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20472927, 2020, 5, Downloaded from by Cochrane Saudi Arabia, Wiley Online Library on [07/11/2022].

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Received: 12 January 2020    Revised: 7 March 2020    Accepted: 7 April 2020

DOI: 10.1111/andr.12796


Phospholipase C zeta profiles are indicative of optimal sperm

parameters and fertilisation success in patients undergoing
fertility treatment

Junaid Kashir1,2,3  | Bhavesh V. Mistry3 | Lujain BuSaleh1,3 | Reema Abu-Dawas1,3 |

Michail Nomikos4 | Ahmed Ajlan5 | Raed Abu-Dawud3 | Nadya AlYacoub3 |
Saad AlHassan5 | F. Anthony Lai4,6 | Abdullah M. Assiri1,3,6,7 | Serdar Coskun5

College of Medicine, Alfaisal University,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract
School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Background: Oocyte activation is driven by intracellular calcium (Ca2+) oscillations
Cardiff, UK
induced by sperm-specific PLCζ, abrogation of which causes oocyte activation defi-
Department of Comparative Medicine,
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research
ciency in humans. Clinical PLCζ investigations have been limited to severe male infer-
Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia tility conditions, while PLCζ levels and localisation patterns have yet to be associated
College of Medicine, QU Health, Qatar with general sperm viability.
University, Doha, Qatar
5 Materials and Methods: PLCζ profiles were examined within a general population of
Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and males attending a fertility clinic (65 patients; aged 29-53), examining PLCζ throughout
Research Centre, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi
various fractions of sperm viability. Male recruitment criteria required a minimum sperm
Biomedical Research Centre, Qatar count of 5 × 106 spermatozoa/mL, while all female patients included in this study yielded at
University, Doha, Qatar least five oocytes for treatment. Sperm count, motility and semen volume were recorded
Institute for Research and Medical
according to standard WHO reference guidelines and correlated with PLCζ profiles ex-
Consultations, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal
University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia amined via immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. Appropriate fertility treatments
were performed following routine clinical standard operating protocols, and fertilisation
Junaid Kashir, College of Medicine, Alfaisal success determined by successful observation of second polar body extrusion.
University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Results and Discussion: Four distinct PLCζ patterns were observed at the equatorial,
acrosomal + equatorial regions of the sperm head, alongside a dispersed pattern, and
Funding information
a population of spermatozoa without any PLCζ. Acrosomal + equatorial PLCζ corre-
JK was supported by a Healthcare Research
Fellowship Award (HF-14-16) made by lated most to sperm health, while dispersed PLCζ correlated to decreased sperm vi-
Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW).
ability. Total levels of PLCζ exhibited significant correlations with sperm parameters.
This study was also supported by a National
Science, Technology and Innovation plan PLCζ variance corresponded to reduced sperm health, potentially underlying cases
(NSTIP) project grant (15-MED4186-20)
of male sub-fertility and increasing male age. Finally, significantly higher levels of
awarded by the King Abdulaziz City for
Science and Technology (KACST) to JK, PLCζ were exhibited by cases of fertilisation success, alongside higher proportions of
AMA and FAL.
Ac + Eq, and lower levels of dispersed PLCζ.
Conclusions: PLCζ potentially represents a biomarker of sperm health, and fertilisa-
tion capacity in general cases of patients seeking fertility treatment, and not just
cases of repeated fertilisation. Further focused investigations are required with
larger cohorts to examine the full clinical potential of PLCζ.

© 2020 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology

Andrology. 2020;8:1143–1159.  |     1143

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1144       KASHIR et al.


fertilisation, male infertility, oocyte activation, phospholipase C zeta (PLCzeta), spermatozoa

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N great length 13,14,19,23,30,31

[for a detailed review, see Kashir et al1],
a methodical analysis of such potential in relation to general sperm
Infertility affects ~ 15% of couples, while male infertility affects ~ 7% parameters has yet to be performed. Herein, we perform the first
of men, worldwide.1 Although genetic causes of male infertility can systematic analysis of PLCζ profiles in human spermatozoa from a
be attributed to ~ 30% of cases, ~50% of male factor infertility cases general population of males undergoing fertility treatment to exam-
remain unexplained, 2–4 which is the major causative factor underly- ine whether PLCζ could be used as a diagnostic measure of male
ing infertility.1 Although some concerns have been partially allevi- fertility, systematically characterising PLCζ levels and localisation
ated through the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART), it patterns in spermatozoa in relation to routine parameters of sperm
seems increasingly clear that fertility outcome may be determined health such as sperm count and progressive motility, and semen
by the efficacy of early events during fertilisation.5 volume.
At mammalian fertilisation, oocytes undergo a series of events
collectively termed oocyte activation, driven by distinct pat-
terns of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) oscillations, initiated by a tes- 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
tis-specific phospholipase C termed phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ).6
Immunodepletion of PLCζ from sperm extracts diminished Ca2+- 2.1 | Patient recruitment
release within oocytes,6 while the presence of PLCζ was confirmed
in sperm extract fractions capable of inducing Ca2+ oscillations.7,8 Male patients undergoing consecutive treatment cycles of assisted
Recombinant PLCζ cRNA and protein injection into mouse oocytes reproductive technology (ART) therapy at the fertility clinic in the
initiated Ca2+ oscillations and embryogenesis to the blastocyst King Faisal Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC). The study was
stage.6,9 RNA interference (RNAi) experiments yielded mice with approved by the local research ethics committee and the office of
disrupted testicular PLCζ expression, with spermatozoa inducing research affairs at the KFSHRC (RAC# 2 170 015), and written in-
abnormal Ca2+ oscillations, and a reduced litter size.10 Finally, sper- formed consent was obtained from all patients before starting treat-
matozoa from knock-out mouse models of PLCζ were unable to elicit ment and collecting samples for experimentation. Male recruitment
Ca2+ oscillations following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI; criteria required a minimum sperm count of 5  ×  106 spermatozoa/
whereby a single spermatozoon is microinjected directly into the oo- ml, while all female patients included in this study yielded at least
cyte), while in vitro and in vivo fertilisation experiments exhibited five oocytes for treatment. As we aimed to examine spermatozoa
abnormally high levels of polyspermy, and a severely reduced profile from a range of patients to investigate presence of any correlations
of Ca2+ release and litter size.11,12 between PLCζ and general sperm parameters, our only inclusion cri-
Infertile human spermatozoa unable to activate human and teria was a total sperm count ≥ 5 × 106 spermatozoa/ml.
mouse oocytes, even following ICSI (oocyte activation deficiency; A total of 65 patients, aged 29-53  years, were recruited for this
OAD), are unable to elicit Ca2+ oscillations, resulting in a reduced study. Semen samples were produced by masturbation on the same
capacity of oscillations, if at all present.13 Mutations identified in day of oocyte aspiration. Semen was allowed to liquefy at 37°C for
the PLCζ gene of such patients resulted in predicted modifications 15  min prior to analysis. Raw semen was used to record the sperm
of the enzyme fold, abrogating PLCζ activity and/or levels within counts (concentration;  × 106/mL), progressive motility (%), and semen
the spermatozoa. Indeed, reduced/absent levels of PLCζ are a volume (mL) according to standard WHO reference guidelines,32 which
hallmark of OAD spermatozoa,1,13,14,18,22 with PLCζ deficiencies as- were then used for correlative analysis with PLCζ. Morphology (% nor-
sociated with multiple male-specific conditions including abnormal mal morphology) was also assessed as per standard protocols. Optimal
sperm morphology,1,14,18,23–26 sperm DNA fragmentation and oxida- parameters for sperm motility, sperm count and semen volume were
tion 27,28 and abnormal pregnancies. 29 Thus, immunological analysis recorded as per WHO reference ranges. Patient recruitment, sample
of PLCζ in human spermatozoa could be a powerful diagnostic ap- processing, ovarian stimulation and fertility treatment all were per-
13,14,19,23,30,31 1
proach [for a detailed review, see Kashir et al ]. formed in the clinic at the KFSHRC following routine standard operat-
However, the scope of studies thus far has been limited to ex- ing protocols. The fertility clinic laboratory at the KFSHRC is accredited
amining only severe cases of complete fertilisation failure, and not by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and participates in the
whether analysis could be expanded to include more subtle alter- CAP proficiency testing programme for external quality assurance
ations of PLCζ in the general male population seeking fertility treat- (EQA). The sperm analysis system employed is internally quality con-
ment. Thus, while PLCζ exhibits great promise as a clinical prognostic trolled on a daily bases using Accubeads and a video-recorded semen
factor and has been suggested to be a causative factor in cases of clip. Excess spermatozoon following treatment was then processed
complete fertilisation failure as has been previously investigated at in research laboratories. Fertilisation success was determined by

