XPS Quartz

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J. Phys. Chem.

B 2002, 106, 2937-2945 2937

Evidence of the Existence of Three Types of Species at the Quartz-Aqueous Solution

Interface at pH 0-10: XPS Surface Group Quantification and Surface Complexation

Y. Duval,† J. A. Mielczarski,*,† O. S. Pokrovsky,‡ E. Mielczarski,† and J. J. Ehrhardt§

Laboratoire “EnVironnement et Minéralurgie”, UMR 7569 CNRS, INPL-ENSG, B.P. 40,
54501 VandoeuVre-lès-Nancy, France, Laboratoire de Géochimie, UPS-CRNS (UMR5563),
314000 Toulouse, France, and Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour l’EnVironnement,
UMR 9992-CNRS, 54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France
ReceiVed: July 23, 2001; In Final Form: NoVember 26, 2001

The surface composition of a quartz surface reacted with various aqueous solutions of pH 0-10 was
qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The positions and
intensities of the recorded Si 2p and O 1s lines change depending on solution conditions. The O 1s line,
where the position varies more significantly, was analyzed in detail showing three components corresponding
to three surface species: >SiOH2+, >SiOH0, and >SiO- (where > represents the bulk quartz). The changes
in the Si 2p spectra support these findings. The atomic ratio between the surface oxygen and silicon atoms
was found to be 1.8. These data allow proposing a two-step deprotonation model of the quartz surface where
two surface oxygen atoms are bonded to one silicon surface atom and where the most deprotonated surface
sites show the SiO- configuration. Physisorbed water in the amount of around 10% of the monolayer was
also found on all samples under spectroscopic investigation. The density of the >SiO- group increases
significantly with an increase of pH, whereas the surface concentration of the >SiOH2+ group is the highest
at pH 0. The maximum of the neutral >SiOH0 group is observed at pH 6. These results indicate immediately
the validity of a 2-pK model of protonation of quartz/electrolyte interface versus a 1-pK model. The 2-pK
surface capacitance model of the electric double layer having pK1 ) - 1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0 was derived from
the XPS data. The new surface stability constants allow a quantitative description of quartz surface charge
and dissolution kinetics in neutral to alkaline solutions and explicitly account for an increase of quartz
dissolution rate at pH < 2 due to significant increase of the concentration of the >SiOH2+ surface species.
These results provide, for the first time, direct atomic level spectroscopic evidence of the validity of the
chemical surface speciation approach, notably the existence of the charged >SiOH2+ and >SiO- species at
the quartz surface and their relative densities in acidic and alkaline solutions.

Introduction silicates depend on their unique surface properties, which rely

on the nature and density of surface specific groups.
The natural abundance of quartz and its important techno-
At present there are two principal models applied to describe
logical applications stimulated, both in the past and present
ionization at oxide-water interfaces. The most common is a
times, a collection of vast amounts of experimental information
2-pK model that assumes two consecutive protonations:26
and modeling results aimed at characterization of quartz surface
chemistry and reactivity in aqueous solutions. In particular,
numerous studies have been devoted to measuring quartz and >MeOH0 + H+ ) >MeOH2+ (1)
amorphous silica surface charge and ζ potentials,1-4 dissolution
kinetics,5-12 and infrared spectroscopic observations of surface >MeOH0 - H+ ) >MeO- (2)
groups.13-18 This allowed extraction of a rigorous picture of
the SiO2/H2O interface and formulation of various mechanistic/ Here the intrinsic stability constants are given by
thermodynamic models describing quartz reactivity and charging
behavior in aqueous solutions19 as well as ab initio calculations
of silica interactions with water.20,21 Moreover, because of its K1 )
exp ( -Ψ0F
relatively simple surface chemistry, quartz is often used as a

( )
model compound for testing various physicochemical models
for metal oxide/solution interfaces and mineral surfaces (see, {>MeO-}aH+ -Ψ0F
K2 ) exp
for example, refs 22-25). Many applications of quartz and {>MeOH } 0 2.3RT

* Corresponding author. E-mail: jerzy.mielczarski@ensg.inpl-nancy.fr. where {>i} stands for surface species concentration, ai is the
Fax: (33) 3 83 59 62 55. activity in solution, Ψ is the electrostatic potential of the surface
‡ UPS-CRNS (UMR5563). plane, F is the Faraday constant, R represents the gas constant,
§ UMR 9992-CNRS. and T is the temperature.
10.1021/jp012818s CCC: $22.00 © 2002 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/20/2002
2938 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 Duval et al.

