Stübben Streamline Lambswool Half Pad: The Netherlands

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Stübben Streamline

Lambswool Half Pad

The Netherlands

Group 4:

Aimee Zonnevijlle

Celine Grumbach

Eliška Burgerová

Yara Bartels

Zoë Anne van Meegen

Figure 1: Stübben Logo (Stübben, n.d.)

Figure 2: Van Hall Larenstein Logo (Van Hall Larenstein, n.d.)

Table of Contents
Section 1 ........................................................................................................ 4
Introduction....................................................................................................... 4
Stage 1: Nature of the external environment .............................................................. 4
Stage 2: Macro environmental Audit ....................................................................... 6
Pest Analysis .................................................................................................. 6
Political factors affecting the Netherlands .............................................................. 6
Economic factors affecting the Netherlands ........................................................... 6
Social factors affecting the Netherlands ................................................................ 7
Technological factors affecting the Netherlands ...................................................... 7
Stage 3: Meso Environmental Audit (5-Forces) .......................................................... 9
Rivalry among existing competitors - High ............................................................ 9
The threat of new entrants - low .......................................................................... 9
The threat of the substitute products - high ........................................................... 10
Bargaining power of suppliers - medium ............................................................. 10
Bargaining power of buyers – low ..................................................................... 10
Stage 4: Identifying Key Driving Forces ................................................................ 11
Stage 5: Micro Environmental Audit (Internal Environment)....................................... 12
Introduction of company ................................................................................. 12
SWOT-analysis ............................................................................................. 12
Strengths .................................................................................................. 12
Weaknesses ............................................................................................... 13
Opportunities ............................................................................................. 13
Threats ..................................................................................................... 13
Section 2 ...................................................................................................... 14
Supply Chain ................................................................................................... 14
Farm ........................................................................................................ 14
Manufacture .............................................................................................. 14
Logistics ................................................................................................... 14
Dealers and Customers ................................................................................. 14
Sustainability ................................................................................................... 15
People ......................................................................................................... 15
Planet ......................................................................................................... 15
Profit .......................................................................................................... 16

Section 3 ...................................................................................................... 17
Marketing Strategy ........................................................................................... 17
Target Group Analysis ................................................................................. 17
Marketing Mix ................................................................................................. 21
Product ....................................................................................................... 21
Price ........................................................................................................... 21
Place........................................................................................................... 22
Promotion .................................................................................................... 22
Reference List .................................................................................................. 24

Section 1

Stübben has been a german family-owned business since 1894. It was found by Johannes
Stübben in Krefeld(Stübben, 2022). The company is mostly known for saddle production, but
also for high quality and functional products, as well as sustainability. All leathers and fabrics
are environmentally friendly in production, durable in use and products are 25% lighter. The
order delivery is climate-neutral, which is provided by shipping services and the products are
packed in recycled paper in appropriate size of the box(Stübben, 2022). The Streamline
Lambswool Half Pad is implemented with real lambswool on the downside, the withers area
and around the panels of the saddle to give the saddle a soft support. The rest of the outer
material is made of cotton and the filling is 100% polyester. It comes with a saddle
component, which fits between the panels of every saddle to release pressure off the vertebral
canal. It is available in two sizes and four different colours(Stübben, 2022).

Stage 1: Nature of the external environment

The market environment Stübben works in layers between stable and unstable in the
Netherlands. There are not a lot of changes in governmental rules. The customers of equine
related products are more and more concerned about how the purchased products are relate to
animal welfare. This means Stübben could lay more focus on how their half pad affects both
the welfare of horses and other animals involved in the production of the product. External
environment impacts the Stübben business outside of themselves, the companies they work
with can have certain manufacturing, delivery, or technical difficulties. All factors of different
companies, or intuitions Stübben works with influent them, this requires action-reaction when
problems appear. Stübben decided to keep the cooperating companies private, we went out
from the average numbers.

Stübben produces the 3D mesh in Taiwan. 3D mesh exists out of large polygons that are
broken down to create lines (Contributor, 2016). Most likely 3D mesh is made with an artist
and the help of software. After the model is created, there must be closely supervised. Any
slight deformity can result in useless product production(Contributor, 2016). This could be an
external environmental issue for Stübben, useless production, delivery, or technical problems
can influence the production of the half pads.

Stübben buys the lambswool from Australia. There are multiple areas where lambswool in
Australia comes from, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia,
Tasmania, and Queensland. All lambswool has a close quality check before the skin is marked
good. All lambswool goes into action after. In a year with nonoptimal weather conditions,
quality lambskin will be available on auction, and prices can be higher (Australian Wool
Innovation Limits, 2021). This is an external influence on the amount of production, and cost
of production, which is unideal for the brand and marketing.

Stübben let the half pad get sown together in China. China is well-known and big in
manufacturing with main export marketing. Producing in China has multiple advantages and
disadvantages (Perspective, 2022). Chinese clothing producers often have 15 years of
experience in the industry. Therefore, it is easy to find a well-built factory with understanding,
standards, and certifications made for large-scale orders. There are a lot of opportunities to
specialize in a design discussion with the supplier and development team, as written by
Perspective (2022). The disadvantages of producing in China are the recent increase of higher
wages compared to other Asian countries. There is more travel time between the Taiwanese
and Australian products, and transport to Europe is a long way to go and leaves a bigger
cardo-oxide footprint. As written by Perspective (2022), the high transport costs and
restrictions since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the supply chain which impact the
external environment.