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KASHIR et al.       1145

successful observation of second polar body extrusion and fertilisation cross-reactivity in bacterial lysates not overexpressing PLCζ. Protein
success rates determined by the proportion of oocytes successfully samples were separated through SDS-PAGE using 10% gels and trans-
fertilised out of the total number of oocytes used for each case. ferred onto polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes (Amersham
Hybond, GE Healthcare Life Sciences USA), using the wet-transfer
method at 100V for 1 hour. Transfer and protein separation efficacy
2.2 | Semen and sperm processing were determined by staining membranes with 0.1% (w/v) Ponceau
stain (in 5% (v/v) acetic acid). Membranes were incubated overnight
Semen was subject to density gradient washing (DGW) by overlay- at 4°C with primary antibodies diluted appropriately, followed by
ing raw semen (raw) on top of 90% density gradient medium (Isolate incubation with secondary antibodies conjugated with horseradish
Sperm Separation Medium, Irvine Scientific) at a 1:1 ratio and centri- peroxidase (HRP) for 1 hour at RT diluted at 1:1000 (anti-rabbit) or
fuged at 300 g for 20 min at room temperature (RT). The supernatant 1:5000 (anti-mouse). HRP detection was achieved using the ECL se-
was collected, and the sperm pellet was then subject to ×3 washes lect kit, following the manufacturers recommended protocol (GE Life
using 1× phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)+protease inhibitors (PI) Sciences). Chemiluminescence was detected using the ImageQuant
(Roche, Germany), by centrifugation at 500 g for 10 min. Following LAS 4000 (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) image system.
washing, the sperm pellet was resuspended in an appropriate amount
of PBS  +  PI. Sperm concentration was determined microscopically
using a Neubauer improved counting chamber (Hausser Scientific, 2.4 | Immunofluorescence microscopy
USA), and single-use aliquots of 5 × 10 spermatozoa/aliquot were
made for immunoblotting using 5× sample loading (Laemmli) buffer Immunofluorescence was performed as previously described.18,31
(10% (w/v) SDS; 10mM beta-mercaptoethanol; 20% (v/v) glycerol; Briefly, fixed spermatozoa were added to hydrophobic moulds
0.2M Tris-HCL, PH 6.8; 0.05% (w/v) bromophenol blue). Each ali- drawn previously using a PAP pen (Vector Laboratories) onto slides
quot was briefly vortexed, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored pre-coated with 0.01% (w/v) poly-l-lysine solution (Sigma-Aldrich).
at − 80°C until required.31 Spermatozoa were permeabilised with PBS-1% Triton X-100 (v/v) for
To prepare spermatozoa for immunofluorescence microscopy, 1  hour at RT, and blocking was performed using PBS-10% bovine
the sperm suspension was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde at RT for serum albumin (BSA; Sigma-Aldrich). Cells were incubated with pri-
15 min. Following fixation, spermatozoa were centrifuged at 500 g mary antibodies at appropriate dilutions with PBS-5% BSA overnight
for 10  min, and the pellet was washed thrice using PBS  +  PI and at 4°C, after which cells were incubated with AlexaFluor 488-conju-
resuspended in an appropriate volume of PBS  +  PI. Samples were gated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:100; Life Technologies),
stored at 4°C until required (not more than a week). To examine PLCζ diluted in PBS-5% BSA 1hour at RT. Finally, cells were mounted with
in various sperm fractions, spermatozoa from the various stages of VECTASHIELD Mounting Medium containing 4′-6-diamidino-2-phe-
the DGW was processed for immunoblotting and immunofluores- nylindole (DAPI) (Vector Laboratories) and slides stored at 4°C in the
cence as described above. The fractions used were obtained from dark until imaging (not more than 3 days).
the raw ejaculate, the layer above the 90% gradient following DGW, Immunofluorescence experiments were performed with anti-
and the pellet after the DGW to give the raw, DGW-rejected and gen unmasking/retrieval (AUM) using Acidic Tyrode's solution (AT)
DGW-selected fractions, respectively. Before fixation, each fraction (pH = 2.5-3.0; Sigma, UK) as previously described 31 and incorporated
of spermatozoa was washed ×3 using PBS + PI. For each fraction, sin- in the immunofluorescence protocol between the permeabilisation
gle-use aliquots of 5 × 105 spermatozoa/aliquot were also prepared. and blocking steps. AT solution was added to hydrophobic moulds
Unless explicitly stated, the DGW-selected fraction of sperma- and incubated for 5 seconds at RT, followed by ×3 washes with PBS.
tozoa was utilised from all patients to perform our analyses using im- Images were captured at ×40 and 100× magnifications (with oil
munoblotting and immunofluorescence, for correlations with sperm immersion, type FF, Electron Microscopy Sciences, Cat. No. 16916-
parameters and fertilisation outcome. 04), using an OLYMPUS BX53 fluorescence microscope (Olympus).
An OLYMPUS DP73 camera (Olympus) was used to capture images
using OLYMPUS cellSens Entry software (Olympus). Brightfield im-
2.3 | SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting ages were captured alongside the corresponding fluorescence im-
ages obtained using a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) filer. Care
Immunoblotting was performed as previously described . Briefly, was taken to ensure images were captured at the same exposure
single-use sperm aliquots were thawed and heated at 101°C for 5 min, time for all patients and samples.
followed by immediate vortexing, cooling on ice and brief centrifu-
gation. Recombinant NusA-tagged PLCζ bacterial cell lysates were
prepared, and recombinant NusA-tagged PLCζ purified, as exten- 2.5 | Antibodies and validation
sively previously described.33–36 This method of protein production
has been extensively characterised, and we have consistently previ- Two distinct antibodies were used against PLCζ. The first was a poly-
ously demonstrated that our antibodies do not exhibit non-specific clonal antibody (EF pAb) raised in rabbits against a 16-mer peptide

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1146       KASHIR et al.

