai no tober ni zonnen nee. Dem moo hana al rash" fo yuu kur’ do hore, hoy to ‘mo une de ska goa woe. WEARER CBR, co $a MEM & Eedacibyacun A: W's too bod. Only marti a weck and her new tusbond got hospitalized. 8: Too'bad then she wos 20 happy But os they soy misfortune o the time of great “@ Hana yori Dango “Sweets are preferred to FELVBAC flowers.” (The practical is preferred over the ‘aesthatio.) very spring on the dy of “flower viewing,” Japenese trodonaly iol othe counrysde or vist pore fo ppreioe the beauty of notre et human nature being thet ti, people seem to show considerably more here Inthe food than in the Bower Semple to (She spokenlconalA-fema, male) |: ya do wo, Abc ora sekdoky abana ni kt ron, rabete bake, 8. Also, omoe wo yoppari Rane yor! dango notinu de in A wtb, 3b Zeb wre 8 MUL, DHE eENERU ALOT 471 Take o Watta Yoo WHMIS ELS “as clean as a split bamboo” (honest, frank, decisive, a straight- shooter) Wher @ bomboo pole i spit lenght the cts rue and sesight™a dean split Takeo wot yoo describes 2 Frank, dcive, end meraly righteous personaly in ‘elrence toa man, bu sometine in refrence to @ Sample text: (Sper weiteniformal) [Nihon ge konome done no ines wa, take © watta Yyoona seloky de, hak shies ltzedonroky no a hit dear tee 00. Shikesh apan nae ni wo take © wala yeona seikak fo you yor, mush yarashia ga HAAEEMM OL ATi, MEH RED GHEE, OCRMID HEATH Sb MBH RS FEHR ARSLEMMENS, The male mage that the Japanac profr is generally of rman who is honest, fronk, nd declive. In women, however they generally vive tenderness mach mara bighly than famkness or decisiveness, 1A. Uri Futatsu “two halves of a ees cucumber” (two peas in a pod, Tweedledum and ‘Tweodledes, frick and tack) [Notre provides ample evidence of perfect symmetry Split length, the ho haves ofa fi or egeible are peel dental. When two peopl oro much aie in ‘oppearance, they ae wt ft ‘Semple text: (Se spokericowolimale ‘As Avo yoda wo foo fetatoe da now. Kono Kamat y, honor A: ROW ob AEE, M, £8A2 beck, Wi ‘A: Those brothers ere wo years opt ya hye of alke ‘0 pees ine pod. The ther day I mistook one fee the ster, god wor | emboroeed! ° Yoraba Taiju 0 Kage 8 DISKO “[Seek shelter in] the shade of a big tree.” (Choose secure and solid protection.) Shode is guratv for protection Te tre you choose shouldbe import! and tghy placed win your ‘organization orn socey in general. This expression tlose in nuance 1 "never hurt fo have Fendi high ploces” Somple text: [Shoe weiteninformal) Solin no gals wa gokutho ro looky temo dn alu, galusho na chmeido ya sajna ni yote hy © ‘roby Leon go au, "Yorabe telly me kege” 1 700 Sole RiLOPeenORRT—~veike (. PAOMbIeR ico cee mene 2, TRO ERMOR] & Thera is «tendency mong curent udents to choose on (codec tumor ol beccean of re profes emer interes but becouse of he profrtr’sfome or pool poses becouse thy 20, "Sook shelter in the big tee” Ame ga Furoo to “even if rain falls or Yari ga Furoo to spears fall” AHA 5 ERAS S & (oo matter what, under any circumstances) 16. Tis exprension reflects he fi cre expected a Ame Futte Ji | , the ground! Katamaru — Ibo CH ES (Aaversity builds character; the more challenges successfully met, the stronger one or a relationship becomes.) ‘Ame tej kotomary is oten sid to he bride ond groom ‘on ther wedding doy. In odeion to meaning that bad ‘iperiences moy actually be good, the expreson tedmenisbes young newlrweds ha, fr beter or fer worse, ‘he te that bind ore srngthened trough tough Smes, Somple text: (She: spokeffome) |: Kaklon states wa mechon bara no kote Boker dws noi deshoo Ame fej etamery 2 Seoremors yon! jin’ no karo 6 waleate serogoly cbiowate a A: RMELIFEG 2479 GOS LiEHD Cee Ls 3, FBR CHEE SLHbHITEIEMLOBIIED Wits ckieCae ‘A: Morse if wil not always be rosy. Bu sth soyng "Rain fms the ground” goes, | hope you wil enjoy ‘happy end lang relationship os you share the ordi fe. ! @ Kaze no Tayori Ge» “message carried on the LOE Y wind (a rumor, s story without source) [A later delisred rom the God af he Wind, Used to tages en from on eared oon wy Fegan tures, No dct ine of communication ext. Tht ‘wpreion compares wth "ait bird ld me Semel (She encwa¥A~male, femal) ‘A: Kyonen Amor © kaote Sums, ime doo shiery ta ne. 8: Kaze no teyer de wo doigotu ni modore benkyoo ster ros wo yo. Doko no dogo ka sional hd. [As Yeu know tht guy Smith who went boc othe U.S, lost yeort I wonder who! he's up fo nowadays. 8; heard rumor that he want beck to s200| dont nom which univer though. Kumo o Tsukamu Yoo Bropury S&S “like grasping a cloud” (wishful thinking, impossible dream) Since nobody can ecualy grasp 0 leu, the expresion denotes impos, From afr, @ dvd hos shape and fou. Closeup i gossamer esancedisipates ot the touch, 0 when o noo oleted sateen yoor od delores thot she's going Yo become a movie str, you can respond boy soying Ws 2 komo otskamy yoona dream—o mit woring thot the ombiton or goal Fighly unl 4 be ‘rokeed Semple text {Sipe wokenlcawcA=s0n, B= mothe) ‘As Sokhykuko ri rare kano. B: Sanaa kume 0 tuk yoone loo bokor angaeten tora iss mode fre mo irdoch dkini indesu ye. Ae He 3 he BEDPCEDECLTHNBLTHOEHEUIE THOLIRECARUATTE, A You know, mays Il become « compote. Bi (SoldngAllyou ever thnk abou is impossible “even cats and rice Shakushi mo ladles” HOOF (everybody and his/her mother (broths) ‘According o one fl etymology the rie ladle eymbliae howsewir; since cls ond howe or vialy wera Yo Jopanece hourehaa, the expresion meant "evrjbod" An opposite interreation lds clo he rare andrea ladles