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It is ridiculous to think that we can access infinite knowledge with a single click.
You'll be able to find what you're looking for with a few taps on your phone and a search. We
were able to advance in a variety of fields as a result of this advancement, including medicine,
government, and, most notably, academia. Professors and students use it to make learning
more convenient. Furthermore, it makes research a little less tedious because journals, case
studies, and other research are easily accessible through it, as opposed to having to read each
physical copy in a library.

The third topic tackled in this course is the Internet and the World Wide Web.
The Internet is defined as the network of networks for it is an array and an interconnected webs
of various computers. In simple words, it is a global network of numerous computers and any
electronic devices. It is defined as a powerful tool that paved the way for any purpose intended
for its use such as human communication, collaboration, digital information, e-commerce, and
many more. The power of the Internet really is limitless, and it grants its power to any individual
who connects to it or as it is called, to any individual who is “online.”

It should be noted however, that the Internet is not interchangeable with the
World Wide Web (WWW), or Web for short, for the latter is merely a navigation to use in surfing
the internet. The Internet makes it possible for the Web to exist for it works mainly on the global
network of computers to share information. Inevitably, the web is what helps us use the internet
to its full potential moreover to what benefits us.

Both are key players in the innovation of our daily lives and society. In our every
move, the internet and the web are there to assist us. For instance, having trouble with an
assignment All will be resolved with a few taps on your device and a web search. Want to cook
something for yourself as a treat but don’t know how to? A quick search on YouTube for cooking
tutorials can lead you there. Through the internet, these little and mundane tasks are now easier
to do and accomplish. However, its uses are not limited to these simple tasks; rather, it paved
the way for the success of various fields, including banking and commerce. Banking has never
been easier through the internet; we can now go cashless and only use our phones for
transactions. Moreover, it also paved the way for the success of business by kickstarting and
boosting the growth of e-commerce, or online shopping. Notably, one of the most important
contributions of the internet and the web to our lives is their improvement in our communication.
Through them, we can connect to anyone wherever and whenever we want. Therefore, clearing
the path for the success of some businesses allows them to expand their businesses globally
without the hassle of going through various countries for transactions.The advancement of
communications via the internet and the web benefited not only a wide range of industries, but
also humanity and society as a whole. Communication is now more accessible and simple;
people from all over the world can connect with one another. This then established a link
between people of various races, ethnicities, beliefs, religions, cultures, and ages, allowing each
to learn from the other. We have developed an understanding and bond amongst ourselves as a
result of this diverse group of people, and we are all working together to make the world a better
place to live.

All in all, through this topic, I have realized that the internet and the web are
something that we cannot live without, for we are completely dependent on them. Their impact
not only on our daily lives but also in our society is something that cannot go unseen for they
have paved the way for the successes of various industries that made our lives so much easier.
I have realized the growth it has given us not only in the aforementioned industries, but also to
our relationships to the people around us. The internet and the web are continuously creating
ways for the advancement of not only technology but also humanity itself.


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