sequence (8SKIQDDFRGGKINLEK 23) of human PLCζ protein. This deviations (SD) in the variables examined for each patient. To evalu-
antibody has previously been extensively characterised and pub- ate differences between two variables, the t test was employed
lished in the literature against mouse and human sperm and recom- using Welch's correction for unequal standard deviations. Statistical
binant PLCζ.31,33–36 A further monoclonal antibody against PLCζ (I33 comparisons between multiple variables were performed (including
mAb) was generated for this study raised by injecting a recombinant multiple comparisons tests) using either the one-way or two-way
PLCζ protein fragment corresponding to position 155-465 of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) as appropriate. One-way ANOVA anal-
human PLCζ amino acid sequence (UniProt ID: Q86YW0) into rab- ysis was also followed by Tukey post hoc analysis, while two-way
bits, followed by cell fusion into rabbit hybridoma cells and affinity ANOVA analysis was followed by the two-stage step-up method of
purification (GenScript). A monoclonal antibody against alpha (α)- Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli37 to control the false discovery rate
tubulin raised in mouse was used as a loading control (Thermo Fisher following multiple comparisons.
Scientific, Cat:62 204) for immunoblotting. Data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM),
Antibody specificity was determined through blocking experi- while data represented as proportions (%) were ARCSIN transformed
ments by incubating antibodies for 1 hour at RT with a molar excess prior to statistical analysis to avoid truncation of data. Pearson cor-
of affinity-purified recombinant NusA-PLCζ protein before addition relation coefficients were calculated for all variables where correla-
to membranes for immunoblotting. Recombinant NusA-PLCζ pro- tions were examined. All such analyses were performed on relative
tein generation and purification were performed as extensively pre- fluorescence values obtained with and without antigen unmasking. A
viously detailed.33–36 Blocking experiments were performed using P-value ≤ .05 was considered to be statistically significant. The level
immunoblotting on human sperm extracts alongside recombinant of significance was adjusted for the analysis underlying localisation
NusA-PLCζ bacterial lysates. For immunoblotting experiments, an- pattern correlations, where the post hoc corrected significance value
tibodies were appropriately diluted by factors of 1:1000 (EF pAb), was adjusted according to the number of distinct localisation pat-
1:500 (I33 mAb) or 1:10 000 (α-tubulin). Appropriate controls were terns observed (0.05/n, where n is the number of distinct patterns
also performed by incubation of secondary antibody only in the ab- observed). Thus for localisation pattern analyses to be considered
sence of primary antibodies for both EF and I33 antibodies in both significant, a P-value ≤ 0.0125 was considered statistically significant.
immunofluorescence and immunoblotting protocols.

3 | R E S U LT S
2.6 | Sperm PLCζ analysis
3.1 | PLCζ in human spermatozoa
Sperm PLCζ fluorescence quantification was performed on images
obtained at 40× magnification as previously described.18,31 Only Antibody validation experiments revealed that both the EF and I33
spermatozoa in the same plane of view were analysed for each antibodies recognised specific bands corresponding to recombinant
image, while spermatozoa obscured by overlying debris or by tails/ NusA-tagged human PLCζ in bacterial lysates which have been ex-
heads of other spermatozoa were excluded. Analysis was limited to tensively characterised in previous studies (Figure  1A), alongside
the sperm head only, consisting of quantification of total PLCζ im- PLCζ from human spermatozoa (Figure 1B) at the expected molecular
munofluorescence and the proportion of PLCζ localisation patterns weights (~133kDa and ~ 70kDa, respectively). Lower bands were ob-
observed on each patient. Such analyses were performed with the served in bacterial NusA lysates (~100kDa and ~ 70kDa), representing
ImageJ software package (National Institutes of Health) using the degraded protein fragments of NusA-human PLCζ as previously de-
regions of interest tool. Hundred cells per patient were analysed, scribed.34 These bands were depleted following blocking of antibodies
and total fluorescence for each cell was subtracted with background using purified recombinant PLCζ protein before exposure of antibod-
fluorescence (relative fluorescence). PLCζ immunoblotting quanti- ies to membranes. Collectively, these results indicate our antibodies
fication was achieved through relative density quantification using specifically recognise a single band corresponding to the expected
the ImageJ software package. Pixel density of PLCζ bands iden- molecular weight of PLCζ within human spermatozoa (~70 kDa).
tified by both EF and I33 antibodies were normalised with the pixel Immunofluorescence using both antibodies identified previously
density of bands identified by the α-tubulin antibody to give the rela- characterised succinct populations at the equatorial only (Eq) and
tive density for PLCζ for each patient. acrosomal  +  equatorial (Ac  +  Eq) segments of the sperm head, re-
ported by multiple previous studies. However, we also observed a
novel ‘dispersed’ pattern of localisation, not contained to a specific
2.7 | Statistical analyses location, but rather as punctate loci throughout the sperm head
(Figure  2). Our observed patterns were not identical throughout
Mean values and the standard error of the mean (SEM) were subject spermatozoa as has previously been suggested by studies,18,22 with
to statistical tests as appropriate to determine statistical significance the exact distribution of particular localisation patterns in the sperm
using the Prism 7.0 software package (GraphPad). The extent of vari- head exhibiting large degrees of variance, but largely able to fit
ability was measured by comparisons between the average standard within four descriptive categories.

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KASHIR et al.       1147

F I G U R E 1   Immunoblotting
analysis and corresponding Ponceau-
stained images indicating specificity
of EF polyclonal and I33 monoclonal
in recognising A) bacterial lysates
overexpressing recombinant NusA-human
PLCζ and B) PLCζ in human spermatozoa.
Both EF polyclonal (pAb) and I33
monoclonal (mAb) antibodies recognised
bands at the expected molecular weight
for NusA-PLCζ (~133 kDa) and human
sperm PLCζ (~70kDa). In recombinant
lysates, further lower bands were also
identified (~100 kDa and ~ 70 kDa), which
likely represent degradation product as
all bands identified in recombinant lysates
and human spermatozoa were depleted
following blocking with recombinant
NusA-PLCζ protein

We also observed fluorescence throughout the sperm tail, in- as non-viable) exhibited the same pattern of distribution, with
cluding the midpiece, in all cells (100%) examined using both antibod- the predominant pattern being the dispersed localisation (69.6%)
ies. Such fluorescence, alongside localisation patterns in the sperm followed by the Ac  +  Eq (22.1%) and the Eq (8.3%) patterns of
head, was diminished following blocking of both antibodies. No sig- localisation. Spermatozoa without PLCζ fluorescence were not
nals were detected using the negative controls utilising secondary observed in this fraction. The DGW-selected fraction, contain-
antibody only (Figure 3). Finally, we also observed a small population ing spermatozoa exhibiting highest sperm parameters which are
of spermatozoa which did not exhibit any PLCζ immunofluorescence utilised clinically, exhibited both dispersed and Ac  +  Eq patterns
in the sperm head, classified as ‘none’ in subsequent sections. as predominant (38.5% and 38.2%, respectively), which were not
statistically significant from each other (P = .43). This was followed
by the Eq pattern (16.9%) and the spermatozoa exhibiting no PLCζ
3.2 | Proportional distribution of PLCζ in human fluorescence (6.4%). Collectively, the dispersed pattern of locali-
sperm viability fractions sation was found to decrease as spermatozoon was processed into
its different fractions, exhibiting highest distribution in the raw
PLCζ quantification throughout sperm fractions indicated dy- (ejaculate) fraction.
namic alterations in the proportions of PLCζ localisation observed
(Figure 4). In raw (ejaculated) sperm fractions, the dispersed pattern
of localisation was predominant (81.7%), followed by the Ac  +  Eq 3.3 | Relationship between PLCζ localisation,
(14.6%) and Eq (1.3%) distributions, while 2.4% of spermatozoa ex- relative fluorescence levels and sperm parameters
hibited no fluorescence (none).
The density gradient washing rejected (DGW-rejected) frac- While sperm morphology was assessed for all patients examined
tion (representing spermatozoa not utilised clinically and viewed as per standard protocols, we could not perform a satisfactory

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1148       KASHIR et al.