tobe ivan, so thal the expresion is alice of bth rore and abundant ems. Somple text (Ste: spokenassoVemale) [A Seikn mat sokoto tke go sukoshi mii naa yoo B: Sco a no yo. Korede mal, neko me shokushi mo ‘mila sukoate ni ory des, Kore go nok iy ni rons wa ne, matake Ay RULE RAR WOOP LI ok 9 Be B T5 G02, RTL, MOMFEMOAN HeeSA Tie BIRHECTHOREES OR, 2K. Ac Isoams skit lengths have shortened recent B: You noied, ot Now everybody and her mother wil be weoring shorter shite Ther’ absolely no inividel stylet hate it Weko ni Koban FANT > “a gold coin before a cat” (pearls before swine) bam i small oval-shaped gold coin which crclated in Japan pir tothe Ne Resleraton of 1868. The cxpresion sued when suggestng that nt every con ‘pprecote an objec! othe same degree Snir fo "So not cst pearl before swing” mean "do fer ‘onyting of wale ard mert fo thoe who ore ncepoble of ‘epreciting Semple text: (Sipe spokenicosslemee) [Ax Sosa-sn no toler ne, musuloson no fms sgorardo piano kata n da te. Demo muon wo ‘goku ni wa matolykyeom go oi mi yo. Neko ai fobaon fo wo ana ketone. Ac Gerke A) Marat Beate, Bio LOmbIe792 ETD $2 ALTRI CR Oe Eb, ‘A 1 hoor tho Sava bought «grand piano for hit son, ‘tthe son it interested in mi fal. Tha ly car of "pearl before swine? iti? SZ ; Weko no Hitai 1 “cat’s forehead” FDOT i (extremely small in size) Cots ore not known to have high foreheads. The ‘expreston exaggerates the inadequacy of spoce. Neko to his ten heard wen prospective home buyers in| Jopon fist see the sae of her yord, Somple txt (ive spolan/cawal/A=female, 8=mle) [As Aorooi nivatk no uci uta n dees te 1: Iya ne, nina fier ho doe ka, Home neko no hte 20 Yona urania go tit fed no nda A: Lo paren LoRBoRACHoOT REDE LOMOD RL BHAT, ‘A: I heor you moved ilo © single fly home wit @ yord 8: Yeoh, but Fm not sre you cn clit © yard i on ‘exremely small bckyord oreo Weko no Te mo j Swill 31. ' ‘willing to accept even Karitai | AM the helping hand of a HDF O18 9 Fe cat” (swamped, shorthanded, “up to one’s eyeballs” in work) “badgers from the same hole” (co-conspirators, brothers in crime) Japanese fry tales characteriza badges ox sometimes viloinous ond other times comical cheaters who play tls on people This bated onthe fact tht bogere and racoons steal horesod preduce from farmers. The hose suggest © ganglgroup of bod guys Semple text: (Ste: spakenconelimole) ‘A: Muratoson no fie ga hokkaky shite, ori ka no Sokoban mo liben rsh ya 8: ho, Slaisan mo onal ane me mina joa ko. ‘Muratoson hor de orme fuse go delry woke nao. A: HES AORTEOELC, CAMARO A a L or 8 00, IE AMCRDEUE Letom, HEELD LD Cae nN REDE JA: Murata’ lage dings have been dacavered ond Sekai, wh sn th sme wction, seem to be very But int Soke 2 eoconspirator? Murata cult howe done al hat sngle-handadly, you know. Suzume no Wamida EDU “sparrow’s tears” (very small amount, a tad) The implication of his expression ie "nat encugh” —one ites were morn. sprrons could ery thei tors Would be iy. Sperrows ore commonly fund throughout Jopon and often represen! ordinary people Japanese felts, (She: spakenconelimee) [As Kywunyee ogaton da ot 8: yo, home soos |: Sona lt no roo. 3: Agata koto wa ogato kedo 50, honne surume mo ‘namida de nee Ae BE ao teat B we, BAO L 5 ERLE, BAOROR THR ‘A Vhaor you got a pay rie It rusk Be Walls itl 1 You expat me to believe thot 8B: Of, 1 got e poy tas, buts such «smell amount. “Birds leave the water undisturbed.” (Leave on a good note; create a good impression when leaving for good.) ‘This what wo should remind people who are about 62 int «nature protare. Used most equenly in rlorence to one’s place of work. Jt a delve the weer Undihrbed we shold leave our crt place of work tudihrbed inthe best condition for ones reolacemert. Semple text: (Spl spokeniconvaVA~ male, Blom) ‘A tig bith 0 yamete Nyuu Yeoks iy nde eno. Be, Sorede ima tottemo izgothi no yo. rao sit ehe ‘onder norona lato go lokizan ate. Soren sv Yori ate nigorazu" do kro. A En eatbemecss—a—7fi¢ btioe B AL, SHETE OTHE LNOS, MOUABAL TE PEYRIES BOS EHR. BhbOT. CHE [TD mmemet) M05, [A: Lhear you're quiting he compony and going to New York son, 2B, Tha right So 'm realy buy now. Thee oe so mony ‘hing I esd fo organize ond pu avey. Besides, os ‘he song goes, "Birds leave the water undisturbed.” “the cry of the crane” (voice of authority, unchallengeable order) ‘Aezordng to Jopanee flor, crane ve fora howard ‘yoor: I soem hat old, white haired village leaders le ‘early at long. As the respected authority the wze old bid able fo mize te loge Thus © powerful woce from the ocnowledged leodar (egerdes of age) sure ro hikes, Somple text: (Sie: spokercosonal) ‘x Kyo no hig wo sun shsrlirinu gai ee 1: Sosol-son shir dare? Kanojono tery mo Woke db zagothi oni mane alumnae n da ye, UO RMSE ER. Hehe ilo CEI MRORMD-PCELUD) ROME IAT. ‘Atendance ol todoy's meting wos teri, wos it ‘You tnow Ms Sosa, dort your I's her woie of thority that got everyone fo atend, ee “the bones of a horse” (an unknown person with no references, a person of unknown background) Imagine the stlaton of «hore alt brad inthe sand ‘Whe know who the horse was? What ofthe hort rmarer’ Nobody known. Tha’ the fealing baking the ‘ipreon when oppied foo newcomer nthe Hight eit Jepanese soci. Ue ne hoe cares « heavy negative “connotation when referring fe on oui Somple text: (She: spoerlormlfemale) 1X Kellon mae no muzume go doko no uma ne hone da a wolarone yoona cole fo hukine we iemosen yo. Ae RIGID ORRIN DEANE F ABLE BoTHOT EMAL, ‘A: Belore marge agi shoud