Sample Environment Worksheets

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Environment Facts

The environment is the sum total of what is around something or

someone, which includes living things and natural forces. The
environment of living things provides conditions for development
and growth as well as of danger and damage.

Amazing Environmental Facts and Man-made Damages

★ The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years, but in the past 100
years, people have caused a great deal of damage. We have
destroyed 80% of the Earth’s forest and 40% of the Earth’s tropical
★ Every day, 50 to 100 species of plants and animals become extinct
as their habitat is impacted by human activities.
★ Through this impact, deserts are encroaching the once fertile land.
This is because climate changes bring droughts, buildings replace
ecosystems and deforestation destroys habitats.
Environment Facts
★ An average American creates 4.5 pounds of garbage per day. That
amount has doubled from 30 years ago.
★ Over 100 pesticide ingredients are suspected of causing birth
defects, cancer and gene mutation. These cause trillions of dollars
in healthcare around the world.
★ The U.S. burns 10,000 gallons of gasoline a second. Burning one
gallon of gas creates 22 pounds of carbon dioxide. That equals
220,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per second. Human and animal
life cannot breathe carbon dioxide. Oxygen is needed for these
life-forms to exist.
★ The United States has 5% of the world’s population yet produces
30% of the world’s waste.
★ Chemicals used at home amount to 10 times more per acre than in
★ In order for humans to have toilet paper, 27,000 trees are cut down
every single day. Approximately, 100 acres of rainforests are cut
down per minute mostly to clear the land for beef production.
★ A glass bottle requires 4,000 years to decompose.
★ More than 700 million people around the world do not have access
to clean water because of pollution and sanitation problems.
★ More than 27% of the world’s coral reefs have been destroyed by
pollution and climate change. They are essential ecosystems and
nurseries that support 25% of marine life.
★ According to scientists, the primary causes of variations in climate
are man-made, including excessive greenhouse gas emissions from
cars, industry and meat production.
Environment Facts
★ Greenhouse gases include methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor,
which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Without them, the Earth
would be too cold to support life.
★ Among the effects of excessive greenhouse gases is global warming.
Due to global warming, average sea levels are expected to rise from
1 to 6 feet before the century ends. Moreover, glaciers are melting
along with ice sheets in the Antarctic.
★ Due to El Niño and climate change, about 12% of the world’s coral
reefs are bleached.

The Environment and Natural Disasters

★ In the United States, many natural disasters have involved flooding

followed by wildfires.
★ In 2012, severe catastrophes worldwide included droughts, storms,
earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hail storms, wildfires and
★ Earthquakes set in motion other natural disasters like tsunami,
landslides and avalanches which damage or destroy man-made
★ Increasing tropical storms or hurricanes can release 2.4 trillion
gallons of water per day and can cause severe flooding and storm
★ In 1962, a huge avalanche at the Huascaran Peak in the Andes
Mountains killed over 4 000 people.
★ A 9.0 magnitude earthquake triggered one of the most devastating
tsunamis in history that killed over 226,000 people in Indonesia,
Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives on December 26, 2004.
★ In 1934, Americans experienced famine and drought when the
Great Plains became a Dust Bowl.
Environment Facts
Saving the Environment

★ In most developing countries, supermarkets have banned the use

plastic bags.
★ An estimated 250 million trees can be save each year if every
published newspaper is recycled.
★ In order to slow or prevent the extinction of further animal species,
private and public organizations are establishing programs to
protect their numbers and habitat.
★ Through recycling and composting of waste, approximately 181
million metric tons of carbon dioxide was eliminated in 2014.
★ Expansion of wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy are
encouraged in many countries and gaining popularity because
they’re renewable and create less CO2 than fossil fuels.
★ About 88,000 jobs were created in 2015 through the wind power
★ Simple things like biking and walking instead of riding a car can
reduce greenhouse gases.
★ Composting makes a significant difference to lessening the burden
on landfills, which emit significant quantities of methane.
★ Small changes can reduce the energy demands of a home, such as
LED lights, using average thermostats, and changing to energy
efficient appliances.

Destroy or Preserve?
Our natural environment encompasses both living and
nonliving things around us. We have the power to both
protect and destroy it. Properly label the pictures using
the statements below. In addition, identify whether this
object can preserve or destroy the environment.

6. It is the process of converting

waste materials into something
1. The most common individual
item of litter.
7. Non-biodegradable products,
2. It usually has 3 blades, which
which can contaminate soil and
can reach up to 320 km/h.
3. The sun is its sole source of
8. The practice of using
convertible energy.
explosives to stun schools of
4. One of the main sources of
pollution in highly populated
9. Clearing or removal of trees
to convert land use.
5. The biggest supplier of this
10. Power is derived from
kind of energy is in West Asia.
fast-running water.
Destroy or Preserve?
--------- Destroy
--------- Preserve

1 Solar panel 6
3 5

Cigarettes Recycling Deforestation


2 7 8 10
4 energy

Wind turbine Plastic bags Dynamite fishing

6. It is the process of converting
waste materials into something
1. The most common individual
item of litter.
7. Non-biodegradable products,
2. It usually has 3 blades, which
which can contaminate soil and
can reach up to 320 km/h.
3. The sun is its sole source of
8. The practice of using
convertible energy.
explosives to stun schools of
4. One of the main sources of
pollution in highly populated
9. Clearing or removal of trees
to convert land use.
5. The biggest supplier of this
10. Power is derived from
kind of energy is in West Asia.
fast-running water.
Copyright Notice
This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

You are free to:

● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or

● Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

● Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to

the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in
any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the
licensor endorses you or your use.
● NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial

For more information on this license, visit the following link:

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