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Ahmed Kamal is interested in his own learning, listens attentively, and makes a
solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process. He is
always willing to express herself in front of the class with a bold and confident

2. Abdul Kabir is very good at clearly and succinctly speaking up when he feels
she has a valuable contribution. However, he occasionally needs special assistance
to stay on task.

3. Sufyan Has artistic talent and can articulate her thoughts through drawing and
painting very well. He is an active participant in small group, as well as whole-
class discussions. However, he relies heavily on extrinsic motivation. It would be
great to see more intrinsic desire to succeed in coming new session.

4. Zuhaib needs to show by the quality of work and use of class time that he/she is
properly engaged in the learning process.

5. Ammar has difficulty in staying focused and on task. He needs to actively

participate in classroom discussion to enhance his communication skills in order to
stay focused on task.

6. Abdul Wahab is an active listener who is always ready to respond with relevant
and engaging questions. He has been frequently seen among the first to help and
mentor other classmates. He has been a valuable part of the classroom through out
of this term.

7. Talha Shahid is dependable and reliable, follows directions effectively, and

follows through on his commitments to himself and others. He continues to make
nice progress this year concerning his attitude not only in the classroom but also on
the playground.

8. Sulaim’s poor health condition has been a great trouble for him through out of
first term however, he has made remarkable progress in this term. He has
developed persistent problem solving skills and flexible attitude towards learning.

9. Altough Anas Babar’s growth in social skills and maturity is continuing, it is not
consistent. At times, during the second term, he had been sought undue attention
and distracted the flow of lessons. He had been found struggling to engage during
class discussion which ended up in his poor grades. However, he is capable of
doing much better than this.
10. Ameen Salman shows great determination when is set a challenging task. He
needs to dig deep and find greater motivation to learn in coming months.

11. Mustafa shows the ability to empathize with classmates and show great
compassion during this term. He needs to be very systematic about going about his
tasks so he can complete them thoroughly.

12. Ali Yahya shows confidence striking out on his own to do things he is
interested in. I would like to see him working on his organizational skills in
coming months so he can use his class time more efficiently.

13. Ibrahim is an enthusiastic learner who tends to perform at the best he could but
lack of confidence is the major brier that effect in getting better grades.

14. Mashraib needs to improve on working independently and be sure to ask for
assistance only when it is needed.

15. Humayun needs to show by the quality of work and use of class time that he is
properly engaged in the learning process and proper revision of taught concepts at
home for better understanding.

16. Rayyan requires ongoing support to develop an understanding of note taking

from lectures and readings in preparation for tests.

17. Abdullah Asif is interested in his own learning, listens attentively, and makes a
solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process.

18. Umer Participates in all tasks, no matter her skill level. This enthusiasm is

19. Saqaf requires considerable assistance to achieve the correct spelling, grammar
and punctuation when writing simple sentences.

20. Shees needs to work very hard to come up with his class level.

21. Muhammad Sheikh Has a strong personal interest in many subjects and has
been taking the initiative to explore the topic.

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