not go out wih @ mon of enknown background. “little fish grinding their teeth” (of no consequence, powerless) CEOOMELY 1 shorks ware to rin ther oath, might be big de! Shoce waver would radios in al drcton. But bunch of lle ah rity grinding ir eth sof no consequence. Who would brow? Who woud carat ‘Semple text: {Srl spakeneosl/mol) |: Konnerdo no shnnyuu buin we monty baka itera re ': Kini shina, Kin shin. Doote gomeme mo hogishi! nando koro, ima mae door mi yate ba i 30. JPRLONABMUE RIED Do TBR, Bh, AiELin, EAC ROME LIER 25, FEO) ERT OEOWS, ‘A: Ths yoor’s new cub members do nothing but complein B: Dont worry, don't wor Who! they sy is of no tmeqvece ona Welt canyon 0 we ae Hachi no Su o “@P Tsutsuita Yoo MOWEOMELD 38. “like poking a beehive” (bedlam, chaotic, frenzied) The imprestion that of a swarm of ney boss buzzing ‘round in. rey of chon. Compete becom thot ‘one's not hoppy be Somple text: (Sie: writenfformel) galt no hajne. Sensei ge kare mae, kedeme tach wo rofvyosumi no haroai yo shvkuda no kao nade, main LeOkEM, RARE MAORI AWSBE, FEMOMED IONE (Mr./Mrs./Ms. Popularity, a person in great demand, being pulled in all ireotions) o Hippari Dako \ “a spread-eagled octopus” This oxpresionenignaes rom the way an octopus steched out fo dry. All eg legs are Spreod out ond Stethed oth lint Ths when the prety young store) the renowned architec ir suddenly in great demend, ‘he impesion i the © ipa’ dao, Sample text (She: Aninformalinae, formance) ‘As Ano shinjin kash, skin zur rink ga dete tan. 8: Seon desu yo. Moo Feitona oko tore Nipper dao do ne. Uchi no zor no nab Tors no me toihenna kui ro des yo As BOMARE, WIE UA NOC 8 eb, KetL. $3 0a0e) Th, }boWiD 1 7 U3 Lene That new singer is relly geting popular. ‘She sure il She's in greet demond auc it wos
    \ “a voice like the cry of a “a? Yoona Koe @> mosquito” WOR< hGH (a faint, almost inauaibie vie) 3 Manaita no “carp on the cutting board” (doomed, in the hands of God, at the merey of fate) Ueno Koi SEKOLOM Ths fotalstc exprosion i wsed when one fel elles to conta one's mediate destiny The foreboding arerone ones from the hnowedge of what invibly bea fh tod ot ona eating bord Somple text: (Sie: spokenlcowo/A=femala, B=) ‘A: Muroteson ne, shin go lasenatie foosonsunzen na doe. Ato wo ginkoo no delat shit yo ko rash wa 8: Soria markiri menaita mo ue ne hel ona ko. ‘Shins ko shirts no Vl de deo narono no ka As HOLE At, thd MEENA, BE ISON SE BLD, BANGLES REBDLOME oun, kins DQVOOTTE Smee tno AA: hoor that Mr. Murata is in grat debt and ison the verge of bankruptcy. I ell uses to depend on the bank now 8: He's doomed then. Cont hi relaives and fiend do sermthing about ¥# Sune “the breath of an insect” (near one’s death, almost dead) Since insect ore sl, engine how foo thei breath must be. The chances of recovery ore extremely sim ora man ‘whose breath iso fein ox tht of on sel ‘Semple toxt: (She: spken/ormalfemale) ‘As Tenako-son ne eniton, mattokykiodokuni ne. oot jie de nakuncta n des fre. 8: Ee, s00 nan dew Ho. Ootna jo dene, byocin ri feito tol wa moo mushi ne ki dota och 9 des yo. A IDS ADBREA, 24018 koththoth, B 2k, SIAC. ADAMI, ICME HUG IROBHORELUATTL a ICES A: Tena’s brother, hot wogedy | hear he wos led ina Wate ocidet, Be Yes, that’s what I heard, foo I wos © pry serious cecldet I seers he wos olor! deed bythe ime he ‘ved atthe hospital “The bee [stings] when you’re already crying” (When it rains, it pours; bad things eome ‘in threes.) ‘When someone hat been hit smatlaneouy wih several bod breast moy be conaing Yo hear friend say, “"Nektsura ni heh” The phiosophica srty of he ‘Phrase rominds Japanese at msfertune may indeed ome in hc (or even tree) Somple text: (Stl: spokenleonslimel) A: Yor wo binoo seni i sitroreterakinogara kate kar toch, Moxon tun mi nagurareto roth n do. ‘ottokumakteure ai hecho wo koro Hote dn. A: PhD A303 MILLE LAGNA RUBRIC Bt ECR COAG LAE, 2H ETRREE Ebr kr. A Yestrdoy apparently, Yolan's teacher scolded he, ‘ond then of sho was eryng on her wey home, Matos [at er op. Isreal re: "Whom i rong “to read the mackerel” (to manipulate the figures to one’s advantage, to offer false numbers intentionally, to inflate or deflate figures) ‘Among fh caug inne, mocks ore 4 litle volved that Japanese Fahermen may nt bother o oun! them. Cen the rough estimates of mackerel have been highly inflated, giing ise 1 the use of he phrase "reading the mer oat te rece “posing” in Semple text: (Ste: spaendcossaVA=fomal, moe) [As Kono kl, zibun tala 'e omowenai? Nomimono Yeruuhachinin bn He os hed 8: Konor soba @ yondery ana ko. Kaito bar do era wekoraal fo emetory 9 dare. Ac SOR. TORAMVLEDEO? HALOMEA ochaHe, 2 ony AEMATEL bavkWocoanti uh, Rbbntine bie [As Don you thik his lis ay gk They Kit 48 ink 8: Thoy mus be inflating the figures. They probably Bur noble ee conony' pra “Some bugs prefer bitters.” (There 1s no accounting for tastes; some prefer nettles.) ‘This Jopanese proverb ecknowledges the reality that people have diferent tore, Alo ved 1 worm people nat to judge others by one's own tase Tad Is smarweed, © biter tang pon, Yel some nets prefer Somple text: [Sle spker/conal/A= male, B=female) A: Aisunaze ana i lusan fe wokoret, mate henna ‘ono fo soln she n care 1 Date “ode hou mushi mo whizuki" Ne yu deshon ALMT, RAR FHL, . Te TROMEMEHA] CRITI, A: Why did he divorce suche good women ord remarry such o webct 8B: Oh wall you know, there's me eecountng or tastes. 