Stage 2: Macro environmental Audit
Pest Analysis
The PEST analysis is the part of the strategic management of the Stübben company and aims to
define the business environment in the Netherlands in order to help marketers choose the
appropriate strategy when introducing Stübben half pad to the local market.

Political factors affecting the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy whose head is King Willem Alexander. His Majesty
and the Council of Ministers hold executive power. The capital is Amsterdam, the seat of
government and parliament is Den Haag. The Dutch legislature (Staten-Generaal van het
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) consists of a "lower" (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal) and an
"upper" chamber (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal). The current coalition of Prime Minister
Rutte is formed by his liberal VVD party, together with the centrist Democrats 66, CDA (The
Christian Democrats) and CU - Christian Union (Nizozemsko, 2022).

According to the coalition agreement, the government holds a comfortable majority in the lower
house of the Parliament, guaranteeing it the necessary power to govern and thus political and
economic stability in the country. The government faces several major tasks: climate and reducing
the emission burden and consequently fulfilling the quotas resulting from the Green Deal and Fit
for 55 (the construction of one to two nuclear power plants), complete reconstruction of the
benefits system, reform of the health system. The government of the Netherlands does not much
interfere with the country’s market system. The main impact of the government on the economy is
through regulation and taxation.

The government's priority is to strengthen European integration, ensure European security and
stability through the NATO and EU mechanisms, and participate in conflict management and
peace missions. Thanks to its centuries-old legal tradition, the Netherlands has become the seat of
the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of
Arbitration, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, as well as the European judicial organisations
Eurojust and the police organisations Europol (Nizozemsko ,2022).

These facts provide Stübben with the certainty that the Netherlands is a stable country with a high
legal level and that government puts emphasis on the environment and therefore the principle of
sustainability of all new products introduced to the local market is the key point.

It is important for the development of the horse industry that the government recognises that the
entire agricultural industry benefits greatly from the combination of horse industry and agriculture
and therefore provides support to the various horse breeding sectors. In doing so, it contributes to
the development of the sector from which current and future Stübben customers are recruited.

Economic factors affecting the Netherlands

The Dutch economy has long time been one of the most advanced economies in the world. With
its key position in the Rhine estuary, the Netherlands has become one of the most prosperous
European countries. The Netherlands is a part of the euro zone and the 17th largest economy in the
world. It is also the 5th largest economy in the European Union. Its Gross Domestic Product is

expected to reach around $990 billion by the end of 2023 (Trading Economics, 2022). The Dutch
GDP largely consists of the services sector, in which transport and banking services are dominant.

Compared to other EU countries, the Netherlands has lower unemployment rates. It is the third-
highest minimum wage paying country in the EU. Good economic conditions of the population
increase their purchasing power and willingness to spend money on their hobbies, among which
equestrian sport plays a dominant role(Nizozemsko, 2022).

The Dutch tax system is advantageous, stable and transparent for foreign entities, so the country is
often used as a formal headquarters for companies from many countries around the world. There
are many multinational companies that operate in the Netherlands. These along with the domestic
ones offer huge employment opportunities for both locals and expatriates (Lazell, 2022).
Employees of these companies who who buy premium brand products are potential customers for
Stübben.According to Statistics Netherlands, the equestrian world in the Netherlands involves a
total throughput of between 1.5 and 2 billion euros per year (CBS, 2022). This makes horse sport
the second biggest sport when it comes to economic value, behind football.

Social factors affecting the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the richest countries in the world and its people are happier than those
of many European nations. The Dutch people tend to work less hours and therefore, can spend
more time with family and friends. They earn better as well; hence better standards of living. In
fact, they are a very good example of work-life balance.

Horse riding and horse care play an important role in the sport and leisure time activities of the
Dutch. The Netherlands holds almost 500,000 riders and 450,000 horses. The Dutch Equestrian
Federation KNHS (Koninklijke Nederlandse Hippische Sportfederatie) has 200,000 members,
50,000 of whom take part in competitions (KNHS, 2017). These numbers represent a very strong
customer group, which needs to be addressed especially by the quality and practical value of the
products, of which Stübben half pad is an excellent example.

It is a pastime accessible to many people. Lessons can be taken at any age and on any level of
ambition. Over 70% of all Dutch riders ride solely for recreational purposes. One can ride horses
an entire lifetime. The sport attracts many youngsters, but riding is possible at a higher age as
well. Most riders are from the middle-income classes and 80% female. Many feel horse riding is
more than a sport - it is a way of life. It follows that recreational riders represent 350,000 people
of all ages with a proportion of women of around 280,000. This clearly defines manufacturers
how they must distribute the offer in terms of product design, sizes and use for men or women.

