03-24 LP Study Skills

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Stephanie Hedges Study Skills Mar 24, 2023

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
● Brainstorm with a partner ways to improve study habits.
● Reflect on their habits by lining up where they rank themselves on an imaginary line in the

● Think/Pair/Share (F)
● Class discussion (F)

● Slide show:

LESSON PLAN: (58 minutes)

Introduction: (7 minutes)
● Introduce the importance of study skills
● “I am going to teach you some quick tips on how to be a little bit more successful”
● Outline the lesson agenda on the board: Organization physical Space, Organization of school
stuff, work with teachers and peers, manage time: work hard, play hard, class skills: take notes,
ask questions, study at home, prepare for projects ahead of time, general wellness: sleep, exercise,
diet, social.
Lesson: (45 minutes - 10 minutes on each section)
● Organize physical space: lockers, room
● Organize school stuff: binders, use a planner or a calendar to plan
● Manage time: work hard, play hard, start on stuff early (when you have time, do something),
study at home, prepare for projects ahead of time, prioritize, get rid of distractions
○ Story about hiking and getting work done. I was better at managing my time when I’m
● Class skills: take notes, have a different notebook for each class, work with teachers and peers,
don’t be afraid to ask questions
● ACTIVITY: Line up on the line where you think you fit:
○ Who finds video games a distraction?
■ How can you manage this better?
○ Who finds social media a distraction?
■ How can you manage this better?
○ Who finds it hard to get enough sleep?
■ Strategies to get enough sleep

● General Wellness:
○ Sleep: 8-10 hours a day, set schedule, limit electronic use before bed time
■ Less sick
■ Healthier weight
■ Improve mood
Stephanie Hedges Study Skills Mar 24, 2023

■ Think more clearly

■ Get along better with people
○ Exercise: 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily (CDC)
■ Electronic and tv time to less than 2 hours a day
■ Improve your brain (synapses and connections grow with exercise, happier,
○ Diet: Lots of vegetables and fruits, whole grains (oats, wild rice, whole wheat carbs), and
protein (eggs, beans, red meats, soy)
■ Story of running after eating junk food: track meet throw up, fourth of july race
■ Healthy snack choices
■ Healthy drink choices
■ Eat without distractions
■ Eat meals with people
○ It’s okay to take breaks!
Conclusion: (6 minutes)
● Think/Pair/Share: one thing you can do today to be better at study skills

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