4a. Abata mo Ekubo Hl A AE “Pockmarks are [seen as] dimples.” (Love is blind.) ‘Abata me elube is another way of ayng, "Beauty isin the ee ofthe bcholdor’” Btn his Joponens expression, the Behoider is almot olvoys a man who is bee women. Her fase may nat have physical beouy, Pertnally makes her tect Kin. Somple ext: (Stl: spokenconslfemei) A Alon ne, fonyoly shite n do He. B: Hee, dole no eeoson fo Kring ho? A: Kireifo yu woke dem noi kod, wai ko yo. Soren sulin norebo abate me ehube de kara ne As RUBIN, BBL ICA: BAR, LEMRMEKE? AMAT A SOLAN TLANIE, HbOUFE. TIF SE ERURUR EA CEE ‘You know Akio haor he got engaged 3: Rec With whom I she prey? | would’ call her ee, but she's cue. Besides, you row love blind. pep “to sit crosslegged” (to rest on one’s laurels, to coast, to be ‘complacent) Sing onthe edge of one's choi wih bah fet Firmly planted on the ground shows eagerness, enthusiasm, end 1 spet of trying hord to succeed In conto, relxed ote of siting one euthion with one’s lege costed aan fo cout, fo ret on ones oul Somple ext: (Ste: spokeneowelimal) A Doose moo farity sur oe wa io! dares omete, ‘umade mo shocheo no 29! agura © kale rorers fo ‘omorora comachigo’ eo L2eu TP ART RROD) Bot, wos COMMONER ES EMUTHGNS EM ho KIR You think you have no competitors but sa mistake to bblee tha you const freer the company’s preiden'spoion and rest on your laure, Ashimoto o Miru OLEH “to look at someone’s feet” (to exploit someone's weakness in negotiation, to charge what the traffic will bear) ‘According 1 Jopanereetmoogicel sources, ashinoto © mir comes rom the Feudal Age wen the palanauin Corer would amine the logs ond fet of prespectie ‘lstomers fudge the evel f exhaustion, then ra the fore acorns. A: Kinoo wa oon dato yo. Nakegowa oni made one se. Kew ro lth ne, exhimete 0 Imirorechette, flush, zibontororta wd, A: SODA ORE, MILE CRAL GOCE, §D977—ta, BELERENS OT. 97 7~ Mh, ERE tut A tS [A lastnight wos 2 dose. | ended up inking with [Nokogowe util two in the morning. And of eause, ‘he tos ver took advontege of my condition ond owmrhorged mike erry “to wash one’s feet” (w start over [after discarding a bad situation], to go straight) Mani less prestgiou jobs aon require working ‘outdoors ond sometimes even working brefoced. So Yo ‘woth one's fet figuratively means to give up olny job ‘orto rie up from 9 moral weong way ae (rane) Semple text: (She: wetenofoemal) chido foro0 polos i baitare, nokanaka nuke dose ‘mano de Yakuza no skate ona ce, ary shuidon mi Inokomar shite ehimau to ingen a Kanon we asl © ‘raenai mone dears MANIA of, want ntkit iinet bot. © CZOMREAES, SBMIICADAD LTLE 3 EAM AONCRRERALULOTHZ, ‘When © man becomes a menber of 2 gang, i very leat io break ovay fom @ As in he cose ofthe word ‘of yoluse [Japenese egonized cme, ones you're 3 port OF ot an cay thing Yo go straight. “One’s head is bowed” (o take off one’s hat to another, to ‘acknowledge the exceptional effort of others) Atama ga Sagaru WAS FAS When moved by another's extraordinary efor one's head, voluntary o iwaltoriy lowers in expel Such is the racion depcied by alamo go sogor Somple text: (Syoe spolenlcoralema! ‘A: Hontoan ano ho no denols 9 min a etame go 8 Dove ro both 'As Hore sumo toshokon de bankyoo shiiu wekat ho, Mondo-sen te yum janakato? A OMOBNRLEL, MRE MATE, & Bock? Ac 5, OO GIGMM CML CO SAA, HITE AoC BiACeRmoR? ‘As Watching thot guy work | realy hove 40 take off my 110 him! hot guy ‘4: You know that young guy who's ways studying in the Iver Wes’ his name Maeda? Awaseru : “a Kao ga Nai DESMA > “having no face to face someone” (to be ashamed, not knowing how to face someone) This idiom captures the deep concern Joponee how for rointining fce. Foc” ofcourse, means one's sive image, ones publi entity and correct behavior win the community The “hoving no feo” part of he texpression con be hlerpreted ot “not knowing who! tpresson to wear” or "nt knowing evan how To ompore one's exresion” when having to face someene ta time when one eels deeply cxhomed, Somple text: (She spoke/ormal) A: Sumimosen. Kenko no purjebute go una ikanokotta ro wo rebu wotoeh no fuchwi ni yoru mone des ‘Moitoky awaseru hoo ga erimcren. A TARA. HOTIY 27 WDE (UbtrohO LERLOMLECES LOCH, A RDESMIE! eA ‘sm soy. i wos det my caolessos thatthe projet dds go wel | have me idea how to Face you Enea ee “belly performance” (intuitive decision making, going on a gut feeling, negotiating without the use of direct words) ‘The origin ofthe word haragel i drome performed on the bly of« person ying down, or 2st performed with 1 foco pointed an anes ky From thi comes the Inearing of thesia rtegy Yo communicate to others without wards Today horage though oot 0 romverbainitve probamslvnglechnigue requiring ‘aperenc,sansty, and « ken knowledge of others Sample text: (Sie: spokeneassonele) ‘A: Kondo ne chi wo oomone da nee. Hite 0 goose solojiare ga ory yoo do 8B: Sco rshi: Norse haragel nokta hilo da Me you tweza ge ar hua da ore A: PROMINE KIEL, ALND TINS 29 t, Be L55L i ML AMER EAST bam ‘A: Our new governor sare! "Mover and Shaker” He Te have e knack for mebizing pple i 8: ThoY’s what | hea, too. People say Ws becoue his Intuitive negotiating technique is very sleeve “reading each other’s heart” (reading each other's heart or mind; ‘wordless, yet deep understanding between ‘two [close] people) ‘rds yt total communication between two people, ot i one hearin direct contoct with the other. Coupe who hae been married fr 50 years may hove shin densi CCo-worer, busines esscltes, ond frends re io capable of his ormoniovs relationship. Semple tex: (She: spokencowaVAfemale, B= mls) ‘A: