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Week of September 4th

Welcome God has given us each a story. Thinking of Gods glory, we may be the main character but it is His story that we are in the process of living out. Invite people to be focused listeners so that we are able to hear what God is doing in each of us. Opening Prayer Father, thank you for intervening in our lives to seek us out of our sin and deliver us into a relationship with you. Lord, help us to see your story being told in and through our lives. Help us to hear your story in the lives of those around us.

Family Time Start out with the Telephone Game. One person whispers a short story in their neighbors ear and tells the person to pass it on. When the story has moved all the way around the circle have the last person tell everyone what they heard before the first person tells the group what was actually said. So much of what we hear from others is influenced by what we personally think or feel about what is said. We need to be mindful not to add or take away of what story God is or is not telling in and through our lives. Kids Time God is always telling His Story in our lives. God uses us to tell of His love and how wonderful He is all throughout our day. (Read Acts 26:11) What bad things did Saul do to Jesus? (Read vs. 14) Who called out Sauls name? (Read vs. 16) Why did Jesus call out to Saul, making him fall on the road? (Read vs. 22) What did Jesus have Paul do after changing his heart? (Tell others the story of Gods love and grace.) Adult Time (From Organic Outreach pg. 202) Followers of Jesus dont have one testimony; we have many. Because God is active and working in our lives, we have new stories to tell every day. These stories recount how God is present and powerful. (As an example, briefly tell 1-2 personal stories of how God has showed up in your life that tells of His power or mercy.) Each of us have things that we are embarrassed to share, thinking people will think less of us. More often the case, the yuck that we hide from folks is what people identify with in their story. Why is this? (It shows that we are real...that we are like them.) 2 Questions to frame how to share Christ as you tell His story in your life are: How has God changed your heart and purpose? (old purpose: $, selfish gain, people think good things of me) How does your life tell Gods story in the good & the difficult times? (God wants to share His love through it all.) Closing Statement: Its Not About Me! God has given us His story to share as we live out our lives. Prayer Time Pray for God to help us see Him working in our lives. Pray that we would be bold to share of His love and grace in the good difficult times.

Beyond (Evangelism)
Community Calendar With team sports starting back up, look for opportunities to support each other and share in what God is doing in the lives of each others kids. Church Calendar Our church has experienced some huge growth. Praise God! Because of this, there is a greater need for volunteers in our Childrens Ministry. If you are interested in serving, please contact Jennifer Strand at


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