04-04 Social Studies LP Tunisia 4

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Stephanie Hedges Social Studies: Tunisia April 4, 2023

Learning Outcomes:
● Social 3.1.1: demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs
of groups and communities other than their own (CC)

Learning Objectives:
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
○ Appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities

● Think/Pair/Share (F)
● Class Discussion (F)
● Tunisia Workbook (F)

● Tunisia Workbook

LESSON PLAN 1 (20 minutes)

Introduction: (9 minutes)
● Review what we learned about Tunisia last time: Culture and Identity
○ Languages: arabic, french, tunisian dialect
○ The arts: carpets and pottery

Lesson: (10 minutes)

● Finish filling out“Culture and Identity”
● Start reading “Government and Housing” if there is time

Conclusion: (1 minutes)
● Any remaining questions with what we read?

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