Kaiyohush © aweshitekonokae no? 8B: lindo ya Soe nanimo kame bunsho ni shinalute ma ‘its foro wo, naga ada node icin deoshin do kare ne. A Rind Lotto? Be OUAE. E5MGMGRMELAC The BHOLB REG, KURO. aU cHaRbIN 8, Did’ you to sgn contract? WOK. We dont need fo put everything down in ‘word. He and | hove been fiends fora lng tine; we tod eoch other's mind. Se Kao ga Hiroi BAIR Y “wide-faced” (to be widely known, to have a large circle cof acquaintances, to have many contacts) Tobe etablhad in business o tobe respected in sciy, its imporont be koo go hr. The loo go ire person is ofen the community leader or te authority Figure the profeson. He or she es many contacts inthe community tnd is expected to perform o pteral er maternal le Semple text: (Style: spokelconva/A=ferale, B= mele) Sochiko-on mato omii nan dew Ho Tigi for tg! «fo yoko me bonashi go bir ne. (Oooson go kee ga hired kor irrenaYolore koro hanash go orun deshoo. ‘A Sadho has another ami, ight? B: She sure ges those mii requests one fer onothe, doce het ‘A: Everybody knows her father, so oni vequsis must come in from everywhere. “folie on arengeé meting wih «poll merage @ Katami ga Semai AD EVs “narrow shoulders” (@ footing of inferiority or inadequacy) When nthe presence of oer wn are superior in some ‘expec, one's fealings of inferiority may be inns The Piya monfeoion of hi felng oiling eto ‘nex. The Jopanese picture this rection os a droving ia fhe shoulder ‘Somple txt: (She spoker/cosvalinas) ‘A: Ano poo wa gokusa 1 chitin no asumari dene Wtesi ro yon’ galurei noma! mane ni wo choo atom ga sem yo. hs BOF at NORAD Th. LOEIIE MASE EOL ‘A: The peopl at hot porty were mos scholars ond inallecuas, A penn ike me, who does hove on ‘ucaloral bockground, feels kind of inedequte “low-waisted” (very polite, modest or humble) I's probably fit say that Japanese are preoccupied with ierorchies. tots indicated physical by ones poste in tlation to oer. To Bend Ii fo lower one's head, or te bow deep bow i 10 poston oneself vos {2 person of higher rent. Thus, ksh go hk @ omplent—especilly to one who, by virtue of wea or fame, hes otcined high status, Semple text: (Gre: spokericcnvelimal) ’A:Tanako shochoo,deigito re shockeo do kod chitomoibor kolo gone ne na. Koshi ga ikukute 2: Dakaro mine esther n dare na ARUOULIN Yok Guitar kateL ‘A: Presiden Tanako. You know, even though be’ the preiden! of «big compony, he never pus on oi He's obwoys modest. Tels vihy hei ited by ‘oeryone: “My ears hurt” (en acknowledgment that eomeone’s eriticism of oneself is correct: an Indication of a prick of conscience, as if saying “you found me out.”) Sone sy the, despite Jopa's economic might, ts people ‘ore petty Smplo. To soy “my ears hur” when words of Cicim ore hurled one's way drat and disarming. ‘2 way of toying "you got me Imp nth phroe i the recognition of wrongdoing Somple txt: (She: spokenconlimal) ‘A: luageshi, gosh fe inogar muda bonasi Baker thins lors signi go zenro ssumanoim dy. By, sone foe. Mimi ga ite no. Atty, ttLo otis EHR mRL ON Be wes, E00. IML, esi ny Lee ‘A: You tay yet busy, but you waste your ime chi hating, Ths why you cant get your wok done. 8: You're ight. You got me! “Good medicine tastes bitter in the mouth” (Good advice is often unpleasant and difficult to accept.) Tecches ha ove cane! expec fe heor only god new in le Sometimes though painful iis good medicine Yo taste the biter tah Imp in the statement ha he speaker “cores enough” to apeak wih unvwol candor. Semple text: (Sie: spakenconelimale) ‘A: sumo koches kava korakaky chu soeru no 90 tamaron yo 8: "Rycoyaku kuch’ ni nigashi” te yuu jon ko Ime we niga! to orate clode yolato fo kite ame yo. Mir EEERAONR BA UL ates beeun, Sikanetlo TbbETAboRER ENDL, | | ca stand bing constantly corrected in deta by the moneger 8: You brow, they say, “Good medicine tastes biter in the mouth" You may rk these dtalied corrections ‘ore unplecson now but ater on you realize her: benef “strong-hearted” (having nerve or gall, impervious to subtleties) Shinzo go tuyo deseibes a sci bold, cheeky person Usvoly considered © negotve tr, the pra also may rele 19 having the courage (x gal to behave agai! ‘aha is normaly expected, he an employee who. {uesions hs boss, oro student who challenges the ftocher Somple text: [She spaken/casualA female, B=mele) A: Sochitoson,dajabu lash, Minna 0 deityoo sie fuhei omit kedo. 8: Kenoo nara daeobs s. Shimzeo ge tseysi koro holier monty ire do Ae COME 8 thie LI, RABIN JOD LO. ALR ERRLORFERD awa | | wonder if Scho is OK. She wert fo reir 2 complaint on behol ofthe 1: Shel be fie, She hs ‘erocty whot they did wrong. nerve; shel thom “to look at someone with white eyes” (to look coldly upon, to cast an ‘unwelcoming glance) This expresion meons to tra someone wth dxdin bordering on contempt. Thon expecaly appropriate prose when the person is outide of ones group. Why ‘hire (whe) eyes! One thery is that eyes without pup would how o cole, ghostly look enclogus o 2 seamnol rebeke, Semple text: (She spker/cosvlemale) ‘As Kondo hitkeshie hte Iove-san re. An hit wo hento ro chun analute, aja nn date. Sore go shire Kore mowor no shufy wo mina shirol me de tmihojimeta yoo yo. & OMLTARIE SAR. AOAMILE ORE Doeiitad ‘Az Yu know the Inoue wh just moved int | heor Ms Inoue isnot he wit, but @ mises. Once th news ‘prood, houtowives inthe neighborhood begen Fa look et her coldly, “The skin on one’s face is thick” (uncommonly rude, having too much nerve, inconsiderate by nature) Tsura no Kawa ga oe Atsui