Technological factors affecting the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of technological progress. It
has been at the forefront of innovations such as robotics and artificial intelligence. An English-
speaking and tech-savvy workforce has made it easier for global IT companies such as Microsoft,
Cisco, Interxion, Infosys, Huawei, Oracle, Netflix, Intel, IBM, Uber, Verizon and Google to
establish their presence in the country. The Netherlands is considered one of the most advanced
markets in terms of internet use, with almost 98% of households and virtually 100% of firms
having internet connections. The country is also a leader in cyber security – The Hague Security
Delta is the largest security cluster in Europe, encompassing more than 300 public and private

organisations. Social media use is widespread in the Netherlands. WhatsApp and Facebook are
the most used platforms, while Instagram's number of users is also growing rapidly (Statista,

The high coverage of high-speed secure internet creates an excellent platform for internet
commerce, communication with customers and, last but not least, secure payment for the client's
purchase. High coverage of high-speed secure internet creates an excellent platform for e-
commerce, communication with customers and, last but not least, secure payment for the client's
purchase. Of course, this communication channel is very important to Stübben, but if the customer
wishes to test the product in a physical store, Stübben offers a wide network of retail partners in
the Netherlands for this purpose (BusinessInfo, 2022)

Online shopping and fast delivery of goods is a crucial motivation for the client to purchase. The
Dutch infrastructure is among the best in the world and supports business growth through
sophisticated airports, ports, digital network and rail, road and water connections. This
infrastructure is home to leading transport hubs with Europe's largest port in Rotterdam and the
main airport, Amsterdam Schiphol, which according to independent evaluations is considered the
2nd best connected airport in the world and the 4th largest freight airport in Europe. The level of
infrastructure is a significant marketing and sales advantage for the importer, seller and distributor
as it represents an easy and convenient communication with customers, an immediate response to
market developments regarding price or type of product range.

Stage 3: Meso Environmental Audit (5-Forces)
To make an environmental analysis on meso level the 5-forces tool can be used. With this
tool, an analysis can be made based on the attractiveness of the market. It is useful to check
how attractive the market is with all its competitors within. It uses the five different forces
that shape the industry. It can also be referred to as the competitive environment. A business
has something to compete for, either customers, market or supplies (Eastwood et al., 2005).
The half-pad industry has a monopolistic structure. This means that many different companies
are offering the same but slightly different products.

Rivalry among existing competitors - High

The first force focuses on the rivalry amongst competitors in this industry and also their
ability to stand out. If the competition in an industry is low, companies can offer higher prices
and achieve better sales and profits. This also means that if the competition is high
competitors will strive to make the best deal and have the lowest prices to maintain a good
clientele (Porter’s 5 Forces Explained and How to Use the Model, 2022).

To take a closer look into the rivalry between competitors it is important to realise that there
are different kinds of rivalry, for example, pricing, levels of service and advertising
(Eastwood et al., 2005).

What sets Stübben apart from other equestrian manufacturers is their level of service. All their
products are made with an eye on sustainability within the production process. This makes for
high-quality materials being used and as they own all the manufacturing sites they have full
control over the production process. Apart from production they also offer a repair service as
they acknowledge that products can wear down if used regularly.

They also offer a manufacturing experience which lets the clients have a look into the
production process. This personal contact with customers is one of the other factors that set
them apart in this industry (Stübben Gläserne Manufaktur, n.d.).

As the equine industry is fairly big it causes there to be rivalry. But a company can set itself
apart from the rivalry by differentiating. Stübben is a well established company but even they
struggle with competition and will have to keep improving to make sure they keep their
market share.

The threat of new entrants - low

When a new business wants to start up there are certain bumps in the road they will need to
overcome for them to be a success. These bumps are called entry barriers, as the equine
industry has a big already existing market there are entry barriers for a starting company. The
Dutch equine industry makes up for a big part of the Dutch equine industry (, n.d.).
Therefore entering into this industry can be quite the struggle.

One of the struggles of entering will be developing a clientele. To be known in this industry is
a big part of success. Some equestrians develop a liking for a certain product or brand as it
works for the rider as well as the horse. These equestrians will be reluctant to switch brands or
products, especially new ones that do not yet have proof or a reputation. Stübben has the

advantage of an already established clientele and reputation. Stübben strives to have the best
innovative products with the highest quality manufacturing processes, their loyalty to this idea
has given them a reputation in the industry that speaks for itself (Stubben North America,

Other than preference entrants could also run into production barriers. Stübben has its own
manufacturing sites and resources to have the highest quality products and manufacturing. A
new business will need to find the resources and a factory willing to produce its product.

The threat of the substitute products - high

The equine industry is a constantly changing industry in which products get replaced or
upgraded. This means it depends on the customer and the trends if a product is chosen. It also
depends on the research of the product in question, for example, if the product was innovated
with the focus on improvement for rider and horse. Equestrians will be more eager to buy it.

In the saddle half pad market, innovative new pads and half pads are designed and invented
regularly. The pressure on this market is to keep the product up to date with improvements.
Equestrians will choose the product that has the best price/quality ratio. This means that every
company producing half pads will need to keep innovating and be different from the rest.

Looking at the industry there are quite a few other half pads on the market than the Stübben
one. The half pad is made from lambswool and is breathable and offers optimum pressure
distribution (Streamline Lambswool Half Pad, n.d.). The lambskin pad is equipped with
innovative technologies and techniques to improve the performance of both rider and horse.

For Stübben it would mean that they need to keep improving their product to make sure they
keep their clientele and stay on top of the industry. As every rider and their horse is different
they will need different needs filled.

Bargaining power of suppliers - medium

The pads are made from 100% natural lambskin, which originates from Australian Merino
sheep. The polyester used in this half pad comes from Taiwan (Streamline Lambswool Half
Pad, n.d.).

This means the suppliers have quite an influence on the production process. They need this
lambswool to produce the half pads and there could be a difference in wool depending on the
location and the sheep. This could mean that only the wool from West Australia could suffice
for the making of these half pads.

Bargaining power of buyers – low

The buyers have much bargaining power in this industry as there are many different kinds of
half pads. The half pads aren’t bought in large quantities as most equestrians only buy the one
they would need at that time. Also, most buyers will switch to a different product if the
price/quality ratio of the concerned product is not to the buyer’s liking.