F I G U R E 2   Representative
immunofluorescence images of observed
PLCζ localisation patterns in human
spermatozoa. Brightfield (leftmost
panels) and PLCζ (green fluorescence;
middle panel) images were obtained.
Predominant representative localisation
patterns were captured, and other
distributions clustered in general
localisation were also obtained (rightmost
panel). Top panel shows equatorial
localisation (white arrows), and the middle
panel indicates acrosomal + equatorial
localisation (red arrow indicates acrosomal
localisation). The bottom panel shows
the dispersed patterns of localisation.
Further examples of each pattern of
localisation are also detailed to illustrate
the variability exhibited in localisation
patterns even within the same pattern.
The bottom-most separate panel shows
an example of the extent of fluorescence
observed in the tail, with the midpiece
and entirety of the tail being identified.
Images obtained were captured at 100×,
while white scale bars represent 10 μm.
Images are representative of at least 100
cells examined per patient recruited (65

correlative analysis with PLCζ, as the range of morphology scores in The dispersed proportion of localisation decreased significantly
our patient population was low, with most patients exhibiting a high (P ≤ .05) in ideal sperm motility (34.6% vs 53.9%, respectively) and
morphology score (88%-99%) as low morphology scores were not count values (36.7% vs 56.1%, respectively), while the population
a recruitment criteria for this study. Correlative analysis between of Ac  +  Eq significantly increased in the optimal values for motil-
PLCζ localisation patterns and sperm parameters using the Pearson's ity and count compared to the sub-optimal range (35.5% vs 25.6%,
correlation coefficient (r) test indicated significant correlations and 35.9% vs 22.8%, respectively). The proportion of spermatozoa
(P  ≤  .0125) between sperm count and the acrosomal  +  equatorial exhibiting Eq localisation increased in optimal values of sperm mo-
(positive correlation) and dispersed (negative correlation) patterns tility, but otherwise exhibited no significant change (P > .05) in other
of localisation (r = .33 and r = −.32, respectively). A further signifi- parameters. Optimal ranges of semen volume did not exhibit any sig-
cant (P  ≤  .0125) negative correlation was also observed between nificant change in any proportion of localisation patterns (Figure 5;
the dispersed population of PLCζ and sperm motility (r = −.31). All Figure S1).
other localisation patterns exhibited no significant correlation with
sperm parameters, with the exception of the relationship between
the equatorial pattern of PLCζ localisation and sperm motility, which 3.4 | Relationship between acrosomal + equatorial/
appeared to be approaching statistical significance (P = .024). dispersed localisation pattern ratios and
No significant relationship was observed between PLCζ local- sperm parameters
isation and male age (Table  1). Significant correlations (P  ≤  .0125)
were observed between PLCζ fluorescence and the Eq (negative The ratio between Ac + Eq and dispersed localisation proportions
correlation; r  =  −.37), Ac  +  Eq (positive correlation; r  =  .51), dis- for patients significantly (P ≤ .05) positively correlated with sperm
persed (negative correlation; r  =  −.51) and no PLCζ fluorescence motility and count (r  =  .32 and r  =  .31, respectively), but did not
(negative correlation; r  =  −.5) distributions of PLCζ in the sperm significantly correlate (P  >  .05) with semen volume or male age
head (Table 1). (Table  2). The optimal parameters for sperm motility and count

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KASHIR et al.       1149

F I G U R E 3   Representative immunofluorescence images of

negative control (secondary antibody incubation only without
primary; top panel), and antibody blocking (antibodies blocked with
a molar excess of purified recombinant NusA-PLCζ; bottom panel).
Brightfield (leftmost panels) and PLCζ (green fluorescence; middle
panel) images were obtained. Both panels indicated diminished/
absent levels of PLCζ fluorescence, which was representative
for both EF and I33 antibodies. Images obtained were captured FIGURE 4 Histogram indicating the dynamic distribution of PLCζ
at 100×, while white scale bars represent 10μm. Images are patterns of localisation throughout various human sperm fractions
representative of at least 100 cells examined for each treatment following antigen unmasking. The predominant pattern in the raw
and DGW-rejected fractions (expected to contain predominantly
exhibited a significantly higher (P ≤ .05) ratio between the Ac + Eq low-quality spermatozoa) was observed to be the dispersed pattern
and dispersed patterns of localisation compared to sub-optimal of localisation, followed by the acrosomal + equatorial (Ac + Eq)
and equatorial patterns, with a smaller proportion of spermatozoa
parameters (ratios of 1.5 vs 0.9, and 1.4 vs 0.5, respectively).
not exhibiting any immunofluorescence. Conversely, the dispersed
Conversely, however, ideal parameters of semen volume did not localisation pattern significantly decreased in the DGW-selected
exhibit any significant differences in the localisation ratio exam- fraction (expected to contain the highest quality spermatozoa), while
ined (Figure 6; Figure S2). the Ac + Eq pattern significantly increased. These were followed by
the equatorial only pattern, and the proportion of spermatozoa not
exhibiting any fluorescence. Data are represented as proportions of
spermatozoa exhibiting localisation patterns ± standard error of the
3.5 | Relationship between PLCζ quantification and mean (SEM). Asterisk (*) indicates a statistically significant (P ≤ .05)
optimal sperm parameters difference, while a statistically insignificant (P > .05) difference is
indicated by n.s. Data are indicative of at least 100 cells examined
PLCζ immunoblotting using both antibodies identified sperm PLCζ from 3 technical repeats from spermatozoa pooled from 10 males
bands at the expected molecular weight for human sperm PLCζ
at ~ 70 kDa. Immunoblotting for alpha tubulin (α-tubulin) also iden- (normalised with the relative densities of corresponding α-tubulin
tified single bands at the expected molecular weight (~50  kDa) bands) from both raw and DGW-selected samples were then corre-
(Figure  7). Relative densities of both EF and I33 PLCζ bands lated to semen parameters.

TA B L E 1   Analysis of correlations between the proportions of distinct patterns of PLCζ localisation observed and semen parameters from
human patients undergoing fertility treatment, observed relative fluorescence after AUM, and male age (years)

Relative fluorescence Male

Localisation pattern Motility (%) Count (106/mL) Volume (mL) (a.u) age

Equatorial P = .024 P = .36 P = .27 r = −.37 (P < .0125) P = .3

Acrosomal + Equatorial P = .13 r = .33 (P < .0125) P = .3 r = .51 (P < .0125) P = .5
Dispersed r = −.31 (P < .0125) r = −.32 (P < .0125) P = .36 r = −.51 (P < .0125) P = .42
None P = .48 P = .31 P = .1 r = −.5 (P < .0125) P = .3

Note: Statistically significant (P ≤ .0125) differences are detailed in bold, along with the corresponding Pearson's correlation coefficient (r; negative
values represent a negative correlation, while positive values indicate a positive correlation).
Abbreviation: a.u, arbitrary units.

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1150       KASHIR et al.

and motility (r = .38 and r = .4, respectively), as well as semen volume

(r = .38 and r = .4, respectively). Quantification of PLCζ using relative
fluorescence did not indicate any significant differences (P > .05) be-
tween any parameters examined (Table 3).
Examination of total fluorescence levels of PLCζ did not indicate
any significant differences (P  >  .05) between non-optimal and op-
timal ranges of semen volume, sperm motility and sperm concen-
tration (Figure S3). Similarly, PLCζ levels quantified through relative
density using both antibodies did not reveal any significant differ-
ences (P > .05) in optimal compared to non-optimal levels for motility
(Figure S4A) and count (Figure S4B). However, levels of PLCζ were
observed to be significantly higher (P ≤ .05) in semen volumes higher
than 5.5ml compared to those levels of PLCζ observed at semen vol-
umes ≤ 5.5ml, using both EF and I33 antibodies (Figure 8).