MORAY Te ideal fein Japan fguetively ha thin aye oF skin so oso rexpond wth senstivy to others. I canta @ ‘hick sinned, un Japanese face eles on inability to bs (fo show shoms), to revel wnat, er show compat Somple text (Se spoker/cosselemoe) ‘A: Muroison ne jibun go wosurete non, zenzen hansei shin! no ya, Son kis hak no wesurele ho i morky 1B, Seay no wo tora ne hawe ge ate te you no yo. Fanos no ho nara sora hot sto deling fo omov A APESKKO, RACLEELEVO bore tree 8 MOR AGL ETE BH [As You tnow Ma. Mure, se hers forgot, but she woul hink of apologising! Inte, she ries trenbody ele who largo 8: Thats wh I cal being uncommonly rude. A normal person could peer do sch 0 thing! Ude o Migaku — EAR “to polish one’s arms” (to work at mastering one's craft, to improve and cultivate one’s skill) \Ude © migaly it most often ved in advice tothe yours, ‘warning them condontly to nprove er els fo Jopon, Ascpine ond waning are conidered essen success in ony ld, Semple text: {Sie spokeeormalinale) A: Wolo! uci ni thoobenme ude © migaiteolaraito hoor lomarinats yo. 2+ Isshookenme yore n des kede, rokonoko omou yoo dekinoke Ae Bi) CARR aoe T ete LAPIN + 2 Meo CALOTIE, tebtemBS LICR [As You'll bein rouble later on if you dont work ot mosterng your eral wile you are young. 1 Fm doing my bes, but | dont scem tobe able to chine hal Pwo cs Ushirogami 0 Hikareru Omoi BABENPN SRW “a feeling as if one’s hair is being pulled back” (a feeling of much reluctance, a feeling of leaving one’s heart behind) 1 deep festing of uit for dcarding one aption in en favor of another. Jopanae foal Faguring hg of lyaly toward the dzcarded opin. The ig, however, it nt ot the heort sings but of the hoi atthe bock af he head. Somple text: [Shes writenfformal) Ima kara sannen moe, tos fubo 0 nolosieTeokyoo i dete bo. Sono tk no wihrogaml e hikarery oma! SmI, PEEL CRLCHOTEM TA te & OIORAREENSBOUsTo ENO aL. The yoors ag, Ila my aged parents and moved to Talya il cont Norge! that song Fealing of reluctance | fat thn, ag Ushiroyubi ° @ Sasareru Yoo RATE SENSES “like having a finger pointed at one’s back” (being the object of social contempt, soorn, and criticism) Secialcontrl through shame shighly developed in Jopan. Japanese or keenly snsive to being the abject of com ‘or even. Tis expression conveys the feing that ‘everyone it pointing an occictry finger of one's boc for ‘one's shameful conduc Somple text: (Sle wpoleniconsaA—ferala, B=male) ‘As Homad-son ne isha nut te ktan yoo shila doe. Wotash mo yotemiyen ka no 8: Iho, hon ushroyub osesareru yoona foto wo shinai hoo 9. Kite fo de kook suru kre RSMESSNSEIEL EBL EVI MO Ub, So ERE CHT 8, ‘A: Yow inow Ms. Homada. She ed fo he company rd vent off ono vaca. I'm thinking about ding 2ometting the hot mye. You mal shouldn't do something you'l be socaly cetczed for You'll regret ater Fm sre Section Four From One to Ten and More Chiri mo Tsumoreba 68. HY SMENITMLSS Yama to Naru “piled-up specks of dust become a mountain” (Little things add up; “Mountains are made from grains of sand.” Small efforts, when accumulated, bring great success.) “This expression teches the moral ha, tle by lle ond bit by bit one's persion effort wil lod 1 achievement ren the srl of efor, however rial hey may seem he tne, wl conte toword one's ulate wecem Semple text: (Shyle:spoen/convo/A~ mle, B=femole) ‘As Okane senna sikh’ zu no chokin jo, nokonok fomoreno! re 1. Domo “chr me tsumereba yama fe aru” te uu desho A BEEAEDLTOOHSLS. . 8 Th, FsuemMenuMees! THIS nbnpit ot |A: What good it going to do me 1 pt ede soils sevingr each tne? Bi Bet remember fhe saying, “Mountains are mode fom grains of sand.” I “‘& Happoo Bijin DFR 67>, “a beauty in eight a directions” (one who tries to please everyone, one who ‘seeks popularity at the expense of integrity) Hoppe means eight rection. Bin Healy neans 9 best woman. A perm who wots fo lok frie in plone srerjons us erecting ale ohhepe Sompl tox (Sipe spokendcosal (lnm ‘As Akio yt, lycoryoku shite arene. Satho wo iyo ‘do eho n.d kad 8: lye, atu wo happee Bilin do kara, A WROD, WALTERS oT, MMOL Be NEAR. bTCEH BE Akio says he help us He said he did't want 0 ot “to hoist one’s own flag” (to succeed in business, particularly one’s own enterprise) In feudal ines, conquering warriors would rie the fag he lord on the Bota we, Reising te login Japon todey til bole: victor, pariculry in reference 0 independent errepreneut who suceed in busines er String from serach. Semple text: (She: spoken/owoVA=femcle, B= mele) [As Kewohomison ne mutvhoan, kendo fay © hams dose Me 3: Hoa, zoe lien deree a. Kone lao, hitohate ‘egere no mo muzvkashy nar ippoo dere koran A MEBAOLFEA, SRMRELEDELTH 9. BW, Shek) t, COREG, DERBI BOLUTHLA 2S HEAD HOD. [As Did you know thet Ml: Kawai's sn it launching @ ew busines? 