Stage 4: Identifying Key Driving Forces
The important driving forces for the success of Stubben in the Netherlands are based mostly
around the high welfare of Dutch people and the numbers of participants within the equestrian
sport. Therefore, the key driving force is people that are living in the Netherlands.
The total throughput of the sport was in 2016 between 1.5 and 2 billion euros and is therefore
the second biggest sport in this country after soccer (KNHS, 2018). The people have many
free hours and one of the biggest public spending of Europe, and the equestrian sport is an
important leisure activity they spend them on. In total there were 500.000 Dutch riders in
2016 and these numbers most likely increased the past years (KNHS,2018). Another factor is
that there are not many new entrants in the market. This is because the entrance barrier is
quite high due to the already big industry. The risk of interferences from the Dutch
government is also low because they only influence with taxes and regulations. The
Netherlands is one of the countries with the most advanced internet market (Nizozemsko,
2022). Therefore, there is an opportunity for Stübben to have more and better internet
marketing. Social media usage has an increase, so there is an opportunity for Stübben to do
more marketing on there and therefore have more potential new customers to reach (Statista,

The important negative factors influencing the success of Stübben are based around the fast-
changing industry they are in, the influence of social media and the current high energy and
gas prices.
Due to the current war in Ukraine the gas and energy prices are getting extremely high. This
causes dutch people to have less disposable income over time to spend on the care for their
horse and are less likely to buy new stuff such as the half pad (DeNederlandscheBank, 2022).
This may lead to losses for Stübben as a company. The industry Stübben is in is also fast
changing, which means that products are constantly replaced and upgraded. The company
needs to rely on the fact that customers will buy their product, but there is also a change that
they will choose to follow other trends and buy other products. Increasing social media usage
can be an opportunity, but also a downfall (Statista, 2022). The customers see lots of
advertisements based on their interests including ones from different companies. This can lead
to them buying other products they saw in those advertisements rather than the ones from

Stage 5: Micro Environmental Audit (Internal Environment)
Introduction of company
Stübben is a german equestrian equipment company, which is part of the secondary and
tertiary sector. The headquarters are located in Krefeld, Germany. It was founded on March
15, 1894 by Johannes Stübben and it is, since then, still a family owned business. Stübben is
known for production of high quality saddles but it also provides other equestrian products
such as tack and accessories. Over thirty showjumping, dressage, and eventing riders are
supported and sponsored by the brand and it also offers services, such as saddle fitting and
custom-made designs(Stübben riders, n.d.). An established company such as Stübben surely
has its strenghts and weaknesses and also has to deal with several opportunities and threats,
which become relevant in terms of its marketing strategy.

It can not be argued, that Stübben has plenty of significant strengths, which is why it is as
successful as it is. Not only the company went through several generations but also the
knowledge. As mentioned before, the family is involved in saddle production and fitting since
1894, that makes them without a doubt, experts in this specific work. Since it is a family
business, a better coherence is apparent and it is obvious that the Stübben family has a special
connection to their company. The numerous business locations support the success of the
company as well. The location of the actual saddle manufactory is still in Germany, while the
production of accessories is taking place in Spain. The locations in the UK, Switzerland and
North America focus more on the sales in their own countries. The fact that the saddle
production still takes place in Germany, proofs the authenticity of the company. It shows that
Stübben still sticks to their original work and that helps to maintain the quality of their
products(Stübben Philosophy Production, n.d.). In terms of sustainability some strengths can
be detected as well, such as the short transportation ways, solar panels on the roof of the
manufactory or specific parking spots for electric cars for their employees(Stübben
Sustainability, n.d.). The implemented sustainability measures show that the company takes
action in terms of sustainability, which counts as a large strength in today´s society. It can
also be seen, that Stübben places value on the production and innovation of products, that are
based on Animal Welfare. The Streamline Lambswool Half Pad, for instance, comes with a
Velcro saddle component that helps taking pressure off the spine of the horse(Stübben, n.d.).
In addition to that, the firm is rather open about raw materials and the production(Stübben
Sustainability, n.d.). Nowadays, these are significant details to know for the consumer, since
the focus is more on sustainability. The services and the specialized employees, Stübben
provides are definitely a huge strength of the firm, because it gets it closer to the actual
customers. Customer orientated services like repairs, custom-made designs and saddle fitting
are becoming more relevant for current equestrians, as they are usually looking for individual
consulting. The saddle fitting is also offered in multiple European countries, fe. the saddle
fitter for dutch customers is Wietse Hoekstra(Stübben Saddle Fitter, n.d.). This strength is also
supported by the “Gläserne Manufaktur”, where not only repairs are accepted, but customers

are given the opportunity to actually take a closer look at the production of Stübben
saddles(Stübben Gläserne Manufaktur, n.d.).

In view of the fact, that Stübben holds multiple strengths, it is a must to also pay attention to
the weaknesses the company has. In general, it can be said, that the weaknesses of the firm are
not as numerous as the strengths, but to list a couple of fragile spots the designs of some of
the products could be seen as one. The cord saddle girth, for example has a simple designs,
but still has a relatively high price for its simplicity. The possibility occurs, that customers
will hesitate to buy a product for that price, when the design is too plain. A discussion starter
on “Horse Forum” mentions: “The Stübben one seems really nice, but it is quite pricey out
here, so I guess I´m looking at alternatives and opnions.”(Saranda, 2016). The average age of
the employees of Stübben can be seen as a weakness. Since the average age of the employees
is relatively low, the Stübben Team refers to themselves as the oldest start-up company to
exist(Stübben, 2022). The possibility occurs, that this could result in a lack of experience,
which could affect the company processes.