There are three primary types of surface species responsible kinetic studies3,4 for quartz. The pK values for quartz proposed
for quartz surface electric charge, dissolution, and adsorption/ in the literature22,30 are in the following ranges: pK1 ) 3.0 (
desorption properties, and two of them are produced from neutral 1.0 and pK2 ) 7.0 ( 1.0 for reactions 1 and 2, respectively.
silanol species >SiOH0, which undergo protonation and depro- These values are valid for constant capacitance model (CCM)
tonation in acidic and basic solutions. It is not correct to assume of the electric double layer (EDL) with a capacitance of 1 F/m2.
these reactions as consecutive ones where both hydrogen ions They allow one to calculate the isoelectric point for quartz, i.e.,
are bounded to the same single oxygen atom. In this case the pH of the solution in which the electrophoretic mobility or
difference between the consecutive pK values has to be larger streaming potential (ζ potential) of quartz equals zero. The range
than 10, which is not observed experimentally. Therefore, other of pHiep values reported in the literature, from 0.5 to 3.5,26 is in
surface reactions were proposed27 where two oxygen atoms are agreement with value 2.0 predicted from the model. As a first
bonded to each metal atom: approximation, we use this model in our surface speciation
calculation for quartz as the CCM is the simplest EDL model.
>[Me(OH2)2]+ ) >Me(OH2)OH + H+ This model was used successfully for a number of various types
of solids in aqueous solutions.32 The density of quartz sites
>Me(OH2)OH ) >[Me(OH)2]- + H+ depends on the type of crystal plane developed. We used the
value 8 sites/nm2, which is the average for 001 and 101 planes
In this case it is considered, as a basic unit of a 2-pK model, and is widely used in surface complexation modeling.22,23
two neighboring oxygen atoms coordinated to a different metal The MINTEQA2 computer program33 was used to calculate
center. This assumption explains the small splitting of the two the equilibrium species and surface speciation equilibriums in
pK values derived from experimental results. the system SiO2(s)-H2O-HNO3-KOH system. This program
As a simpler explanation, a single protonation step, a 1-pK combines surface equilibriums, homogeneous solution equilib-
model, can be considered for which a surface reaction can be riums, and mass balance calculation. The set of equations
described: obtained is solved by iteration using the Newton-Raphson
method. The activity coefficients of free aqueous ions were
>[MeOH2] +1/2 ) >[MeOH] -1/2 + H+ calculated by means of the Davies equation.
Previous Spectroscopic Studies of Quartz and Silica
As was concluded from theoretical consideration,27 in most cases Surfaces. For over last 50 years, a significant amount of
the 1-pK model provides a sufficiently accurate description of information on the surface chemical groups of quartz and silica-
the proton titration of surface groups, whereas the 2-pK model water interface has been collected using IR spectroscopy.
can describe all titration data. The proton titration measurements, Unfortunately, the majority of these spectroscopic data describe
similarly as electrokinetic ones, give macroscopic information. transformation surface of OH groups during heating of silica
They cannot deliver direct information about the real composi- or quartz sample to very high temperature, up to 1000 °C.
tion and structure of surface groups. Several steps of surface dehydration are clearly identified;
Of these three surface species listed for the classical 2-pK however, there is no detail information available on the surface