8 Te thor righ fs going to be an uphill cmb, To succeed in your own enterprise in toS0ys busines imate is geting harder ond horde. Lo ity Great bios man DED MREMS sumo” (to try hand at something without the : ‘support of others) ‘Cbviouly i thes two weer to poricpate ino sumo match. However enthusiastic one may wrestle wih Cnerl the econ taf willbe incomplete, Therein oe the ‘on-ones-owm (one fongent| meaning of her! zumee. Somple text: (She: spokeneowvana) ‘Rei noon, ink de eon shite doroot 5: yo, sore gone eon sha koto wa sho kde hitler umee e ffte kon de dare mo sit shite krenakato nd. A: WOR, RUGTHR LIAS I Be, Stith, WELLS ERED LOE URE WORE THORRLTCHeho Rat 2: You propote that plan athe comitee meting, did't yout 8: Yeoh, Idd. | proposed it butt wos lke wresting @ snemen sma: No one upported “sitting on a stone for three years” (perseverence wins in the end; endurance 4s virtue.) Jepenese consider vue to ut he competion The common procice of making on ivetnent, een of © lens wth a bef that oration wil come i he fang nm comes rom this simple, down-to-earth pier. Sting ‘on rock for thro yers requires urogeous toni, but ihe longer you sh the more secure you ee Your pesion. And more to the pein, you become the master of the sation because you Row stuck wih In fc the eld "sons mey even seem warm end comfortable citer three long yeas Somple text: (Srl: spken/cosvoA~forale, 8=mela) ‘As Konno chisaa mize ja nakancka olyaluson tisooni roi, yoppar dame kos. 8 Seana kao nal ye, Meo chat jkan ga Riuyoona wa yo. "lahi no ve i mo sennen’ fe yuu oro. Ac ChUNSRE Ce POEIBEE ARTI EOL, PoE) BEL, B EAGCERVE. Obs > ERMAORE AL TBO OTH IEA, ‘A: Cantomer just ret coming to this smal a shop It ‘may nat work afte al 1 Nonsense, Give it fima You know what hey so: "Perseverence wins in he end.” “ten people, ten colors” (aitterent strokes for different folks; everyone has his or her own tasta; to each his own”) Eventhough here is large manure of ruth othe idespecd belt hot Japanese conform tothe arom. his sftenhoord phrase ales o their avorenets ofthe ‘ferences in india ote, Somple text: (Sipe spoken/cawcVA=feral, B=rela) ‘A: Kondo no pati no ry00r wo non anord oP Cy rakanako maronokute ne. De, ket ro lerimazete Yanan lato shit» do ys A Flea 9 OR MIAME LO ATOR B WN COL A> CET ATERNS, ame: BECCR, THOSE NRECROUC ER ‘Wet kind of food did you order for the pany? Since everybody has his or her own tote ve hod o hard tie deciding, but we nally come up tho ‘manu that ler ot of very. Nimaijita o Tsukau @ “to use two tongues” BCE EEF. (to speak tom both sides ofthe moutn, io speak with a forked tongue) ‘This expression refs oth price of “speaking out of both sides ofthe mouth—shading the meaning oF one's werd te oppeat lo @ patusr person or group, whe purpose giving cifeert impression to ohers. In Jopan, ts eewher, ths proce (hough common) is considered ‘plictos and hypocrie, Somple txt (Se spolenicoudlA=male female) ‘A: Iya, cigaw na. Kano aide no kg de wa sonra oto wa tenckota no. 8: Soo shire. Kyeo ro shonashio sono moma tutaelo dake do ted ‘A: Soin, Merson nimaiita © takow yon! cate it ne ‘anash ge dondon kawarun do taro Yomanri yo. A Od, YD Ed. COMORMTEEAZE Hock onte, & F5bL5, FOR As MiG, EAA EO E91 WRDELEHOREAROE, |A: No, tha’snet it He ii ay thot in the meeting the char doy 8: Realy I'm jut reporting to you what he sid fo me tod. A: Meri hoe recently gon into this habit of speaking from both sides ofthe mouth. His sory changes fom ‘minute to mile; Icon stond Gf Ni no Ashi o Fumu COREG Ks) “to step twice in the same spot” (to hesitate, to have second thoughts before taking an action) To step twice in the same place is pot to advance forward Thus the mooring of estaton before cntining on presumed or planned course of ection ‘Sample text: (She: writenfformal) Sonugo puro whijoa ro Hayeshshime, sono yome no rminam shman o mt nl no exh Funda. Toler rom no sukiyan de wo wiberesoom nol kyuukoaka go, hark fenci no lon made tuzueru no dear OWE, LOUDMBATE e¥ors—y—CRTHED 4 Doe RORE CRO TOSOTD 2OSR TA ven Hoye «professional skier hestoted when he foced the sue slope of he mount. The nosedving slope continued al the woy down int the vey. The ‘overage shor wouldn't een think about tying i “Where three women 4, gather, there is a noisy ~ clamor.” (Women tend to talk a lot) ‘he Chine characte for kasimahi (“clamor mode up of tree smal characters for “woman” In Jopan {ts understood thot when two women get together they tend to tak ol. When thes get logether becomes really no. Semple text (Se spokenicosvlinate) ‘As Tanai o hye, thera sowogothio do, 8: Sony soo doo. "Onea saan yorebe Ieahimashi” He yi noni, goninotomate haber indo boro Sich rocket they're making next door! What do you expat Wis He that when three ther there i @ noisy clamor, now You sounds ke whan tv of hem get Sannin Yoreba Monju no Chie SABLE IRO MU 78. “Three people together have the wisdom of a Buddha” (two hoads are better than one) Moja he Sit of Windom in the Budi oth, Similar to "hwo heodt ore batter hon one,” the Joponase prover ‘iggests hat even average people, when working in ‘govn can come up wih © roe ide, Semple text: (Sie spokeiconaVA=ferale, =e) Koigthewu de nonika hizo honoshery lado, ron! shew aot ond no puojekuo ro gen'ano netery resi yo. Dojeaty kos. Damo, mao “sannin yorsba Mens There whispering amang haneles in the mesting rooms wht ere they up 1 They seem fo be brainstorming ono new poi 1 you rol tink they can dot Oh wall thoy 2, ‘fre heads are better than ona” 7. “packed like sushi” (very crowded, jam-packed) pieces ore packed fight Somple text (Ste: spoker/asslinal) [As Atorashi shigot, tonothi kad, uvkin go tien do ne. Noosa sushizume no densha de cian no 8: Tohen done meh, HOT LE AAs My new job sa lot of fa, but comming eerie Erery morning | spend an hout in 3 fampacked sin! 8B: Thats awful Section Five From Place to Place Ana ga Attara Hairitai ABHoRDAD IEW “If there were a hole, I’d want to crawl into it” (I'm 60 ashamed”; embarrassiment.”) “Toould’ve died of Sometimes your enborroument i 0 acute you wont 12 ‘Bzoppear completely From the scone. Uniortmeta ‘mos cases you're stuck wth braving ut Yet were there hole you crow nt it Somple ext: (Sie: veitenoral) Patino seo de