Internet marketing is one, if not the most important way of marketing in current times, which
could result in a huge opportunity for the company, since almost everybody is active on
internet platforms and apps. Internet marketing and the current algorithm is not only useful
with widening the companys´ reach, but it also helps with finding the most fitting target group
for certain products(Kant, 2021). As mentioned before, equestrians are looking for individual
consulting nowadays, which is another opportunity for the firm. The offered repairs, saddle
fittings and custom-made designs are ideal ways to personally reach customers, fulfill their
needs and to maintain them. Lastly, since horse riding is quite a popular sport in the
Netherlands, there is a significant opportunity that new Stübben products will enter the market
with success, because it gets introduced to a huge target audience(Horse Riding in
Amsterdam, n.d.).

The demands and needs in the equine industry are always adapting to contemporary events
and situations in economics and politics, this often results in multiple threats for equestrian
companies. Through inflation and ongoing rising prices, it can be difficult to obtain raw
materials, which affects the production, as well as the range and offers of certain products to
customers(Ahuchogu, 2022). In view of the fact, that prices are generally expanding, it is
likely that customers will be more conscious on what they spend their available money on. It
can also be seen, that less people are going to buy horses and more people are going to give
up riding in general due to inflation, which results in less customers for equipment companies.
Besides this, the numerous competitors in this business could also be seen as a threat to
Stübben. The threat of new entrants in the industry is relatively low, but multiple other
equipment brands with similar products and marketing strategies are already available on the
market(Stübben, 2022). Therefore it can be said, that the huge amount of competitors is a
significant threat for the company, since customers have a larger range of products that they
can compare, that makes it more complicated to introduce and maintain products that fit every
need of the majority of customers.
Section 2

Supply Chain
The unique system of the Streamline Lambswool Half Pad and the saddle component remains
reliably chambered even during riding and does not pull on the withers or in the loin area of
the horse. The sensitive area around the spine is thus protected.

The key material for production of the half pad is merino lambskin in class A, obtained from
farms in Western Australia. The entire tanning process takes about ten days, during which the
skins are carefully cleaned, combed, polished and dyed. Lambskins are produced using
environmentally friendly techniques that meet the highest global EPA (Environment
Protection Agency) standards. The result is an excellent and plush density of 100% merino
wool and the strength and consistency of finishes and colours. All leathers are a by-product of
agricultural processes, are sustainably sourced and produced organically, without the use of
chromium or harmful chemicals. A long-term contract with the leather breeder and processor
ensures a stable fair price for Stübben throughout the entire period and avoids adverse price
fluctuations(Stübben, 2022).

Other parts are made of solid cotton canvas, padding of recycled polyester. The final
production of half pads is carried out in a Chinese high-tech textile plant. Lambskins are
supplied to this final manufacturer on the basis of a tripartite agreement between Stübben, the
leather producer and the manufacturer.

The transport of material between the Australian farm and the Chinese plant, as well as
finished products to distributors, is provided by sea freight transport. LCL shipments (less-
than-container-load) are an essential part of the smart logistics mix, helping to save money,
minimize inventory and improve corporate cash flow. Global transport networks with
container consolidation and dedicated routes will ensure the highest level of reliability of
transit times (Management Mania, 2022). To achieve the company's environmental goals,
Stübben uses sustainable and innovative supply chain solutions that reduce and offset the
carbon footprint of shipments.

Dealers and Customers

Stübben's premium quality products reach end customers through retail partners whose
network is in more than 50 countries on all five continents. Sales take place in the Stübben
partners' stores, or by ordering through an online store with delivery to a home address or
pick-up at the partner store.

In the past, present and future, Stübben considers correct cooperation with its suppliers and
business partners to be the most important basis for sustainable production. As part of its

efforts to comply with ethical procedures, Stübben integrates codes of conduct and guidelines
into its corporate cultures and management systems. Through them, Stübben places
requirements on its suppliers, farms and subcontracting services and verifies through social
audits that they comply with the required standard(Stübben, 2022).

As mentioned before, Stübben pays a decent amount of attention to sustainability, since it is a
more frequent topic nowadays. The company gets the raw material for the half pad, like the
lamb fur, from manufacturers in Western Australia, but the actual production of the half pad
takes place in China(Stübben Sustainability, n.d.). At first glance, it does not seem as
sustainable, because of the long transport ways and prejudices of poor working conditions in
China. If the three sustainability aspects people, planet and profit are more specifically looked
at, it can be seen, that there is still room for improvement in terms of sustainability, but also
that some adjustments were already made.

The production of lamb fur and lamb meat is quite a large market in Western Australia, since
there are more than 4000 sheep producers(Pritchet, 2022). The average flock size of sheep
farmers is 4210 sheep(Department of Primary Industries and regional Development, 2022).
In 2014/2015 the gross value of the wool industry was 541 million dollars(Department of
Agriculture and Food, 2017). With regards to these numbers it can be said, that the lamb fur
industry creates and provides multiple jobs, which is undoubtedly a positive aspect of
sustainability and it contributes a significantly high turnover for the western australian
The textile industry in China, on the other hand, is mainly focused on fast fashion and
therefore speedy production. This causes the factories to be dangerous and pose serious health
risks to the employees. Sweatshop workers live in crowded dormitories and have no access to
childcare. Furthermore, there is a high risk of exposure to harmful molecules like silica dust
and lead(Simpson. H ,2020). The production process in China is therefore not so sustainable
for people and that causes a lack in sustainability of Stübben manufacturers.