model, only the >SiOH0 has been directly observed on quartz group presence in room temperature. The total concentration
or silica surface using spectroscopic (mostly infrared-based) of OH groups on fully hydroxylated surface of silica does not
techniques. The other two surface species have been conven- depend on their origins and specific surface areas being a
tionally postulated, as for other simple oxides, to describe the physicochemical constant: 4.9 OH groups/nm2 as determined
surface ionization and resulting charging behavior. The physical by the deuterium-exchange method,17,34 which is also in
meaning of the >SiOH2+ and >SiO- species has not been yet agreement with tritium exchange results (4.6 sites/nm2 34). NMR
well established because of lack of any spectroscopic observa- studies of amorphous silica powders indicate that approximately
tions of these species.7 In this paper we attempted, for the first 47% of surface hydroxyl groups are geminal (i.e., H-bonded
time, to relate the XPS spectroscopic observation of the surface Si(OH)2 groups) and the remaining 53% are single silanol.36
atomic composition of quartz after its contact with aqueous The deprotonation reaction2 has been investigated by Marshall
solutions of different pHs to the corresponding change in quartz et al.,37 who deduced, in good agreement with SCM, a pK2 )
surface speciation and to propose surface complexation model. 7.2 from infrared spectroscopic studies noting OH stretching
It should be underlined that spectral evidence for the presence vibrations induced in the presence of organic compounds
of the three surface groups was found even though the (acetone, phenols) of different acidities. To what extend these
spectroscopic XPS study was performed under high-vacuum findings for amorphous silica may serve as a guide to under-
conditions and held at these conditions for a few hours. The standing the surface chemistry of quartz is still a matter of
existence of the >SiOH2+ and >SiO- surface species inferred debate. For example, in contrast to observations on silica, Gallei
from this approach allows us to propose the 2-pK model and and Parks15 reported the existence of two sharp bands (at 3649
explain the quartz surface charge and dissolution rate variations and 3627 cm-1) on the quartz surface dried at 110 °C. They
with pH both in acid and alkaline solutions. assigned these bands to two different OH sites on the surface.
However, Koretsky et al.,18 using DRIFT spectroscopy, were
Background not able to detect any surface groups besides terminal silanol
Surface Complexation Modeling of Quartz. The acid-base groups at a single type of surface site (band at 3745 cm-1).
properties of quartz and silica surfaces have been extensively The only spectroscopic evidence for the ionization of silanol
investigated. The intrinsic stability constants of reactions 1 and groups on quartz surfaces has been recently obtained by Du et
2 are fairly well-known. They were inferred from surface charge al.,38 who reported, using infrared-visible sum-frequency
data obtained by surface titration of solid powders in various generation, that the water molecules interact with a quartz
electrolyte solutions. It is important to note, however, that most surface via two opposing forces: hydrogen bonding with silanol
of the available information concerns amorphous silica/solution groups at neutral to acid pH and electrostatic interaction with
interfaces and there are only a few titrations2,3,28,29 and electro- charged >SiO- species at pH g 10. However, no quantitative
XPS Surface Group Quantification and Modeling J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 2939

