Planning Form

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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Match the Picture

Originating Idea: Children’s ability to recognize themselves from a picture compared to other

Curriculum Area
B. Social and Emotional Development

Photos of each of the students.

Appropriate Age group: 1-2

Beginning of Activity
"I have pictures here of everyone in the class! I’m going to show you each a couple photos and you need
to pick which one is you!” I will have children in small groups at a table and lay out a group of pictures
including the pictures of the students present. Children will each pick up or point at the one that is
Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability can have a smaller number of pictures to choose from and have
a mirror nearby so they know what they look like.

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability will choose from a larger number of photos and
be able to pick out their own picture.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability will have to find their picture from all of the pictures. They can
also identify and match the pictures of their classmates.
End of Activity
“Everyone has matched their picture with themselves! Some of you were able to match your friends' pictures as
well! We are now going to hang these pictures up on our cubbies and get our coats on to go outside.”

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by using these pictures for a creative arts project. The pictures can be
glued down onto any surface and used with other art materials.

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