Western Australia introduced several quality assurance systems to assure quality, safety and
animal welfare. The National Livestock Identification Scheme(NLIS) and the National
Vendor Declaration Scheme(NVDS) are setting the rules for animal health and medication, to
make sure the sheep are free of diseases and chemical contamination(Government of Western
Australia, 2017). The National Model of Codes of Practice and Guidelines and the system Fit
to Load were founded to assure, that only animals that are fit enough for transportation, will
get transported alive. Thus, is a significant detail in terms of animal welfare, since it prevents
stress for sick animals, as well as the spreading of diseases(Government of Western Australia,
2017). Through these quality assurance systems, it is possible to trace back the farm of origin,
if certain problems occur, so farmers or manufacturers can be held accountable(Government
of Western Australia, 2017).

To apply the profitability on to the lamb fur production in Western Australia, it can be said
that it is a highly competitive in the global market, because of the low cost production system
and reputation for safe quality products. An international cost advantage is also apparent,
since it is located closer to Asian markets than other exporting competitors(Government of
Western Australia, 2017). That comes in handy in terms of the actual production of the half
pad, which takes place in China.

Section 3

Marketing Strategy
Target Group Analysis
Step 1: Make segments within the market
Trying to reach customers with a marketing message or an ad campaign, the company would
like to target the right group is essential. Market segmentation can help to define and
understand the target audience, the customer. This helps to increase the chances of people
engaging with the ad. This may result in an improved return on investment, Stübben can
advertise more precisely and optimize the effectiveness of advertising. There are four main
methods of market segmentation which we will explain shortly.

1. Demographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation is one of the main used forms, it refers to splitting up audiences
based in observable differences. This is all qualitative data like sex, age, disposable income,
horse owner, nationality, and religion. There are plenty of ways to gather the data,
interviewing the customer, using a second party, and or a third-party including marketing
service providers and credit bureaus. Collecting data takes work, especially when you collect
it directly from the customer, organizing the data will help to target the marketing
campaign(Lotame, 2023).

2. Behavioural segmentation

Behavioural segmentation is based on the costumer’s behaviour regarding your products. The
types of behaviour a company must look out for are online shopping habits, actions taken on a
websites, benefits sought, usage rate, and loyalty to the brand. Behavioural data is useful
because of the direct connection with people’s interactions with the brand and or products.
This makes marketing more effective. The data is collected through various sources including
cookies, purchase data in customer relationship management software, and third-party
datasets(Lotame, 2023).

3. Geographic segmentation

Geographic segmentation is splitting up your market based on customer location. This is an

effective strategy. There are several kinds of geographic segmentations. The most basic
method is based on country, stat, county, and zip code. However, you can also identify
consumers based on economical and climate characteristics, whether it is urban, suburban, or
rural. In characteristics require you to get more specific information. In this way Stübben can
divide different campaigns for different countries and even religions(Lotame, 2023).

4. Psychographic segmentation

Psychographic segmentation is like demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation

works mentally and emotionally. Understanding those aspects of the target audience can help
to create content that appeals more effectively. Some examples are personality traits, interests,
beliefs, values, attitudes, and lifestyle. Demographic and Psychographic segmentation
complement each other, this equals more marketing success. You can collect the data in the
same way as for the demographic segmentation(Lotame, 2023).

Stübben has several types of targets, individuals, retailers, and other small businesses. The
individuals who buy from Stübben will buy the product either from them or from a retailer. A
re-seller buys products from a brand to sell them in their store, a business-to-business market
system. For Stübben advertisement focussed on horse riders/owners, from the age of eighteen
with a disposable income.

How should Stübben advertise, simple; with a demographic and psychographic segmentation
cross they are most likely to reach the targeted audience. Eighty percent of the equestrian
industry is dominated by woman, which are more emotional than the male sex. By getting the
data of the sex, age, disposable income, if they own a horse and country where they are from.
Stübben can make a heartful add about the convenience of their half pad if this audience is
from the female sex. If the audience is from the male sex, Stübben can present an ad how
though and convenient their half pad is.

Step 2: Identify your target group

The target group of Stübben's half pad are people that own horses from the age of 18 and
above. They also have a higher disposable income to spend then most people, because the half
pad categorises in an expensive price range with its €129 (Stübben, 2019). In the latest
statistics of the Dutch horse industry from 2016 is stated that 80% of their riders were
women(KNHS, 2018). Therefore, it is even though the man/woman population of the industry
could be more evenly divided in the present most likely that the group Stübben targets mostly
consists of woman.

Step 3: Describe your target group demographically

In the year 2022, 17.59 million people were living in the Netherlands. Demographic
composition: 12% under 12 years of age; 16 % 12-25 years of age; 53 % 25-65 years of age;
19 % over 65 years of age. The distribution between male and female population was
somewhat equal for all age groups, until the highest age groups where the distribution for
people between the ages of 95 to 100 was 5,600 males and 18,600 females. Average age was
42.4 years (males 41.6 and female 43.2 years). Life expectancy for women is 84 years,
compared with 81 for men(Statista, 2022).