TABLE 1: Detected Impurities in Quartz

impurity amt (ppm) impurity amt (ppm)
Na+ <10 Al3+ <30
Li+ <3 Fe3+ <10

correlation between the intensities of these interactions and

chemical speciation at the quartz surface in aqueous solutions
has been attempted in this study. Overall, the spectroscopic
observations of quartz surfaces in aqueous solutions are rather
limited and do not allow, for the present time, to test rigorously
the existing SCM. Figure 1. XPS O 1s lines of quartz samples conditioning in water at
pH from 0 to 10. The area below line A represents the subtracted
Experimental Section intensity of bulk oxygen (Si-O-Si) and some part of the >SiOH0
surface groups.
Materials. Synthetic polycrystalline quartz of highest purity
was procured from Neyco Co. The detected impurities are listed TABLE 2: Binding Energy of the Recorded XPS Lines
in Table 1. A slab sample with dimensions of 10 × 9 mm2 was
pH Si 2p O 1s C 1s K 2p
cut and polished using emery paper and increasingly smaller
sizes of alumina powder (to 0.03 µm) and washed with acetone 0 103.20 532.40 284.60 nd
and water in an ultrasonic bath. No aluminum presence on the 2 103.10 532.25 284.60 nd
4 103.10 532.20 284.60 nd
surface was detected by XPS indicating total removal of 6 103.05 532.10 284.60 nd
polishing material from the quartz surface. Milli-Q water (18 8 102.75 531.95 284.60 nd
MΩ cm) and analytical grade reagents were used throughout 10 102.85 532.05 284.60 293.20
the experiments.
Interaction with Water. The quartz sample was contacted found that the exposition of the quartz sample to high vacuum
with aqueous solutions at different pH’s immediately after from the standard 30 min to 5 h does not change notably the
polishing. Solution pH was adjusted by adding HNO3 or KOH. intensity and shape of the recorder major lines. This indicates
As a result, the ionic strength of solution varied from 1 M (in a good stability of the surface groups produced originally in
1 M HNO3) to 10-4 M KOH, at pH 0-10, respectively. The water solution even under high-vacuum conditions and after
changes in the surface composition after 5 min of contact with exposition to X-ray beam. Hence, though spectroscopic studies
water were studied by XPS immediately after the sample are not performed in situ, they can provide direct information
emerged from solution. If necessary, the surface of mineral about the type and amount of the surface hydration groups of
samples was quickly blotted to remove excess of water before quartz, which are closely related to those produced in solution
the spectroscopic analysis. After 30 min contact with water, conditions.
almost exactly the same results were produced.
XPS Analysis. The XPS technique has been widely used to Results and Discussion
probe surface composition of minerals such as silicates,39,40 Qualitative Approach to the Surface Composition of
oxides,41 sulfides,42 and carbonates.43 The depth of analysis can Quartz Contacted with Aqueous Solution at Different pH’s.
be derived from the electrons’ inelastic mean free path (IMFP) The XPS results obtained for quartz samples conditioned in
and knowledge of the analysis geometry. The determined IMFP water at pH from 0 to 10 are presented in Table 2. The spectra
for SiO2 at a kinetic energy 1150 eV (Mg anode) for the Si 2p recorded directly after conditioning in water (Figure 1) show
line is 2.1 nm.44 For the O 1s signal (kinetic energy 720 eV) that the composition of the outermost layer of quartz strongly
the electron escape depth is 1.6 nm. Hence, the recorded spectra depends on the pH of solution. The position of a broad O 1s
of quartz will carry out information only from the first few line is shifted gradually with an increase of pH from 532.4 eV
outermost atomic layers. at pH 0 to 532.0 eV at pH 8. The chemical shift to lower binding
The X-ray photoelectron spectra were obtained with a energy (BE) indicates changes in the close environment of the
multidetection electron energy analyzer (VSW FAT mode surface oxygen from more positive to more electronegative. At
CL150). The nonmonochromatized magnesium radiation sources pH 10, the position of the oxygen line shifts to 532.1 eV
(1253.6 eV) operated at 15 kV and 10 mA were employed. The suggesting a more positive surface oxygen environment than
XPS resolution was between 0.9 and 1.0 eV determined by the at pH 8. Similar variation of the position of the silicon Si 2p
use of gold standard. The operating pressure of the spectrometer line is observed; this will be discussed in detail later.
analyzer chamber was close to 10-8 mbar. The measurement The observed shifts of the line positions are not very large;
was performed with a takeoff angle close to 90°. A very high therefore, the experiments were repeated at least three times to
charge, between 4 and 5 eV, was observed. The carbon C 1s determine an experimental reproducibility, which is within 0.05
line with a position at 284.6 eV was used as reference to correct eV. The total intensities of the recorded lines vary somewhat
the charging effect. The most characteristic peaks O 1s, Si 2p, from sample to sample, and the reason for this stems from
C 1s, and K 2p were recorded in narrow ranges of binding difficult to control the differences in a carbon contamination
energy to obtain a good signal/noise ratio and resolution required level. The carbon contamination forms the outermost layer and
for an optimal spectral manipulation. No N 1s line was detected screens the original signal from quartz surface. For this reason
in the recorded spectra of quartz after any treatment in solution. the quantitative evaluation (see next section) of the surface
The recorded lines were fitted using a curve-fitting program groups on quartz were performed from the experimental spectra
with a Gaussian/Lorentian or pure Gaussian peak shape. showing a similar carbon contamination level, i.e., at the C 1s/
To compare the spectra of quartz samples reacted in different Si 2p ratio 0.4 ( 0.1.
solutions, all experimental and measurement conditions were The recorded O 1s broad line carries out signals from oxygen
precisely reproduced from experiment to experiment. It was atoms involved in the formation of the different surface groups
2940 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 Duval et al.

