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Student Number :K20210274
Course Code :ELT204
Course :Ethics in Scientific Research
Instructor :Yeliz YUVALI
Submission Date :10 Aprıl 2023

A paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the ethics in Scientific Research

at University of Kyrenia

Elizabeth Gaskell's essay on "North and South" is a thought-provoking analysis of the novel's
themes and characters. In this four-page essay, Gaskell delves into the social and economic
issues of the time, as well as the personal struggles of the main characters, Margaret Hale and
John Thornton.Gaskell's essay provides a comprehensive exploration of the themes and
characters in "North and South." She begins by examining the stark contrast between the
North and South of England, highlighting the vast differences in culture, lifestyle, and
economy. Gaskell argues that these differences are not only geographical but also ideological,
and that they stem from deeply ingrained beliefs and values.Gaskell's analysis of the novel's
characters is particularly insightful. She examines the complex relationship between Margaret
and John, and the challenges they face as they navigate their differences.


Margaret, a southerner, is initially appalled by the industrial North and its working conditions,
whereas John, a northerner and owner of a cotton mill, struggles to understand Margaret's
nuanced perspectives on social justice and morality. Gaskell highlights the importance of
empathy and understanding in bridging the gap between two people from vastly different
backgrounds.Furthermore, Gaskell's essay on "North and South" also sheds light on the social
and economic issues of the time. She delves into the working conditions of the cotton mills
and the plight of the working-class, highlighting the harsh realities of poverty and
exploitation. Gaskell also analyzes the cultural and economic differences between the North
and South and how these differences played out in the political and social spheres of England.
She emphasizes the significance of these conflicts in shaping British society during the
Victorian era. Gaskell's essay is a fascinating insight into the complexities of Victorian
society. By analyzing the social and economic issues of the time, Gaskell uncovers the
struggles faced by the working-class, who were often subject to exploitation and poverty. She
also highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in bridging the gap between
people from different backgrounds, especially in a society that was so deeply divided by class
and geography. In her essay, Gaskell provides a detailed analysis of the novel's themes and
characters, and how they reflect the broader social and economic issues of the time. She
explores the themes of class, gender, and power, and how they shape the lives of the
characters in the novel. Gaskell argues that these themes are not only relevant to the time in
which the novel is set, but also to contemporary society, where issues of inequality and
exploitation still exist. Gaskell's essay on "North and South" is still relevant today. The
struggles of the working-class, the exploitation of the poor, and the divide between different
regions of the country are still present in contemporary society. The themes of class, gender,
and power continue to shape the lives of people in modern times, and the importance of
empathy and understanding in bridging the gap between people from different backgrounds is
still as relevant as ever.Moreover, Gaskell's essay highlights the significance of the Industrial
Revolution in shaping the lives of individuals in Britain. The rapid pace of industrialization
transformed the North and South of England, leading to significant changes in the economy,
society, and culture. The cotton mills owned by individuals like John Thornton were central to
this transformation, and Gaskell's analysis of their working conditions sheds light on the harsh
realities of industrialization.

Furthermore, Gaskell's essay provides insight into the gender roles of the time. Margaret's
struggle to find her place in a society dominated by men reflects the challenges faced by
women during the Victorian era. Gaskell explores the limitations placed on women in the
novel and how they were expected to conform to societal norms. This analysis is still relevant
today as gender inequality remains a significant issue in contemporary society.

In conclusion, Gaskell's essay on "North and South" is a fascinating exploration of the themes
and characters in the novel. Her analysis of the social and economic issues of the time and the
personal struggles of those who lived through them provides readers with a deeper
understanding of the novel's historical context and its relevance today. The essay's insights
into the industrial revolution, gender roles, and the struggles of the working-class make it a
must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of Victorian society and its
lasting impact on contemporary society.

Additionally, Gaskell's essay offers a unique perspective on the power dynamics of the time,
particularly in relation to class. Through analyzing the characters of "North and South,"
Gaskell illustrates how social class can limit opportunities and shape the way individuals view
themselves and others. This is particularly evident in the relationship between Margaret and
John, who come from vastly different social backgrounds. Gaskell's analysis provides a lens
through which to examine contemporary issues of social inequality and the consequences of
rigid social structures.

Furthermore, Gaskell's essay highlights the importance of literature in understanding the

world around us. Through her analysis of "North and South," Gaskell provides a window into
the complexities of Victorian society and its struggles. Literature can offer insights into the
past that are still relevant today, and Gaskell's essay is a testament to the enduring power of
literature to educate and inspire.

Finally, Gaskell's essay provides a platform for discussion about the role of empathy and
understanding in contemporary society. By examining the importance of these qualities in
bridging the gap between people from different backgrounds, Gaskell's essay reminds us of
the importance of compassion in a world that often seems divided. Her essay is a call to action
for individuals to embrace empathy and understanding as tools for building a more just and
equitable society.


Moreover, Gaskell's essay highlights the role of education in promoting empathy and
understanding. Through education, individuals can learn about different cultures and
perspectives, and develop the skills necessary to build bridges between people from different
backgrounds. Gaskell's essay is a reminder of the importance of education in building a more
compassionate and just society.

Overall, Gaskell's essay on "North and South" is a rich and thought-provoking analysis of a
novel that continues to resonate with readers today. It offers a deep understanding of the
complexities of Victorian society, as well as insights into contemporary social and economic
issues. Gaskell's essay is a testament to the enduring relevance of literature in understanding
the world around us, and a call to action for individuals to embrace empathy and
understanding as tools for building a more just and equitable society.

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