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K: Hello Ricardo, how are you?

R: Hi Katherine, well and your?

K: Happy to see you! Hey, I'm curious, what do you usually do on Wednesdays?

R: o wendeys, hay olweys gerad very early because I work out. Then, I get home at

8:00am and usually take a shower.

K: Interesting, and do you usually eat breakfast?

R: I often have a glass of juice with protein and eggs for breakfast.

K: Oh, what a fitness! Well, tell me, what do you usually do in the evenings?

R: I always have lunch at (whampien) with my mother. I usually dress in sports clothes.

Afterwards, I always play soccer with my friends entaol (trid terin pieam). I love that

sport. When I come back, I often shower again.

K: And do you usually study anything?

R: After showering, I always go into my English classes until (six piem)

K: Fantastic! English is a nice language. Finally, what do you usually do at night?

R: At night, I usually have a cup of tea and two eggs for dinner.  Once I finish dinner, I

always watch my favorite series on Amazon. Finally, I go to bed too late because I

usually what tu meny espisos

K: Extraordinary routine Ricardo! 

R: Thank you very much. Now I want you to tell me a lirou bit about your tursdey


K: Sure, ask me!

R: Tell me what do you usually do in the morning?

K: On Thursdays I always wake up late, because I went to bed late the day before. Then,

I usually brush my teeth and take a shower. I often dress in casual clothes to be at home.

I hardly ever eat breakfast. 

R: Do you usually do some activity in the mornings?

K: I always enter my English classes at 11:00 am. But before that, I usually do


R: Oh, what energy! Tell me, what do you usually do in the afternoons? 

K: In the afternoon, I usually have lunch at home with my mom. Soon after that, I

always go to my basketball practice. I love that sport.  At 18:00 pm, I go back home and

often take a shower again.

R: Excellent! I always wanted to learn how to play basketball. And what do you do at


K: At night, I usually have a light dinner. Once I finish dinner, I always watch my

favorite series on HBO. I never go to sleep without watching an episode. Finally, I go to

bed late because I usually stay up listening to music.

R: Awesome routine Katherine! Well, I'll say goodbye until next time.

K: See you next time Ricardo.

Katherine always wakes up late on Thursdays because she went to bed late the day

before. Then she usually brushes her teeth and eats breakfast. She often dresses in

casual clothes to be at home. She almost never eats breakfast. She always goes into her

English class. In the afternoons, she always has lunch with her mother. Shortly after

that, she always practices basketball. She loves that sport. In the evenings, she usually

has a light dinner. Once she finishes dinner, she always watches her favorite series on
HBO. She never goes to sleep without watching an episode. Finally, she goes to bed late

because she usually stays up listening to music.

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