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Chapter 1: Stimuli And Responses 1.

3: Stimuli and Responses in Plants

1.3: Stimuli and Responses in Plants

- directional response of plants to stimuli such as light, water, gravity and touch
- coming from a certain direction
- A certain part of a plant will grow towards or move away from the detected stimulus
- grows towards a stimulus is known as positive tropism
- grows away from a stimulus is known as negative tropism

Phototropism Hydrotropism Geotropism Thigmotropism

Stimuli: Light Stimuli: water Stimuli: gravity Stimuli: touch
response of plants response of plants response of plants response towards
towards light towards water towards gravity touch

Roots of plants show

positive hydrotropism Roots of plants Tendrils or
Shoots of plants show
which is growth show positive twining stems
positive phototropism
towards the direction geotropism which is show positive
which is growth
of water downward growth thigmotropism
towards the direction
towards the
of light
direction of gravity

Nastic movement
- is the response towards a stimulus such as touch but does not depend on the
direction of the stimulus
- occurs more rapidly than tropism
- example, the Mimosa sp. responds to touch by folding its leaves inwards when
- as a defence of the Mimosa sp. against its enemies and strong wind.

Science F3 2021 Ckg Ridhwan SMK TP

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