lyn altro noma, then ema koto go aru Ki ge dooten shi tome ka, josh no name © machigoete esha, howto ana ‘tare hart! kino dot, Yor cio @lanomy rare maemete onego she morserebe argat’ mone | wos once in big rouble when osked without warning to (gine speech ato party | must have Been upset used the wrong name reference tomy bots. wanted Yo «rv! ino 9 hole! i preferable fo oxk betorshond you won! someone fo give a speech, Ishibashi 0 fees eiace Tataite Wataru eS before crossing it” Ati % te 723 CHES (to proceed with caution, to test the waters ‘before jumping in) Even a bridge made of stone (hich onthe face of itis sturdier thn a wooden bridge) needs fo be tested before ‘rosing. The English near equivalent is “look before you loop Senaple text (Sie: spakenlcomaVA~ fale, B-mate) [As Weta, doo hte mo kabulen fe ko Ki naronoi na 1, Sore mo doroa "ehiborio atte ator” He yn abe mo eu dah. Chin famed nat Fedo yo ste hoo ga anzen roe na cH AEESeHo. Fehe rewrites co) Gee BVMLBOIE, MELE ‘As simply dort fel te buying sto 8: Thor's OX. Thoy soy “Tape stone bridge before crossing i." Keeping your money in sang accounts ror accumulate much, but lwoye sae tobe fe 2 BOY) SA (80. “One who journeys to the capital” (country bumpkin, hick, hayseed, ‘someone from the sticks) Son inthis vase is the cigatory honorific thatransates ‘imply "Mie" or "Me" Nobor refers to heading toward the copia af Jopan. With he edtion f the honoréc ris othe phrose becomes a stil reference tothe Stereotype lock of sphiscaion of someone who hor come from he “sick” Semple text (Sj spokeniconalerle) ‘As Kondo nyusth si to Hor:san no, choo 20 senso kor joaky sie tam oe 8: Ao, sore de na none, Ikonimo enaber-tan He kakkoo thier awe Ae FBOUELCA enerOn. 3 Lao, ME Ata, MOTOS LO BRON EA oToe ‘A: Yeu know the new employes, Ms. Horo? | her she came to Toke fom small mourn vlage the county. 8B: Oh, thot expe She certinly dresses te country bumpkin. ! “Where one lives is the capital city” (Wherever one lives, one comes to lve st.) yaks “the capil caris the contain the bs place the centr of everyhing, the place tobe The short expresion i snr in santiment “there's no ploce like home” Semple text (Sper writenforat) Wetashi wo sata, Kyoushve wo omer sub dows ‘orimozendeshio.Shiosh sumeba mike fo ares oon, na we koko Karume go wetas no don ne Firvste no yoona ki go sitemosu [Av ir | di ke Kyat. But os the eying goes, "Wherever one lives, one comes fo love i." Nowadays eel os Kurume is my second hometown Watari ni Fune BO “a boat to cross on” (timely assistance, something that saves ‘the day) Poetical, “when you need fo cos the Five, ely yoo Fido bac Yo tke you.” The prove mean o “uck out” ‘Sample text: (Sy ‘A: Kodomo no meno o mite urery hi osogoshieta dd kedo,nakoraka i hte gaint ne. Sst kyusnfonar ni choodo # to go tite hi m0 yo. Deathyoo ko fo kometate nda eco, watat nl Fane to wo foo hota ne. spakerleowsafemale) REDE, RUEREREDS Lb, ‘A: | wa arching everywhere fr somaone who could look ater my ehig, but couldn fed anyone. Then ll fe sudden the perfect person moved in next door! | ‘wor geting desperate, but she seved the day! Section Six More Cultural eo “before the morning meal” (a plooe of cake, an easy task) ‘Mesh erly meons cooked ce. The morin’s cooked ‘ie [orekfo heft source of energy for he doy. A fosk thot con be completed even belore ors rst mea Seathing ruling elmo! no effort Somple tex (Style: spokerosvlforat) ‘A: Rordo no kooresu no reeshuv ne, yoo de deroranoku ‘nat no. Kjohareson pian no boric hive Trers kesh Dajoabu decha Kite hilukte hurr njono® Koons ‘no bortca ante kara oe we, honno esamesht ‘moe dosh ne Ae HO2 9 ADM, NIMC he 6 toto. HM EALT 7 OMI RBH CREHLE, B ALKTLE, SEIREUT HEAL OBO? B-> AWM -CHbiclS Eo CIR, EA ORAL b. [As Somathing's come up, and | cart make the ne! chorus prose I was wondering ifs. Kiyhera would be Walling to ake ver the pono accompaniment 2B: mare shel bette for you, al ight. For he slaying the accompaniment forthe chose pee oFeake. Baka wa it Cag “Only death can cure a WNaoranai fool” PIRES OSE (Once a fool, always a fool.) ‘A darogotory term uted in rference to romans who “to shoulder one’s end of the pole” (to take part in, to hold up one's end of, the operation, to have a hand in) In feudal ines, polonquin ond coffin carers work in pats. Theresponabiy for iting and Wansparing wos ‘avaly divided. To shoulder one's end ofthe ple means to hod vp ones nd of he operation, fling full responstily fr beng an equal porn. Somple text: (Se spoken/A-conel mole, formal male) ‘A: yao, ao jen wo nto no Yorodo-san go kataboo 2 katavide rash yo 8 Yeppar soo nan desu ko, Mo, Kaworson hori de, como doverato ko 0 kak sur hazu wa pl ‘omotemoshe go ne. A: Oh, BONA AMEROUNS 420 EOL B LaLV ES BATH. $b, MRLADEDC, & AGK2NLE EMMIS SRP UROE Bo THLE |A; Well i appears hot Mx: Yona rom the personne! —A-cM a (ie DEL OL LCI ELOMMAIE BEOTLE AROR EB CET THIET Me ewomura ha for 35 yoor dedicated hinsl to selon, oredr wu are ol ory fo oar al he tefring Las year our shoe ranked ret nthe prelctra ‘muse conte ht wor oll poebla only Bacau of hi IGoderhin He certainly has ended is creer witha flourish. Index of Idioms by Key Images if eke. a = Else sehie 2 Index of Idioms Listed Alphabetically (vues someepond to tom numbers) Beans Ee soe” gil a Rie ym Hen Mees e ecb Kano 7 Rese nec 2 Reais! Ha —r- mare Chit we Taomb Yom kine ek me 28 Serene rah Rach Riga 5° Tightens fer Trotaio Sena em, hen) 8 ito Kor i ip i

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