and the bulk Si-O-Si oxygen. The bulk oxygen component

could represent about 60% of the total oxygen intensity and
obviously is the same for all samples prepared at different pH’s.
This dominating bulk oxygen signal overlaps the surface oxygen
signals; therefore, the background subtraction and peak decon-
volution (see the next section) are necessary before any
quantitative evaluation based on the recorded spectra is per-
formed. The surface oxygen atoms, which are involved in the
formation of different surface species, could show BE from 534
to 530 eV.
According to the current view of quartz surface speciation,
three types of surface oxygen can be distinguished:26 (i) oxygen Figure 2. XPS O 1s lines for each pH after subtraction of line A shown
with a positive environment, OH2+; (ii) oxygen with a neutral in Figure 1.
environment, OH0; (iii) oxygen with a negative environment,
O-. These three surface oxygen types are expected to show lines TABLE 3: Relative Intensities of the Recorded XPS Lines
at similar BE to that observed for adsorbed water (about 533.5 Si 2p O 1s C 1s K 2p
eV), hydroxides (about 532 eV), and oxides (about 530.5 0 1.00 1.85 0.26 nd
eV).44-46 2 1.00 1.84 0.46 nd
The >SiOH0 surface groups are in predominant amount. The 4 1.00 1.86 0.34 nd
>SiOH0 component of the O 1s line can be, similarly as the 6 1.00 1.86 0.30 nd
8 1.00 1.95 0.52 nd
bulk Si-O-Si oxygen component, the same for all quartz 10 1.00 1.85 0.53 0.01
samples under investigation. The largest differences between
the samples under investigation are expected at the lowest and
highest pH. At pH 0, the highest surface density of the SiOH2+ spectra. At first, the bulk oxygen Si-O-Si component and the
surface groups is predicted. The observed position of the oxygen oxygen component from the surface OH0 groups, at least those
line, at the highest BE, is in agreement with this forecast. having the same position in the XPS spectra for all quartz
Between pH 4 and 8 the negative charge of quartz surface samples, should be subtracted. To perform this subtraction the
increases. This is visible as a shift of the position of oxygen appropriate references are required. Unfortunately, there are no
line to the lowest BE at pH 8. At pH 10 and higher, two available precise references of the bulk quartz oxygen, as well
important experimental observations were made: (i) Potassium as of the surface SiOH0 groups. The following procedure was
ions are observed at the quartz surface (Table 2). (ii) A more developed to allow a proper subtraction of the strong oxygen
positive oxygen environment is observed at pH 10 than at pH signals from bulk and the oxygen of preponderant surface OH0
8 (a shift of the O 1s line to higher BE at pH 10 in comparison groups.
to pH 8 (Figure 1)). These observations indicate that at pH 8 a The experimental O 1s lines for all investigated pH are plotted
maximum amount of the free >SiO- groups is present. At in Figure 1. The intensities (areas) of the lines vary a little
higher pH, after crossing some negative surface charge, the free because of some differences in carbon contamination levels
>SiO- groups attract counterions from solution (K+) and their (Table 3). With the assumption that the total amount of the
negativity is reduced. available surface sites is constant, the intensities of the oxygen
This discussion indicates that the major features predicted lines were corrected to the same value by the use of the spectrum
from surface speciation model for quartz contacted with aqueous at pH 0 as the reference. Then the common area for all
solution can be derived from the recorded XPS spectra. These experimental lines located between the peaks representing results
spectra are recorded in high vacuum at temperature 25 °C. At for pH 0 and 8 (Figure 1, line A) was fitted by a Gaussian/
similar conditions, by the use of the mass spectrometric thermal Lorentian peak shape. The peak A that is in the envelope of all
analysis in conjunction with the temperature-programmed experimental lines represents the bulk quartz oxygen and the
desorption, less than a monolayer of physisorbed water was significant part of the surface oxygen bonded as the surface
determined on amorphous silica surface.34 Close inspection of OH0 groups, corresponding to about 70% of the intensity of
the experimental O 1s spectra obtained for quartz at different each line. This peak was subtracted from the O 1s line for each
pH (Figure 1) does not suggest the presence of a monolayer of pH, and the resultant spectra after the subtraction are presented
physisorbed water as the top layer in ultrahigh vacuum. If the in Figure 2. These lines show a semiisosbestic point that
adsorbed water is present in monolayer quantity, we should be indicates a transformation of at least one type of the surface
able to see an O 1s component at the position about 533.5 eV species to another.
for all samples under investigation. This suggests that the The oxygen lines after subtraction (Figure 2) were decon-
amount of physisorbed water on quartz surface groups is only voluted to three components related to the >SiOH2+, >SiOH0,
a small part of monolayer and the majority of the water and >SiO- surface groups having positions at around 533, 532,
molecules are probably adsorbed on charged sites as the and 531 eV, respectively. The fitting accuracy was better than
>SiOH2+ and >SiO-, which is in agreement with recent results 0.998. The exact positions of the three components and their
of Du38 et al. and Rudzinski et al..24 The low level of relative intensity ratios are presented in Figures 3 and 4a. It
physisorbed water allows determining the density of the surface- can be observed that the position of the SiOH0 surface groups
charged groups OH2+ and O- with appropriate precision. (the parts which were not subtracted as the common for all
Quantitative Approach to the Surface Composition of samples) shifts gradually to lower BE with an increase of pH.
Quartz Contacted with Aqueous Solutions at Different pH’s. Moreover, a local minimum at pH 8 could be noticed. These
For appropriate quantitative evaluation of the surface species, observations can be explained by assuming the interaction of
especially the charged ones, the background subtraction and peak the SiO- groups with the SiOH0 groups through the formation
deconvolution have to be performed on the O 1s experimental of hydrogen bonding. The increase of the amount of the SiO-
XPS Surface Group Quantification and Modeling J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 2941