3.6 | The relationship between PLCζ variability and

immunoblotting and sperm parameters

PLCζ levels quantified using both immunofluorescence and immu-

noblotting appeared significantly variable. To determine the extent
of this variation, we performed correlative analyses between the
observed standard deviation in levels of PLCζ (quantified using im-
munofluorescence and immunoblotting) and sperm parameters.
Variance in PLCζ fluorescence exhibited significant (P ≤ .05) neg-
ative correlations with sperm motility and count (r = −.26 and r = −.4,
respectively), and a significant (P ≤ .05) positive correlation with rel-
ative fluorescence levels (r  =  .6). No other significant correlations
were observed. Interestingly, variance observed in PLCζ levels quan-
tified by relative band density exhibited significant (P ≤ .05) positive
correlations between male age and total quantified levels using both
EF (r = .34 and r = .32, respectively) and I33 antibodies (r = .41 and
F I G U R E 5   Histograms indicating the changes in localisation r  =  .31, respectively). No other statistically significant differences
patterns observed in non-optimal and optimal A) sperm were observed (P > .05) (Table 4).
motility (optimal motility ≥ 40%) and B) sperm count (optimal
No significant differences were observed in variance levels
count ≥ 15 × 106spermatozoa/mL). Data are represented as
between optimal and non-optimal male parameters in both fluo-
proportions (%) with standard error of the mean (SEM). Asterisks (*)
indicate statistically significant differences (P ≤ .05). Eq: equatorial; rescence and relative density quantification in all sperm fractions
Ac + Eq: acrosomal + equatorial (data not shown). Finally, the variance observed in PLCζ fluores-
cence exhibited significant (P  ≤  .0125) positive correlation with
No statistically significant (P >  .05) correlations were observed dispersed localisation (r = .3), while no significant correlation was
between sperm parameters or male age and PLCζ relative band den- observed with the other patterns of PLCζ localisation, although
sity from raw spermatozoa using either antibody. However, statisti- the relationship between variability and the equatorial pattern
cally significant positive correlations (P ≤ .05) were observed using appeared to be approaching statistical significance (P  =  .014)
both antibodies between PLCζ relative band density of DGW sperm (Table 5).

TA B L E 2   Correlative analysis between

Male age
6 the ratio of the acrosomal + equatorial
  Motility (%) Count (10 /mL) Volume (mL) (years)
(Ac + Eq) and dispersed localisation
Localisation ratio (Ac + Eq/ r = .32 (P < .05) r = .31 (P < .05) P = .38 P = .47 patterns (Ac + Eq/dispersed), and
Dispersed) semen parameters from human patients
undergoing fertility treatment, and male
Note: Statistically significant (P ≤ .05) differences are detailed in bold, along with the corresponding
Pearson's correlation coefficient (r; positive values indicate a positive correlation). age (years)
Abbreviation: a.u, arbitrary units.

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KASHIR et al.       1151

F I G U R E 6   Histograms illustrating
differences in the localisation ratio
between the acrosomal + equatorial
(Ac + Eq) and dispersed patterns of
localisation observed in non-optimal
and optimal A) sperm motility (optimal
motility ≥ 40%) and B) sperm count
(optimal count ≥ 15 × 106spermatozoa/
mL). Data are represented as the mean
ratio with standard error of the mean
(SEM). Asterisks (*) indicate statistically
significant differences (P ≤ .05)

3.7 | Successful fertilisation is associated been limited to only severe cases of fertilisation failure as opposed
with higher total levels of PLCζ and a higher to examination of a more general population of spermatozoa from
Ac + Eq:dispersed localisation ratio males attending a fertility clinic.5,36
Herein, we examine levels and localisation patterns of PLCζ in
PLCζ levels in spermatozoa quantified using both immunofluores- human spermatozoa using two distinct antibodies in a general pop-
cence and immunoblotting were significantly higher in cases where ulation of human patients seeking fertility treatment. We found that
successful fertilisation was observed compared to cases where fer- sperm quality correlated to proportions of spermatozoa exhibiting
tilisation failure was recorded (6.5a.u vs 4a.u and 1.3a.u vs 0.8a.u, distinct patterns of PLCζ localisation. These insights have the tre-
respectively). Similarly, the Ac + Eq:dispersed localisation ratio was mendous potential to dramatically and directly improve assisted
significantly higher in cases of successful fertilisation (1.4) compared reproductive therapies. While immunological analyses of PLCζ in
to cases of fertilisation failure (0.9), suggesting higher proportions human spermatozoa represent a powerful diagnostic approach, sig-
of spermatozoa exhibiting Ac  +  Eq in cases of successful fertilisa- nificant issues remain where PLCζ antibodies used recognise multi-
tion, and lower proportions in cases of fertilisation failure (with the ple protein bands in addition to PLCζ. The same antibodies have also
converse true for the dispersed pattern of localisation; Figure  9). been used to identify different immunoblotting profiles by separate
Analyses indicated no significant differences between quantifica- studies, as well as identifying multiple patterns of predominant lo-
tion of PLCζ levels and localisation ratios (Ac  +  Eq/dispersed) and calisation patterns.13,14,19,23,30 This is particularly problematic since
treatment method deployed (IVF or ICSI), nor was a significant dif- most studies attempting to investigate potential links between PLCζ
ference observed between fertilisation success rates of both treat- and particular conditions of male infertility have relied solely upon
ments (Figure S5). We also observed that neither semen parameters immunofluorescent quantification of PLCζ using a single antibody,
nor female/male age correlated significantly to fertilisation rates avoiding confirmation of specificity or quantification using immuno-
(Table S1). blotting, making it difficult to distinguish between PLCζ and other
proteins. This is particularly concerning for PLCζ localisation pat-
terns, where a dominant motif has yet to be isolated in relation to
4 | D I S CU S S I O N sperm health. To this degree, previous attempts to examine PLCζ
profiles in human spermatozoa in relation to male conditions
2+ 26,28,39–42
Sperm PLCζ-driven Ca oscillations ensure oocyte activation and have been viewed with caution due to antibody specificity
fertilisation, while also determining the efficacy of embryogenesis. and protocol sensitivity.30,43,44
PLCζ is thus regarded therapeutically (in cases of reduced/absent Predictably, such shortcomings have led to conflicting results
levels within spermatozoa) and potentially as an informative diagnos- between the association of specific PLCζ localisation patterns
tic to determine which cases would benefit from such therapeutic and quantification levels.18,20,22,31 This is of particular concern
interventions, as opposed to prognostic repeated fertility treatment as some studies have either purported that PLCζ is not the oo-
failure. However, previous attempts to examine PLCζ profiles in cyte activation factor using such antibodies or protocols, 45 while
human spermatozoa in relation to male conditions 24–26,28,38–41 have other studies have also suggested there is no link between PLCζ

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1152       KASHIR et al.

F I G U R E 7   Immunoblot analysis of
human spermatozoa from different
patients obtained from raw and density
gradient washed (DGW)-selected
sperm fractions, identifying single
immunoreactive bands corresponding
to the expected molecular weight of
human sperm PLCζ (~70kDa) using EF
polyclonal antibody (pAb) (top panel)
and I33 monoclonal antibody (mAb)
(middle panel). Alpha (α)-tubulin was used
as a normalising loading control, and
specifically identified a single band at the
expected molecular weight (~50 kDa).
Rightmost panel indicates Ponceau-
stained membranes to show sufficient
protein separation and membrane transfer

