Odisha Tourism - Konark Dance Festival

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Konark Dance Festival 2019

A festival that celebrates dance, music and art in a venue where every stone has a story to tell. Konark Dance festival is one of
the reasons why the cultural heritage of Odisha is alive and blossoming

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About The Event

The Konark Dance Festival (KDF) has been held in the poetic sands of Konark, since the last 32 years unabated, when it
commenced in 1986. Within the dates of 1st to 5th December every year, Konark experiences a surge of tourists and art
enthusiasts alike, to envision the biggest and the grandest of dance festivals in the state. Held in the open air auditorium which
overlooks the much acclaimed Sun temple of Konark, the festival enthralls and bewitches the people who visit from far and

Apart from being the one of the greatest tourist events of the state, the festival serves as a platform for classical dancers in India
to showcase India's cultural depth. The leading exponents and dance enthusiasts of almost all main classical dance forms of
India-including Odissi, Bharatanatyam, Manipuri, Kathakali, Kathaka, Kuchipudi and Sattriya take part in the five-day
classical dance carnival much adding to the appeal of the event

Complementing the dance and music in the air, a Crafts Mela is held at the Urban Haat, Konark during the festival that
displays and sells beautiful sculptures and souvenirs made by the expert craftsmen of the region. The International Sand Art
Festival, organized at Chandrabhaga Beach, Konark during the same days, brings all elements of Odisha's cultural heritage
live at one place.


1 Dec 2019 2 Dec 2019 3 Dec 2019 4 Dec 2019 5 Dec 2019

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