Sales Roleplay

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The purpose of this cheat sheet is to give you a guideline to use in the roleplay part of your interview.

During the entire roleplay you will be tested on the following:

 How good are you following the instructions detailed on the sales process below.
 Your tonality and wording (avoid using the word NO or negative verbs).
 How good are your creating a connection based on your conversation with your client (keep it
business related but friendly).
 The way you handle both easy and difficult clients.

For our example we are going to use the following case scenario:

You work for the hotline of a cellphone retail store; your job consists in converting every incoming
call you answer into an order.

NOTE: This is the process (structure of the call) you will use on your roleplay, not be the actual topic
of the roleplay you will be tested on; Please have the product or service you will like to sell ready before
your interview with operations. Extra points if you don’t sell cellphones.
Call Structure (follow the steps in order)

Opening Probing Benefits Offer Close

Open you call strong, create a great first impression to your client


 Thank you for calling CellStore, my name is Peter, can I have your name please?
 It’s a wonderful day at CellStore, my name is Peter, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?
 Thank you for calling CellStore, this is Peter speaking, how can I help you?

To do:

 Be friendly, energetic, enthusiastic

 Ask for your client’s name (if they give you their first and last name, use Sr./Ms. last name. If they
give you their first name only, address them by their name)

Not to do:

 Avoid using Sir and Madame at all possible, instead use their names.


Use this part to identify the needs of your client, use small and digestible questions to start a real
conversation to try to connect with them while you make sure you understand their need.


 Do you like to take pictures? (camera, battery).

 Do you see many videos on your phone? (screen size/resolution, battery).
 Do you like to chat/social interact a lot? (network connection, battery).
 Do you hear a lot of music? (speakers, headphones, battery).
 Do you like to read with your phone? (screen size/resolution, battery).
To do:

 Ask relevant questions about the product of service you will be selling.
 Ask at least 4 questions before deciding you know what your client is looking for.

Not to do:

 Assume your client know what is to know about your product or service (technical information).


In this part you will match the needs of your customer vs the features of your product/service. You
will NOT describe your product/service, instead you will create value (mental image) of your product/service
by providing the benefit of using it.


 It has a camera of 12MP with active shouter/aperture, it’s great to take pictures in high or low light,
great to take panoramic pictures.
 With its 7 inches HD screen and true colors, you can watch HD videos from YouTube, Netflix or any
streaming service you want.
 It has LTE capability, this will give you the best speed available at the moment and it’s OS can
multitask between Facebook, twitter, Instagram, snapchat, messenger, WhatsApp, etc. without
losing connection a bit.
 This cellphone has a battery that will last 24 hours on standby or 7 hours playing music.

To do:

 Connect the need to the benefits, trying to answer your customer’s concern about the
 Sound exited to have found the best product/service for your customer.

Not to do:

 Don’t provide information about the product/service that won’t sound appealing to your
customer’s needs.
 Don’t try to sell a product/service if it doesn’t match your customer’s needs.

Make sure you use all the information you gather throughout the call to make a smart offer to the
customer, if you actively listened to your customer, chances are they will not reject your offer. This is the
only part where you mention the price.


Based upon our conversation, the best option for you will be the Iphone 7 which will give you everything
you’re looking for in a cellphone. This will be for $700.
To do:

 State the price of the product or service you’re selling.

 Mention the product or service the will get, based upon the information the customer gave you.

Not to do:

 Don’t ask more questions (Do you want to buy this cellphone? Or Would you like me to get this
cellphone for you?)

Right after you mention the price in the offer, make sure you are assumptive and ask for the information
needed to make the order.


 What’s the payment method you will be using for this order?
 Is this purchase going to be under your name?
 To what email address can I send you all the information about this purchase?
 Please provide me with your address to send you the cellphone

To do:

 Be confident and assumptive

Not to do:

 Do not wait for your customer’s approval

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