and sperm parameters, or indeed even ICSI failure. 20 Thus, while utilise antigen unmasking methodology, which not only enhances
PLCζ exhibits great promise as a clinical prognostic factor, such the visualisation efficacy of PLCζ, but also improves the diagnos-
applications have previously been severely limited by a lack of tic capacity of PLCζ in spermatozoa. Herein, due to such concerns
specific antibodies, preventing a methodical analysis of such po- surrounding antibody specificity and consistency, we utilised two
tential. Perhaps a more recent thorough study was performed by distinct (polyclonal and monoclonal) antibodies against PLCζ,
Rahimizadeh et al,46 who examined potential relationships be- thoroughly confirming immunoblotting and immunofluorescent
tween PLCζ levels and localisation patterns with male age, sperm specificity, to systematically quantify levels of PLCζ in spermato-
characteristics, DNA integrity and cellular maturity in spermato- zoa from a general population of males seeking fertility treatment
zoa from men exhibiting either asthenoteratozoospermia, or un- using the two distinct methods of immunofluorescence (using anti-
explained infertility. gen retrieval protocols) and immunoblotting. Collectively, we show
However, while a significant relationship was observed between that multiple relationships exist not only between levels of PLCζ
PLCζ and hyaluronic acid-binding ability, no other relationships and sperm quality, but also between specific patterns of localisa-
could be observed apart from fertile men exhibiting significantly tion, which is the first instance that this has been demonstrated.
higher levels of PLCζ compared to infertile/sub-fertile men. While Importantly, we show such relationships exist in spermatozoa from
a significant start, this study relied on a single commercially avail- a general population of males, and not specifically within a sub-fer-
able antibody that has previously exhibited questionable variabil- tile or infertile population as previous studies have targeted, being
ity in specificity against PLCζ (a point specifically mentioned by the first demonstration that PLCζ potentially represents a bio-
the authors of the study themselves who advised caution due to marker of general sperm health, and not just cases of oocyte ac-
this fact).46 Furthermore, this and other previous studies did not tivation failure.

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KASHIR et al.       1153

TA B L E 3   Analysis of correlations
Count Male age
between relative density and relative
Quantification Motility (%) (106/mL) Volume (mL) (years)
fluorescence of PLCζ following
immunoblotting and immunofluorescence EF P = .06 P = .42 P = .18 P = .25
of raw semen and DGW-selected Raw spermatozoa
spermatozoa with EF and I33 antibodies, Relative density (a.u)
and semen parameters and male age I33 P = .06 P = .33 P = .26 P = .29
from human patients undergoing fertility Raw spermatozoa
treatment Relative density (a.u)
EF r = .38 P = .2 r = .38 P = .07
DGW-selected spermatozoa (P < .05) (P < .05)
Relative density (a.u)
I33 r = .4 P = .1 r = .4 P = .08
DGW-selected (P < .05) (P < .05)
Relative density (a.u)
EF P = .06 P = .244 P = .19 P = .4
Relative fluorescence

Note: Statistically significant (P ≤ .05) differences are detailed in bold, along with the corresponding
Pearson's correlation coefficient (r; negative values represent a negative correlation, while positive
values indicate a positive correlation).
Abbreviation: a.u, arbitrary units; DGW, density gradient washed.

4.1 | Specific patterns of PLCζ in the head, tail and contain functional PLCζ.47 There could be significant functionality
midpiece of human spermatozoa to such populations, as the entirety of the spermatozoa is eventually
incorporated into the oocyte,49 and such tail/midpiece populations
We identified three distinct patterns of PLCζ localisation: equatorial may serve as additional sources of sperm PLCζ to ensure sufficient
alone (Eq), acrosomal + equatorial (Ac + Eq) and a uniformly dispersed requisite levels are delivered to the oocyte for effective oocyte ac-
pattern of punctate loci throughout the sperm head (dispersed). We also tivation. However, while our observations provide further support
observed a minority of spermatozoa not exhibiting any pattern of local- to assertions regarding the veracity and physiological relevance of
isation (none). These results agree with previous studies reporting sim- sperm PLCζ populations, the key experiment to confirm this would
ilar localisation patterns, with additional tail localisation.5,13–15,18,42–44 be to inject human sperm tails into mouse and/or human oocytes
Contrary to these reports, however, we did not detect the acrosomal and examine for patterns of Ca2+, which was beyond the scope of
(alone) and post-acrosomal populations. We are confident this study. It is urgent now, considering our current investigations
to exclude antibody specificity as an explanation for these observed and observations, that such experiments are performed.
discrepancies, particularly in light of the localisation patterns that were Previous studies have also identified a similar punctate pattern
diminished following antibody blocking. This was also the case for the to ours using the same EF antibody we employed, but without AUM
single protein band corresponding to the estimated molecular weight protocols.34 Since AUM increases the level of observable PLCζ flu-
of human PLCζ (~70kDa) following immunoblotting with both our an- orescence in spermatozoa,31 perhaps the low visualisation fidelity
tibodies. Perhaps the acrosomal only and the post-acrosomal popu- observed by previous studies which did not apply AUM protocols
lations previously reported are features of spermatozoa from severe can be linked to such dispersed PLCζ localisation. Previous stud-
cases of OAD, while our population is more representative of a larger ies report significant proportions of spermatozoa exhibiting
male population which may exhibit a differential profile of sperm PLCζ a complete absence of PLCζ in the sperm head, suggesting some
compared to severe OAD patients. Regardless, it is imperative that fu- diagnostic value of a higher proportion of spermatozoa lacking
ture studies systematically investigate this potential disparity within PLCζ linked to ICSI failure. We propose that this previously reported
the particular focus. proportion of spermatozoa lacking PLCζ in fact represents dispersed
PLCζ localisation patterns were not restricted to the sperm PLCζ, previously undetectable due to a lack of AUM. Indeed, obser-
head, but have also been reported in the sperm tail and mid- vation of higher proportions of dispersed PLCζ exhibiting spermato-
piece.5,13–15,18,22,30,42–44 This appears conserved across spe- zoa corresponded to lower proportions of spermatozoa exhibiting
cies,47,48 substantiating the potential importance of this localisation. absent PLCζ. Furthermore, as is subsequently discussed herein, the
Indeed, microinjection of equine tails into mouse oocytes resulted dispersed pattern of PLCζ also correlated to low levels of PLCζ in
in high-frequency Ca2+ oscillations, suggesting that the tail may spermatozoa, alongside poorer sperm quality.

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1154       KASHIR et al.

of both patterns.50 The most physiologically relevant population,

at least in humans, has always been regarded to be the equatorial
pattern, which would ensure immediate/rapid PLCζ diffusion into
the oocyte at fertilisation.5,6 However, the majority of spermatozoa
we examined exhibited acrosomal  +  equatorial patterns of PLCζ,
with a smaller proportion of spermatozoa exhibiting only the equa-
torial pattern. The occurrence of the equatorial patterns of PLCζ
corresponded to spermatozoa with intact acrosomes,13,14,42 while
Escoffier et al23 confirmed the presence of PLCζ beneath the ac-
rosomal cap in human spermatozoa following electron microscopy.
Furthermore, the DGW-selected fraction of spermatozoa we ex-
amined exhibited a higher proportion of spermatozoa with just the
equatorial pattern compared to the DGW-rejected pattern, suggest-
ing that the acrosome was intact in such spermatozoa since DGW
protocols are regarded to select a higher proportion of spermatozoa
with intact acrosomes compared to DGW-rejected fractions.

4.2 | Acrosomal + equatorial and dispersed patterns

potentially representing diagnostic indicators of
sperm fertility

Density gradient washing is a method to isolate the most motile and

morphologically relevant spermatozoa from a raw ejaculate, whereby a
raw ejaculate is overlaid on top of a discontinuous gradient. The most
motile and healthy spermatozoa are collected in a sperm pellet follow-
ing centrifugation (DGW-selected), representing the most fertile sper-
matozoa. Cellular debris and non-viable sperm cells remain at the top
of the gradient (DGW-rejected), representing the most non-viable cells.
We predominantly observed the Ac + Eq and dispersed patterns
of PLCζ. However, a more detailed analysis indicated that progres-

F I G U R E 8   Histograms depicting relative density levels sion through the various sperm fractions (raw, DGW-rejected, and
observed in non-optimal and optimal values of semen volume DGW-selected) decreased the proportions of spermatozoa exhibit-
(optimal volume 1.5-5.5 mL). Data are represented as proportions ing the dispersed pattern of localisation, while conversely increas-
(%) with standard error of the mean (SEM). Asterisks (*) indicate ing the proportions of spermatozoa exhibiting the Ac + Eq patterns
statistically significant differences (P ≤ .05). Relative density levels
of PLCζ localisation. As sperm quality improved, the proportion of
were recorded following immunoblotting with the i) EF and ii) I33
spermatozoa exhibiting Ac  +  Eq PLCζ increased, while dispersed
antibodies. a.u: arbitrary units
PLCζ decreased, suggesting that Ac + Eq PLCζ is most physiologically
We found equatorial PLCζ to be most widespread throughout relevant, while the dispersed localisation patterns corresponded to
spermatozoa, either by itself, or in combination with the acroso- non-viable spermatozoa, or at least spermatozoa with a decreased
mal population, providing support to the physiological importance capacity for oocyte activation and fertilisation.