Figure 3. Binding energy of three surface species and their shift

depending on solution conditions (Gaussian/Lorentian band shape).
Figure 5. Schematic representation of quartz surface structure: (a)
atomically smooth surface; (b) real surface of quartz after contact with
aqueous solution.
band decreases sharply with pH increasing from 0 to 4 (Figure
4a) and then reaches a value around of 8% for higher pH. This
observation suggests that the band component at 533.2 eV
represents two surface species, i.e., the OH2+ surface groups
and adsorbed water. The band position above 533 eV is
characteristic for adsorbed water.45 Hence, we can conclude that
the quartz under high-vacuum conditions and at room temper-
ature is still covered by nearly 10% of the adsorbed water
monolayer. The amount of the > SiOH2+ groups decreases from
around 30% at pH 0 to almost zero at pH 5. The amount of the
>SiO- groups increases gradually from 8% at pH 0 to 50% at
pH 10.
The amounts of the >SiOH0 groups presented in Figure 4a
are not absolute values because the significant and not precisely
known part of the OH0 signal (common for all quartz samples)
was subtracted together with the bulk Si-O-Si oxygen
intensity. Therefore, to obtain the real surface coverage by the
>SiOH0 groups at different pH, a constant value should be
added to each value of the >SiOH0 presented in Figure 4a. We
assumed the subtraction of the <SiOH0 intensity between 40
and 80% as the common for all quartz samples. Then we made
calculation of pK values for various amount of the SiOH0 surface
group on quartz. The best fitting was obtained (see next section)
with assumption that 60% of the intensity of the OH0 was
subtracted together with the bulk Si-O-Si oxygen. This
together allows us to determine the surface density of three
different surface groups, OH2+, OH0, and O-, and the adsorbed
water. The results after the <SiOH0 correction are presented in
Figure 4b. It should be underlined that the surface densities of
Figure 4. Relative surface density of three surface species obtained; the charged surface groups are determined with appropriate
(a) directly from deconvolution of data presented in Figure 2; (b) after precision.
correction of the amount of the >SiOH0 species (see text). Assuming that the electron escape depth (IMFP) for the
produced oxygen surface species on quartz is the same as for
groups with an increase of pH (Figure 4a) causes more of the SiO2, i.e., 1.6 nm, it is possible to estimate the average thickness
neutral SiOH0 groups to be influenced by the negative SiO- of the surface layer. This rough estimation indicates the
groups. They are exposed to a more electronegative environment formation of a 1.1 nm layer containing oxygen surface species.
resulting in the observed shift of the SiOH0 position. The lowest This implies that the surface oxygen groups are formed not only
BE observed at pH 8 agrees with the highest concentration of on silicon atoms of the first outermost well-defined atomic
the SiO- groups. At pH 10 and higher, the potassium ions are smooth layer as it is represented often in the literature (Figure
adsorbed on the >SiO- sites as counterions lowering the 5a). These results suggest that real surface structure is similar
negative charge of the >SiO- groups and in consequence also to that presented in Figure 5b. Hence, the surface density of
that of the SiOH0 groups. Similar lowering of BE is observed the OH2+, OH0, and O- groups per surface silicon atom is much
(Figure 3) for the >SiO- component at pH 8, which supports higher than 1, which could explain the experimentally estimated
the proposed explanation. thickness of the surface species. Moreover, the macroscopic
The band assigned to the >SiOH2+ groups shows almost a surface roughness (sample prepared by polishing) favors the
constant position at 533.2 eV (Figure 3). The intensity of this increase of surface signal versus bulk quartz (Si-O-Si) signal.
2942 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 Duval et al.