Horse sport is a leisure activity accessible to many. Lessons can be taken at any age and on
any level of ambition. Seventy per cent of all Dutch riders ride solely for recreational
purposes. In the Netherlands there are 1.2 million followers of horse sports, of which there are
500,000 active riders and 80% of them are female. KNHS has 200,000 members, 50,000 of
whom take part in competitions (KNHS, 2022).
Figure 3: Statistic of dutch population

2022, BY

Married 37,90%

Never 49,30%

Divorced 7,90%

Widowed 4,90%

(, 2022)

There is in total 8,138,591 private households from which 3,172,564 are one-person
households and 4,966,027 are multi-person households.

The Dutch regularly have their minimum wage increased across the board for all professions
twice a year. The Dutch government last raised the minimum wage to €1,756 gross at the
beginning of July this year. The Dutch earn an average of €2,855 gross per month. Of course,
there are considerable differences in the evaluation of individual professions, from shop
assistants and waitresses with approximately €2,000 gross, through nurses and teachers with
earnings of around €4,000 gross to lawyers and medical doctors with incomes of around
€8,000 gross(, 2022).

In the Netherlands, 81% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education.
University master's degree or higher was achieved by 13.4% of Dutch(Statista, 2022).

In terms of employment, about 78% of people aged 15 to 64 in the Netherlands have a paid
job, Some 82% of men are in paid work, compared with 74% of women.

There are 75,8% Dutch people and 24,2% Migrant origin that consists of 400 000 Turks, 390
000 Moroccans and 350 000 Surinamse. Additionally, 54% people non-religious, 20% Roman
Catholics, 15% Protestants and 11% others.

Step 4: Describe your group psycho-graphically

While identifying the target group of the Stübben Lambswool Half Pad, it becomes apparent
that they have several things in common, even if the target group can not be classified into
one specific age range. Describing a target group psycho-graphically not only creates specific
personas, it also helps with understanding the motives of the targeted costumers(Förster,
2020). It can be sufficient in terms of deciding in what way a product is going to be marketed.

It is possible, that the target group consists of children or teenagers out of a family with a high
disposable income, which spend their spare time in the stable and have the Stübben halfpad

on their wishlist. Otherwise, it is also feasible, that it is a person in their twenties or thirties,
which is living alone but is willing to spend their money on their horses welfare. The third
example could be a married couple, which is professionally working with horses and is
willing to try a new product to try it on different kind of horses. Besides horses the targeted
people probably like to spend time with friends and family and they probably do some kind of
other sport next to horse riding, such as going to the gym, jogging or cycling. It could be
assumed, that the person enjoys any kind of horse event like international shows, stallion
shows or auctions. The target audience cares about the well-being of the horse and is eager to
become better in the sport. The person wants to improve the movement and the comfort of the
horse to improve all parts of the training scale. The intentions of buying the Streamline
Lambswool Half Pad could be quite clashing, since we can assume that a professional would
buy the product to improve the rideability of a horse to sell it for a better price, whereas a
teenager wants the product because of a more sentimental reason. Nevertheless, it is quite
obvious, that any person out of the target audience is willing to pay attention to aspects of
animal welfare(Lesté-Lassere, 2018). Furthermore, it is likely, that they believe that helpful
aids, such as the half pad, are beneficial for ideal comfort of the horse. It does not matter, if
the person is a child or a teenager, a person in their thirties or if it is a fourty years old
professional which keeps and rides horses for a living. It is very likely that they all have in
common, that they are feeling uncomfortable when they see horses in discomfort or in pain
because of back problems, which leads them to buy the Lambswool Half Pad.

Step 5: Describe your target market behaviouristically

As said in step 2, the target group for the Stübben half pad consists of horse owners over the
age of 18. This is because these people have a higher disposable income which is needed
seeing as the half pad is €129 (Stubben, 2019). The target group Stübben will appeal to would
be the wealthier/higher disposable income equestrians. Equestrians that use the lambswool
half pad are more likely to be invested in the well-being of the horse and the performance that
comes with it. As 80% of the Dutch equestrian industry is female, it can be assumed that
Stübben's marketing strategies are more likely to be focused on the female client rather than
the male. Stübben has an online web shop as well as physical shops located all over the world.
This allows the customers to decide whether they want to see/feel the product before buying it
or just buy it online.

Since, the price of the half pad is considerably high the target group will value the quality that
comes with this pad. These products get bought from the disposable income of the equestrian
in question, therefore service and quality is of high order. Stübben offers with the purchase of
a product a service warranty for when the product needs it. As the half pad is of a higher price
range, Stübben has given the opportunity to clients to take a look into the manufacturing
process of their products. This allowing the customer to ask questions and look into the
manufacturing process of the product they are buying.

Step 6: Compile your results

To summarize our results in terms of the target group of the Stübben Streamline Lambswool
Half Pad, it is rather important to mention the most striking facts and assumptions. It becomes
apparent that the age of the target group is probably 18 and above. Since, 80% of the active
riders are female, majority of the target audience will be female. Furthermore, 78% of dutch
people from 15-64 have a paid job, which proves that the target group has at least a regular
income that makes them able to pay for desired products. The Lambswool Half Pad is a
product that improves equine welfare, this makes it quite likely that potential buyers care
about animal welfare or share an interest in it. Additionally, online marketing strategies
through social media, as well as marketing on events are prone to work best, since our society
becomes more digitalized, but face-to-face retailing remains on of the main ways to introduce
and sell a product.