TA B L E 4   Analysis of correlations between the levels of variance in PLCζ following immunofluorescence (relative fluorescence) and
immunoblotting (relative density), and semen parameters, male age, and corresponding relative fluorescence levels of PLCζ

Volume Quantification
Variance Motility (%) Count (106/mL) (mL) Male age (years) (a.u)

Relative fluorescence (a.u) r = −.26 (P < .05) r = −.4 (P < .05) P = .47 P = .3 r = .6 (P < .05)
Relative density (EF); a.u P = .22 P = .22 P = .3 r = .34 (P < .05) r = .32 (P < .05)
Relative density (I33); a.u P = .16 P = .16 P = .49 r = .41 (P < .05) r = .31 (P < .05)

Note: Statistically significant (P ≤ .05) differences are detailed in bold, along with the corresponding Pearson's correlation coefficient (r; negative
values represent a negative correlation, while positive values indicate a positive correlation).
Abbreviation: a.u, arbitrary units.

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KASHIR et al.       1155

TA B L E 5   Analysis of correlations
  Equatorial Acrosomal + Equatorial Dispersed None
between the levels of variance in PLCζ
following immunofluorescence (relative Variance in relative P = .014 P = .37 r = .3 (P < .0125) P = .07
fluorescence) using the EF antibody, and fluorescence (EF)
localisation patterns of PLCζ
Note: Statistically significant (P ≤ .0125) differences are detailed in bold, along with the
corresponding Pearson's correlation coefficient (r; positive values indicate a positive correlation).
Abbreviation: a.u, arbitrary units.

F I G U R E 9   Histograms depicting differences in (A) relative fluorescence, (B) relative density and (C) Ac + Eq/dispersed localisation ratio of
sperm PLCζ between cases of fertilisation failure and fertilisation success following fertility treatment. Fertilisation failure represented cases
where 0 oocytes were able to successfully exhibit fertilisation, while fertilisation success represents cases where successful fertilisation
was observed. Fertilisation success was determined by successful extrusion of the second polar body. Data are represented as means with
standard error of the mean (SEM). Asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant differences (P ≤ .05)

Previous studies have associated dispersed/punctate PLCζ to scores to be able to perform a reliable analysis, with all patients ex-
reduced fertility outcomes.13,14,18,22 Indeed, globozoospermic sper- hibiting a high morphology score. Perhaps it would be worth in fu-
matozoa (morphologically abnormal round-headed spermatozoa) ture to perform a similar study to this one with morphology being
exhibit low success in oocyte activation without clinical interven- the sole criteria for patient recruitment.
tion. The majority of such spermatozoa do not contain PLCζ, Dispersed PLCζ exhibited significant negative correlation with
but those do predominantly exhibit a similar dispersed pattern that both motility and sperm count, indicating that as sperm quality
we currently identify,52 and rarely result in successful fertilisation improved, the proportions of spermatozoa with dispersed PLCζ
without clinical intervention through assisted oocyte activation. decreased. The converse was true for Ac  +  Eq PLCζ, which exhib-
However, when spermatozoon from the same population exhib- ited positive correlation with sperm count, indicating that improv-
iting a small acrosomal bud was injected into oocytes, pregnancy ing sperm quality led to higher proportions of with Ac  +  Eq PLCζ.
without artificial oocyte activation protocols could be achieved.52 Finally, PLCζ localisation could also be associated with total levels
Investigation of PLCζ localisation in such spermatozoa indicated an of PLCζ, with the equatorial and dispersed patterns correlating to
acrosomal pattern of localisation, while PLCζ exhibited a dispersed lower levels, and the Ac + Eq pattern correlating to higher levels of
pattern of localisation in round-headed spermatozoa without an PLCζ. Considering that absent/reduced levels of PLCζ are generally
acrosomal bud that resulted in oocyte activation failure.53 Thus, associated with a reduced fidelity of successful oocyte activation,
dispersed PLCζ in the sperm head can be linked to morphological the Ac  +  Eq pattern of localisation seems to correlate to healthier
aspects of spermatozoa, suggesting further physiological relevance spermatozoa with a greater capacity for inducing oocyte activation.
for the acrosomal population of PLCζ. Unfortunately, while we per- Optimal sperm motility and count levels exhibited higher pro-
formed morphology analysis on spermatozoa from all patients in this portions of the Ac + Eq PLCζ, while the same parameters exhibited
study, we could not obtain a satisfactorily large range of morphology significantly lower levels of dispersed PLCζ compared to sub-optimal

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1156       KASHIR et al.

parameters. Equatorial PLCζ did not correlate with parameter exam- suggesting that the high levels of PLCζ in abnormally high semen vol-
ined apart from optimal sperm motility. Thus, perhaps sperm health umes may indeed represent sub-optimal parameters for fertility.
could be measured by examination of the Ac  +  Eq and dispersed Low levels of sperm PLCζ were recently correlated to poor sperm
patterns of localisation, where higher levels of Ac  +  Eq PLCζ and parameters such as motility and overall sperm count,18,22 parameters
lower dispersed PLCζ levels correlate to better sperm quality. The which are widely accepted to underlie low ART success. However,
ratio between Ac + Eq:dispersed PLCζ was significantly higher in op- these studies examined populations of infertile, ICSI-failed males,
timal parameter levels (more Ac + Eq compared to dispersed) than not examining a range of sperm parameters as we have done in this
sub-optimal levels which exhibited lower ratios (more dispersed than study. Thus, we propose that PLCζ levels may only be indicative of
Ac + Eq). severe cases of OAD such as a complete absence or severe reduction
of PLCζ in the spermatozoa, but not more subtle cases resulting in
sub-fertility. However, to fully ascertain this, a dedicated study is
4.3 | PLCζ levels correlate with human sperm required examining PLCζ parameters in relation to the efficacy of
parameters only in DGW-selected and not raw embryogenesis and fertility treatment outcomes.