Figure 8. XPS Si 2p lines for each pH after subtraction of the intensity

of bulk oxygen (-Si-O-Si-) and some part of the >SiOH0 surface
Figure 6. Binding energy of three surface species and their shift
depending on solution conditions (Gaussian band shape).
Quartz Surface Speciation Modeling. The presented XPS
results show clearly the presence of three different surface
groups >SiOH2+, >SiOH0, and >SiO-. This indicates im-
mediately that the 2-pK surface dissociation model has to be
applied to describe the quartz-water interface. Another impor-
tant observation is that the ratio between the surface oxygen
and silicon atoms is close to 2.0. As a result of these
spectroscopic studies, a two-step deprotonation model of quartz
surface can be proposed (Figure 9) where two surface oxygen

Figure 9. Two-step deprotonation model of quartz surface proposed

on the basis of this spectroscopic work.

atoms are bonded to one silicon surface atom and where the
Figure 7. Relative surface density of three surface species obtained most deprotonated surface sites show the SiO- configuration.
by deconvolution of data presented in Figure 1.
This model of surface protonation is a modification of the
proposition based on theoretical consideration with the assump-
It has to be underlined that the experimentally determined
tion of the two oxygen atoms coordinating metal center.27
amount of the surface SiOH2+ and SiO- groups is nearly equal
A relationship between the predicted, based on the commonly
at pH 2 (Figure 4), which is in a perfect agreement with a value
used SCM (pK1 ) 3.0, pK2 ) 7.0), and the measured in this
pHPZC reported for quartz.23,26
work concentration of the surface species for quartz is plotted
To verify how the results presented in Figures 3 and 4 are in Figure 10. The correlation is positive; i.e., there is a decrease
sensitive to modification of deconvolution parameters, the curve of the >SiOH0 concentration with increasing of pH, which is
fitting was also carried out with a pure Gaussian line shape. In accompanied by the increase in the >SiO- surface concentra-
this case, an additional fourth component at about 534 eV has tions. In contrast, the concentration of the >SiOH2+ surface
to be added to achieve a good fitting (above 0.998). The obtained species is strongly underestimated as the SCM predicts their
results are presented in Figures 6 and 7. They are very similar amount e0.7% at pH 0.
to those obtained with mixed Gaussian-Lorentian band shape. Adsorption of potassium counterions on quartz surface in
The fourth component at about 534 eV is assigned to adsorbed alkaline solutions can be described within a triple layer model
water, which represents nearly 10% of monolayer coverage. This
is in agreement with the reported strong adsorption of water on
>SiO- sites as was proven spectroscopically38 and from
calorimetric measurements.24
The second element that can provide information about
surface composition of quartz is silicon. The Si 2p lines obtained
at different pH’s show a much lower shift with a change of
solution pH than that recorded for O 1s lines. Nevertheless, the
tendency is identical for silicon and oxygen lines (Figures 8
and 2). The highest BE of the Si line is observed for a sample
treated in solution at pH 0, and the lowest BE, for a sample
prepared at pH 8. This observation indicates clearly the presence
of different surface Si sites, which are influenced by the surface
OH2+, OH0, and O- groups. It is important to note that atomic
ratio of the total surface oxygen (after subtraction of the bulk
Si-O-Si oxygen) to the total surface silicon (after subtraction Figure 10. Correlation between predicted and measured in this work
of the bulk silicon) is almost constant and about 1.8 for all quartz concentration of surface species for quartz. SCM calculation was
samples prepared in solution at 0-10 pH. This finding supports performed by assuming pK1 ) 3.0 and pK2 ) 7.0. Numbers at points
the surface structure presented in Figure 5b. indicate pH values.
XPS Surface Group Quantification and Modeling J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 2943

Figure 13. Comparison of streaming potential (ζ potential) data for

quartz4 and surface charge difference obtained from XPS spectra (∆σ
) {>SiOH2+} - {>SiO-}) as a function of pH.

Figure 11. Speciation at the quartz-solution interface as calculated

from the experimental data obtained from this work for the surface
complexation model by assuming constant capacitance of the electric
double layer and pK1 ) -1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0.

