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Zs STRESSLINE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE LINTEL USERS GUIDE Estabishea in 1954 forte Froduction of intels tothe construction industry, Sressiine has always been at the forefront Of Thiel design. Groat experience in manufacturing tochniques, with a reputation for producing qualty products in a varity of ranges, the compary won t's repuation by providing excell! service to customers whist offering good value for money. he GENERAL NOTES FOR CONCRETE LINTELS STACKING - Lirtels chouid be stacked the right way up cn firm ground. The bearers should be near the lintel ends end Vertically ever each athor Inspect the unt for etacks or other damage caused by handling and lf prosent do not use. HANDLING - Although the units are robust. they will not withstand heavy blows, dropping or ‘Should be worn whist iting by hand to avold Injury from abrasive surfaces. verse bencing. Gloves: INSTALLATION NOTES FOR INDEPENDENT AND COMPOSITE CONCRETE LINTELS. MINIMUM BEARING LENGTHS -Gererally liniels should be bedded the correct way up en the suppering bearings inthe ‘mortar, Tho rocommonded minimum bearing engths for uso in SisNimn bleckwore are ‘1oormmin openings upto 1o00mn 180mmin openings upto 300mm 220mmin openings greater than 3000 This does ret discherge your responstilty to ensure thet bearing preseuresef he masonry are notexcoodod. CAUTION - Ensure that the design icads ofthe lintel are not exceeded during construction, Avoid cading cut josis and Scaflding putoge bearing on into, withbrick or block stacks. IFintle are to eupport conereto feors, we rozomerend that a ‘minimum 140mm deep intl be used to cater for consiructon| ‘cade duringthe instalation of coneroiefeorunts.. DAMP PROOF COURSE - | is recommended that a 4.9. Is sed eralliniels ncorporaiedin external walls. SPECIFICATION NOTES -Stressiine prestressed lintals are signed and manulactured in accordance with BS8110, witha concrete strength of 60 Ninciand ullizing sterds BS 5896 to suppor icadings aseoosed to BS 6977 Part 1,The Into offer ‘a minimum oF half an hour fie rosietance in accordance with ‘Tabe 413 fom BS 810 Part 2: 1085, This can ba increased bY ‘ackstonal protection as specied in clause 424 fem BS 8110 Part2 1985, Prestressed Concrete Lintel Load / Span Tables ‘Sirosstne prestrosced concrete lintele aro designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 8110, with a conorete strength of 50Nimm# and utiizing strands to BS 5896 to cupport loadinge ascecsod to BS 6077 Part 1. Tho lintels offer a minimum of 1/2 hour {ie resistance in accordance with table 4.3 from BS 8110 Part 2: 1985, This can be incroased by additional protection as spectiod in clause 4.24 from BS 8110 Part 2: 1085. ‘The table bolow shows the Uniformly Distributed Serviceable Load in KNim which can be supported by the lintel without the provision of structural brickwork / blockwork over, this is known as Independent Design. Loadings should be calculated in ‘accordance with BS 5977. "00mm Thick Wall Construction 400 x 65 648407257 182 | RISA-100x 140 28.22 17.32 11.43 8.13 6.05 463 3.63 400% 140HiStengh 40.2 27 177 12.5 9.23 7.07 5.57 _4.48 R22A-100x 220 51.39 35.28 23.60 17.47 13.19 10.32 8.28 R15- 140x100 20.26 15.15 985 6.92 511383 3.12 140x140 Mistengh 57.9392 265 18.6 138 106 835 6.7255 | = | 3600mm|s.76| RW22A 140x220 6.15 49.42 46.97 33.07 25.50 19.99 16.00 13.16 17.02 9.33 | 4050mmf16.77 e i 5 [Section (width xdepth) 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 24002700 3000 3300 3600 [max tonath) ain | | zz0x0s 16.90 9.7593 4.42 TT comms 6] [ aes. mico seco aa0 ise oss_rot_eaa_aaa_a51_ao1_43 [ansorm] ca] |_rw22-220x140_ 54.01 4671 3002 24.07 1641 1272 40.15 328 69 6.82 | 4050mmf10.02) Toaehievhaherlondngs. enster using 2 rm wie unt sey so 0.92 RZZA ges a nn of 8.18 nme ver 8hren der span, Important Notes: 1. Where lintels are shown greyed out within the table this sjgiffes that the unis are avaliable in longer Ienaths then the ‘maximum clear span would normally alow. These ong Tengths musi be used over a sares of operings not exceeding the ‘maximum clear span shown and not simply Support at each end 2, 65mm deep sanctions must H6l exceed 1800mm cle spen, 8. Tho 100.65, 716, R22, RIN22 lintels are universal and can be turned either way round to aut the wall construction. {rv accordance with good practice, all other lintels are marked TOP’ and this surface must be kept uppermest at all tmes. I TOP’ is not visible, the sieel strands visible al the ends should always be atthe bottom of the unit. 4. Lintols should be bedded on mortar on tho eupport bearings. Recommended minimum bearings ars: 100mm each end in openings up to 1000mm 150mm each end in openings up to 3000mm 220mm each end in openings greater than 3000mm This doos not diecharge the installers reeponsibilly o oneur that the boating proseutes of the masonry are not exceeded. SS STRESSLINE Tel: 0870 750 3167 www.stressiine.not Fax: 0870 750 6379

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