Marketing Mix
Streamline Lambswool Half Pad is a product used in equestrian industry. The Stübben brand
presents it's saddle half pad as a sustainable and long-lasting product. The Streamline
Lambswool Half Pad can be purchased online or in the stone shop located in Germany near
Düsseldorf(Stübben, 2023). This product has many competitors such as Canadian company
Ogilvy or Kentucky (Ogilvy Equestrian, 2022).

The Streamline Lambswool Half Pad is available in two sizes Large and Medium, so owners
of larger or smaller horses will find it to their liking. There is also a choice of four colours -
black, white, blue and grey. It is unique due to its system that adheres to the saddle and so the
Half Pad does not move when the horse is under training, it does not cause any problems then.
Our target client group is people involved in equestrian sport from 18 years and upwards. The
Streamline Half Pad is suitable for both showjumping and dressage and so can always be used
for equestrian training. Orders are carefully packed in sustainable paper boxes in the
prescribed sizes.

Figure 4: Picture of Stübben Streamline Lambswool Half Pad (Stübben, n.d.)

The price of the Stübben half pad will be determined by the costs made to produce and
promote the product and the amount of profit desired to be made. The price needs to fit the
expected profit but also the willingness of the customer to pay the set price. The pricing
objective in this case is the profit.

Next up is looking at the demand for the lambswool half pad. In the Netherlands, about
500.000 riders are active. An amount of 70% of those riders are purely recreational
riders(KNHS, 2022). Stübben aims for competition riders with higher prices and research to

improve performance, as well as recreational riders. Therefore, the target group is quite big
and the expected demand definitely given.

Seeing as the half pads are substitute products of each other. The price shouldn’t be too high
because customers will buy another half pad from another business. The price of the pad will
depend on the costs that are made to produce and promote the product. First is the variable
costs: the price of the fabric, the costs to manufacture the half pad (the labour), and the
decorations (logo) should all be taken into account. Then there is the fixed costs: salaries, rent
of factories. Both these expenses should be considered when coming up with a retail price.

The price strategy that will be used is the skimming strategy. Because the pad is sold for €129
it falls into the higher price range (Stübben, 2019).

The Stübben half pad will be distributed in online stores as well as physical. Online Stübben
has its own website where the product is available for clients. The product is advertised
through social media, for example on their Instagram or Facebook. A part of the
marketing/advertisement could therefore be the Stübben riders. These are all equestrians that
ride for Stübben and promote their products on competitions or events. Apart from on their
own site, the Lambswool half pad can also be found with other online retailers. This will
make sure that people that are not specifically familiar with Stübben, are able to run into their
brand or products on websites they use. Even if online shopping is becoming more of a trend
right now, physical stores are still quite the hit. People do still like to be able to look/feel a
product before buying it. It also gives customers the opportunity to ask Stübben employees
about the product in question. The Lambswool half pad will be sold directly as well as
indirectly, through a reseller. When buying the product, it is good to think about the repair
service offered when buying a product directly from Stübben.

The Stübben Streamline Half Pad not only offers pressure distribution but it also has a
temperature-balancing and breathable effect. Furthermore, it prevents the saddle from slipping
due to the lambfur rim in the area of the withers and the loins. The specialty of the half pad is
the saddle component that comes with it, since it can be put into any saddle canal and it helps
to remain the chambering of the sensitive vertebral canal zone. Another significant feature is
the adjustable press stud fastenings on the breast plate drop rings. In terms of the design, it is
available in four colours, two sizes and it is equipped with a fashionable piping band, which
also helps to remain the pad in place. Additionally, it is washable by hand, as well as in the
washer, that way it is not proned to look dirty or filthy after extensive use(Stübben,
Streamline Lambswool Half Pad, n.d.).

Considering the technical use of today´s generations, the promotion of the Stübben Streamline
Half Pad could mainly contain presenting it on social media platforms such as Instagram,
Facebook and TikTok. That could be done in form of regular posts on the official Stübben
account, Instagram Stories or Reels(@stuebben_eu, 2023). It reaches most costumers of the
targeted group, since younger generations use apps as TikTok and Instagram, whereas
consumers from the age of thirty either use Instagram or Facebook for instance(The 2022

Social Media Demographics Guide, 2022). Discounts, Give-aways, Black Friday sales or
other special offers can be promoted over the internet as well.

Nevertheless, it is still important to present the product to the costumers face-to-face, because
it can be seen as more convincing to actually see the product and its use in a realistic situation.
This can be carried out on equestrian events, such as showjumping or dressage shows, stallion
presentations or trade fairs. This way, Stübben employees can explain the use and effect of the
half pad to the customer directly, which can be seen as more convincing and it also shows
authenticity(Swift, 2020). Visual marketing can also be pursued on events, for example in
form of posters, billboards or screens that show the product. These examples cause to catch a
potential costumers attention and it increases the chance that they are going to inform
themselves about the product(Rodriguez, 2021).

Another substantial way of marketing are the riders of the Stübben team, since Stübben
sponsors equestrians that are quite distinguished in the sport and to whom people look up to.
It is striking that Stübben sponsors equestrians of multiple disciplines like dressage,
showjumping and eventing(Team Stübben, n.d.). Equestrians like Bianca Schoenmakers,
Andreas Kreuzer or Sönke Rothenberger come over as trustworthy because they share a lot of
their horses, training methods and their life in general to their followers on social media.
Therefore, it is possible that it could push a product if a sponsored rider uses it or even shows
and explains its use to potential buyers.

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