Figure 14. Rate of quartz dissolution in neutral and basic solutions (6

< pH < 12) as a function of deprotonated surface species concentration
determined in this work. The rate dissolution data are from ref 5. The
surface species concentrations were calculated using CCM with new
surface stability constants pK1 ) -1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0. Numbers at
points indicate pH values.
Figure 12. Correlation between predicted and measured in this work
concentration of surface species for quartz. SCM calculation was different silica energies for the formation of the surface and
performed by assuming pK1 ) -1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0. Numbers at points
solution species.
indicate pH values.
The derived from XPS data the new pK values were tested
of the electric double layer.30 According to this model, nearly against the available information for quartz surface properties
10-15% of surface sites at pH 10 are occupied by potassium and its reactivity in an aqueous solution. Unfortunately, unlike
ions in the form of >SiO-K0 species decreasing the concentra- for amorphous silica, there is almost nil surface charge measure-
tion of the negative >SiO- groups. This is in perfect agreement ment for highly a crystalline quartz surface similar to that used
with the presented XPS observations (Table 3). in this study. We compared in Figure 13 streaming potential (ζ
In view of poor quantitative agreement between the measured potential) values for crystalline quartz measured by Cases4 with
quartz surface group densities and those predicted from classic the calculated values of surface charge ∆σ ) {>SiOH2+} -
SCM, we attempted to generate an alternative set of surface {>SiO-} from the XPS study as a function of pH. Both ζ
stability constants for quartz to obtain a better agreement with potential and ∆σ depend on pH in a very similar way. Other
the XPS experimental data. The resulted new pK values for evidence for validity of the calculated pK values can be obtained
quartz, assumings constant capacitance of the EDL C ) 1 F/m2, from the analysis of surface-controlled dissolution kinetics of
are pK1 ) -1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0 (Figure 11). The new set of quartz. It has been widely argued5,19,20,36 that the dissolution
surface constants within the CCM provides a perfect description rate of quartz at pH g 7 is positively correlated with its surface
of XPS results for three surface species for full range of pH charge or the concentration of the >SiO- surface species. Using
from 0 to 10 as is illustrated in Figure 12. This SCM implies a the data of Brady and Walther5 as an example, we plotted in
surface stability constant for the silanol deprotonation reaction, Figure 14 the quartz dissolution rate at 6 < pH < 12 versus
pK2 ) 4, that is very different from the corresponding constant surface concentration of the >SiO- species. The latter values
for solution silica monomer dissociation, pK(aq) ) 9.8.26 This were calculated using the new pK values. In accord with
is in contrast to amorphous silica that exhibits similar surface previous studies,46 a linear relationship is observed with a slope
and solution deprotonation reaction constants.22 It can be close to 4. The reaction order of 4 with respect to surface density
explained by different arrangement of the >SiO- and >SiOH0 of the >SiO- groups is in accord with surface coordination
groups on quartz and amorphous silica. For silica, the low model of Stumm47,48 for the dissolution of simple oxides; the
packing density of the O(H) groups and the location of reactive reaction order with respect to rate controlling species is being
surface groups result in the formation of surface groups with related to the valence of the central cation.
an arrangement similar to those existing in solution, such as One of the important results of this study is the quantitative
H4SiO4(aq), whereas the dense and crystalline structure of quartz determination of positively charged >SiOH2+ species at pH
implies much shorter Si-O(H) distances and, consequently, below 4. The new pK set shows that at pH 0 up to 16% of the
2944 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 106, No. 11, 2002 Duval et al.

studies are performed under high-vacuum conditions, the

recorded spectra present clear evidence of the formation of three
type surface species: > SiOH2+; >SiOH0; >SiO-. This
indicates that a 2-pK model has to be applied to describe surface
phenomena at the quartz-solution interface. The two-step
deprotonation model of quartz surface is proposed where two
surface oxygen atoms are bonded to one silicon surface atom
and where the most deprotonated surface site shows the >SiO-
configuration. Physisorbed water in the amount of nearly 10%
of monolayer coverage was also found on all spectroscopically
investigated samples. The relative concentrations of the surface
species were determined in relationship to the solution condi-
tions. On the basis of the experimental results, a new pK set
for the quartz-solution interface is proposed for a wide pH
range from 0 to 10. This allows, for the first time, to explain
Figure 15. Rate of quartz dissolution in acidic solutions (pH < 4) the increase of quartz dissolution rate with decreasing of pH
plotted as a function of >SiOH2+ surface concentration. The dissolution below 2 due to positive >SiOH2+ surface charged groups. The
rate data are from ref 12, and the concentration of >SiOH2+ surface new calculated pK set is also consistent with existing experi-
species is calculated using CCM with pK1 ) -1.0 and pK2 ) 4.0. mental data on negative surface charge >SiO- species at pH
Numbers at points indicate pH values.
> 6 and the related dissolution rate.
surface can be occupied by >SiOH2+ species. This is the major
difference between the usual view of surface chemistry of quartz Acknowledgment. Part of this work was supported by the
and that derived from these XPS measurements. Positive surface European Community (Project BRPR6CT98-0619). The techni-
species on amorphous silica49,50 and natural quartz29 were cal assistance of Jacques Lambert is appreciated.
already detected by electrophoretic technique at pH < 2. Other
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