Our analyses revealed significant positive correlations between PLCζ 4.4 | PLCζ variance may be prognostic of sperm
levels and sperm motility and semen volume. However, this was only health and male age
observed using immunoblotting (with both EF and I33 antibodies)
and not immunofluorescence quantification and was only observ- Kashir et al18 suggested that examination of sperm PLCζ levels may
able in DGW-selected and not raw spermatozoa. This suggests that not be informative due to inherent variability within human sper-
DGW-selected, and not raw, spermatozoa require examination if matozoa, an observation repeated by subsequent investigations. 22,30
quantification of PLCζ is to be performed in a diagnostic capacity. Although we observed positive correlations between total levels of
However, the relationship between PLCζ levels in raw spermatozoa PLCζ and sperm parameters, the exact nature of this relationship
and spermatozoa motility, as well as between PLCζ fluorescence remains unclear perhaps due to this variance. Our current results
levels and spermatozoa motility, seemed to be approaching signifi- suggest that as sperm quality improved, PLCζ variability decreases.
cance, with perhaps larger study populations exhibiting the required However, as levels of PLCζ increased so did variability.
levels of significance. These results agree with assertions that a specific window of
Examination of PLCζ levels by fluorescence and relative band PLCζ is required for optimal oocyte activation and embryogenesis,
density did not exhibit any significant differences between optimal with poor sperm parameters or levels of PLCζ outside of this window
and sub-optimal levels of sperm motility and count. The same was exhibiting increased variance in levels of PLCζ, reducing the progno-
true when examining semen volume using relative fluorescence lev- sis of successful fertilisation by decreasing the chances of a suitable
els, which did not exhibit any significant differences between op- amount/profile of PLCζ being delivered to the oocyte. This is further
timal and sub-optimal semen volumes. However, immunoblotting supported by our findings that the dispersed pattern of localisation
indicated that PLCζ was significantly higher in spermatozoa from exhibited a significant positive correlation with PLCζ variability, indi-
those patients with semen volumes greater than 5.5ml compared to cating that as levels of this localisation pattern (which we purport to
those patients with lower semen volumes. However, the WHO has correspond to decreased capability of oocyte activation) increase, so
recently removed the upper limit for semen volume as an optimal pa- do levels of variability, further supporting our assertions that levels
rameter. While the reasons for higher levels of PLCζ in such volumes of PLCζ variability may be prognostic of fertilisation outcome.
are unclear at present, such relationships merit further investigation. Increasing male age also exhibited positive correlation with
Perhaps a potential explanation for this is that a certain ‘window’ of PLCζ variability as determined by relative density. Recently, Yeste
PLCζ may be required for effective oocyte activation. Microinjection et al 30 indicated that increasing age in human males did not exert
of increasing levels of PLCζ in human oocytes resulted in increasing any effect upon sperm PLCζ, a finding which we also observed,
frequencies and amplitudes of Ca2+ oscillations,54 which are striking but this time in a more general male population as opposed to
considering that frequency/amplitude of Ca2+ oscillations affects the fertile vs infertile individuals. Such observations are in line with
efficacy of early mouse embryogenesis.55,56 Precise temporal profiles our assertions that increasing variability in levels of PLCζ may be
of PLCζ-driven Ca oscillations may not only be necessary for oo- indicative of a poor prognosis for oocyte activation and fertilisa-
cyte activation, but also equally important for subsequent embryo- tion, considering that our results are suggestive of variability in-
genesis. Thus, levels of sperm PLCζ outside of this specific ‘window’ creasing in cases exhibiting poorer sperm parameters. Our results
may underlie not only infertility through fertilisation failure, but also also agree with studies indicating that older males exhibit poorer
perhaps cases of male sub-fertility, whereby enough PLCζ may be de- sperm parameters and reproductive outcomes, particularly post-
livered to oocytes to cause activation, but insufficient for embryonic 40 years of age. 57–59 Thus, perhaps variability in levels of PLCζ can
competence. Indeed, either too little, or too much, PLCζ may lead be attributed to increasing amounts of dead or non-viable sper-
to impaired embryogenesis despite completion of oocyte activation, matozoa within such samples, or perhaps may even be indicative

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of sub-optimal spermatogenesis. However, further focused inves- fertilisation. Finally, we also show for the first time that significantly
tigations are required to substantiate such assertions, while also higher levels of PLCζ correlated to fertilisation success in general
examining males from a larger age range. cases of patients seeking fertility treatment, and not just cases of re-
peated fertilisation failure, indicating that perhaps PLCζ represents
a biomarker of sperm health and fertilisation capacity.
4.5 | Higher PLCζ levels and specific localisation Indeed, proportions of spermatozoa exhibiting the Ac  +  Eq
patterns correspond to successful fertilisation pattern of PLCζ increased in DGW-selected fractions, while pro-
in a general population of patients seeking portions of spermatozoa exhibiting the dispersed pattern of PLCζ
fertility treatment decreased. We further indicate that variance in levels of sperm PLCζ
corresponded to reduced sperm health and may perhaps underlie
Successful fertilisation was associated with higher levels of PLCζ, cases of increased fertilisation failure associated with cases of male
as well as higher levels of Ac + Eq PLCζ, and lower proportions of sub-fertility, and perhaps increasing male age. We posit that our re-
spermatozoa exhibiting dispersed PLCζ. These observations are sults greatly stand to benefit the clinical utilisation of PLCζ as a ther-
strikingly similar to what we observed in relation to PLCζ levels and apeutic and diagnostic in general cases of fertility treatment, and
localisation patterns in relation to sperm parameters and DGW frac- not just cases of ICSI failure. However, the current study examined
tions, suggesting that perhaps levels and specific localisation pat- a relatively small population (65 males), which may prevent robust
terns of PLCζ could be used to predict fertilisation success, or at conclusions from being formulated, despite significant relationships
least the chances of such success. already being observed. It is now essential that similar studies are
While such trends have been observed in the past (lower levels employed to enable a multi-centre analysis of a significantly larger
and abnormal patterns of PLCζ localisation) in cases of repeated ICSI population of patients to ensure that further potential relationships
failure 1,13–18,20,21 to the best of our knowledge this is the first report between PLCζ and general sperm parameters and fertility outcomes
describing a similar trend for a wider range of patients attending the are fully evaluated robustly.
fertility clinic, regardless of fertility treatment utilised. Such obser-
vations suggest that a specific level of PLCζ is required to initiate AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
successful oocyte activation leading to completion of fertilisation, Some of the work described herein was performed by LB and R
while also support our previous assertions that the Ac + Eq pattern AbuDawas as part of their graduate research projects. The authors
of localisation corresponds to better quality spermatozoa and higher thank Dr Evangelia Livaniou and Dr Vyronia Vassilakopoulou of the
levels of PLCζ, while the dispersed pattern correlates to lower qual- National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos' (Athens, Greece)
ity spermatozoa, alongside lower levels of PLCζ. We would assert to for their assistance in generating the EF polyclonal antibody against
this degree that such PLCζ parameters could be utilised as a diag- PLCζ, Dr Peter MB Cahusac of Alfaisal University (Riyadh, Kingdom
nostic measure to indicate potential fertilisation outcome in general of Saudi Arabia) for invaluable discussion and assistance regarding
cases of fertility treatment. statistical analyses, and Mr Faisal Alotaibi and the Research Centre
However, while our cohort of 65 patients is one of the largest thus Administration at the KFSHRC (Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for
far for studies relating to PLCζ, we were only able to examine fertilisa- their invaluable efforts in assisting with experimental logistics.
tion success in a relatively binary way, that is success or failure. As pre-
viously discussed, the amount of PLCζ delivered to the oocyte could C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
determine the rate of cell cycle progression, by altering the frequency/ All authors have no conflict(s) of interest to declare.
2+ 55,56
amplitude of Ca oscillations. Thus, perhaps varying levels of
PLCζ could also in turn lead to varying degrees of fertilisation success AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
in terms of proportions of oocytes successfully fertilising within each JK, FAL, AMA and SC were responsible for study and experimen-
case. It is thus necessary that future studies attempt to examine such tal design, and overall scope of the study. JK, BVM, MN, LB and R
questions within a larger and more diverse patient cohort before more AbuDawas performed the majority of experimental procedures,
confident conclusions can be made alongside clinical application. with further contributions by R Abu-Dawud and NA. JK wrote the
Collectively, the current study represents the first systematic ef- manuscript with input from all authors, and all authors approved the
fort to associate profiles of the oocyte activation factor PLCζ, within final manuscript.
a general population of sperm parameters in a fertility clinic. We
show that utilisation of two distinct antibodies identified specific ORCID
populations of PLCζ within the sperm head at the Eq and Ac  +  Eq Junaid Kashir
regions. We also identified that the dispersed pattern of PLCζ, along
with Ac  +  Eq populations, was most prevalent. Our analyses indi- REFERENCES
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