Examen de Ingles

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Examen de Ingles

Created by: Juan Elías Cruz Cabrera. Matricula: 1-23-7038.

Nombre: ___________________________________ Matricula: ____________

1) Complete with the following words. (are,is, am).

1) Maria _____ beautiful.
2) The table _____ big.
3) You _____ very smart.
4) We _____ too tired to run
5) I _____ very hungry

2) Aparea las diferentes palabras o saludos correspondientes.

1) Good afternoon __ Silla
2) Chair __ Cuaderno

3) Desk __ Libro

4) Book __ Buenas tardes

5) Notebooks __ Escritorio

3) Complete con los pronombres personales (I, you, he, she, they,
we it ).
1) _____ is my father
2) _____ are friends
3) _____ is my cousin
4) _____ are playing
5) _____ am tired
4) Resolver las siguientes ecuaciones matemática.
1) Five plus two equal sevent.

2) One minus one equal zero.

3) Six by three equal Eighteen.

4) Four divided by two equals two.

5) Seven plus seven equal Fourteen.

5) Completa utilizando las siguientes Preposiciones (in, at, on).

1) We are ____ the office
2) I am ____ university
3) The newspapel is ____ the table
4) I live ____ Mexico
5) I’ll be back ____ six

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