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tpi are. flO LE ‘in memoriam LF.R- = - REQUIEM . BL English translation by Joba Rutter JOHN RUTTER 1, REQUIEM AETERNAM Slow and solemn (J=60) Z # Piano Reduction » Re — qui - em Grant them rest “I rr * PW “iI “I 2 p)—<—<$—— 7 ———e p——— re > qui - em de - ie - fam, fish) wou - em ‘erant_them rest 7 ‘grant them rest or rors? F en * © Oxford University Press 1986 Photocopiing this copyright material is ILLEGAL. Printed in Great Britain (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, MUSIC DEPARTMENT, GREAT CLARENDON STREET, OXFORD OX2 6DP ser = am do = mae = is, Do-mi- ne, our God_we pray to thee Do-mi-ne, our God, we pray to thee, = do = nae = is, Do-mi-ne,_ do = = mae - is, Do -mi - —_ Lord our God, we pray to thee, Lord our God, we pray to = is, Qg-mi-ne, God, _we pray to thee, 7 et tux, et lux per = pe = tu-a and ight, and light per de Pe Tux, et lux and light and light 3. Ti 4 lu ~ ce-at__ e = is, shine on them on them for 53 29 rit, B) A tite faster (I-09) 5 lu-ee-at ¢ shine on them for SOPRANOS (and ALTOS) legato a dolce lega Re-qui - em ae- tr - mam dona ~~ Do- mi-ne: Grant them reste = ter ~ nal, ‘Lord our God, ray to thee: — sais. p dotce a et lux per - pe —— ___Re- qui- em and light per ~ Grant them rest do-na e = is, Do-mi-ne et lux per Lord our God, we pray to thee: and light per accel. Pit animato (J =76) nf =—- Cy ome. lu ce-at shine on them att aaimato(J=76) bs Fee 3 Se et ti - Bi red-de ~ tur thy prais-s shall ev - er_be 3 = au- di o-1a-t - o-nem Lord, hear thy faithful servants’ 4 we omnis GFFro ve thee shall all mortal flesh Tempo It '(4=69) P__— a! © = dee i son, __ocortt__ (5) Tempott (J) >. we © mp legato express Chri - ste legato espress Chri ste legato express poco Fit. dim, —— Kyi-e ee i- son, = Tee i-som, © = Te- ison, 2. OUT OF THE DEEP Psalm 130 © Oxford University Press 1986 Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL, = ———————— called un ~ to thee, O Lord: 12) Lord, called un ~ to thee, O Lord: 13 3 3 =, = 3 Out of the deep———_have I called un - to thee, O Lord: ves Out of the p33 ——— 3 Out of the deep——— have I ) 0 tet thine ears con - sider well the (2) hum — hear my voice. plant 7+) ™ a voice of my com-plat—C-5” © let thine ears (hum) Era 27 => — what is done a - miss: Pia mosso (J =80) lEenh7o For there is mer-cy with “in mosso (J=80) 2 yo there fore PCD, shalt thou my soul be fear'd, — Tempo (J=73) t be - fore the moming watch, I say, gen (en) 18 O We-reel, a] a om + 3 SOPRANOS p mesto, 2 do- na? e - is in thy mercy (TENORS) De 2 “do-ma fis = nus De-i, qui tol - is pec-ca-ta, pec - ca in thy mer-ey Lamb of God, tak ~ est a~way— the sins be re - — quivem. Fant them rest do-na € is re = quem. in thy mercy grant them rest Poco rubato (d=) sempre) —== », 25 a Bp, 28 27 5 vs - Man that is bomof a woman hath but short time to b. » [Poco rat hed senor) 3 » +P f-— a 38 L. Pia mosso (J=72) »—= accel, Pia mosso (4 =72) pe Timp. CCS atempo LE@#o =_ a 5R_ flow-er; he 449 it 39 ‘Tempot (J=60) Tempol (/=60) ~ se CET r erp 7 aaddad 4 _ _— , 4p Ag = msDeo Lamb of God that tak ~ est Ag = nus De-i, ‘Ag - musDe-i, —qui_—tol’ ~ ‘lis pecvea= tee Lamb of God p aixine EAE of God— far tak i | Inthe midst of life ‘we are in death, we are in P distinct 3 we are in death, wwe are in 40 ~ ta mundi: do-na'e-is re ~ qui-em, of the world: in thy memey grant them rest, c do-na'e ~ in thy mer-ey dea, re ~ qui-em ae rant them ed Ea Te ~ qui- em rant them rest death, hh.) seat ————) = 41 S2oay mp "3 se Tor sue-cour, whom may we seck for suc-cour, —— 7 ae ‘whom may we seck—— 3 ee vom may we seck for suc-cour, whom may we seek for suc-cour, whom may we seek for suc-cour, = erese = af cr, cree. = mus Dei, of Got Ag Lamb tol lispec-ca-ta qui -—=stol’«~~—=ilis pec-cavta, pec = ca = tak - eta-way— that tak ~ est a- way the sing bor tol ~ lis pec-ca-ta, pec - ca ~ te mundi tak ~ esta=way the sins of the world:— din ———" dona e-is ig thy mer-cy mf —ain= lis pee-ca-ta, pec - ca ~ ta mundi est away the sins ofthe world: Qui -e& woh) —— them res. dim Ga SP. re - qui-em, Lay grant them res, — —p re - qui-em. grant them rest. 4B ral, Lento, motto solenne 68( hed) Bm », W=s0) Tam the re-sur- P fam the re-sur- that be ~ fe = veth in _——= oP — re ction and the 7 —==_ => : though he were dead, yet shall he and who-so-ev-er —_— i 2 and who-so-0v-er for Mel Olson and the Chancel Choir of First United Methodist Church, Omaha, Nebraska “6, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD Pimas Stow but owing 50) ue 7 s Poco it, = sempo ono a 1a This movement i availble separate octavo, wit he accompariment ranged fr organ. Fl sores and instrumental pats (fr oboe, harp and string) ar avalble on renal fom Oxford Univesity Press. (© Oxford Univesiy Pres, ne 1978, Assigned to Onfrd University Press 2010 Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL SOPRANOS Le'ént78 » pie renaii _ > TheLord is my therefore can I lack no ~ thing.— He shall feed ‘TENORS and BASSES re, B wang forth be - sidethe wa ~ tersoof wis = 4. font Cortia ames ste nis, dim Corbis Name's sake, & death, Twill fear no evi; 30 9 = a bo D ma = e ef (Fousee pee ab T 7 = goin = edmyhend wih il (any gypshat bey, ta = 5, ar 1,070 www yi) 3 \ v ¢ ) *f 2 a it [E) tempo . ~ st a tempo - he ~ But m8, 3 pi: ii) thy lov-ing kind ~ ness and fol-low me— all the days A tranquillo (Gos 1 wily avet_in te hose house of_the Lord. 34 7, LUX AETERNA Moderato (J 92) , SOPRANO SOLO vt y mp legato e doce T heard a legato express. Piano es Reduction i a 5 3 | =a! | I —4| | I al) | | =a) | “"———T PF PF fF FF FF CHOIR, ALL VOICES (T. &B. octave lower) SOPRANO SOLO u, 2 4 ™ si — aI = Rm Bless - ed TD)Biless-ed are the dead who die in the Lord, of °F r i (© Oxford University Press 1986 Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL, They _rest__ffom their Ja bours, ern delet ZL 39. wtit ‘ty 1 ef F Even $0 Spi ~ rit, for they rest, 8 42 — Andante tranquillo (56) ys 4 : on —) — (st) Andante tranquillo J-56) ‘molto legato SOPRANOS os ss i C e - is, ~on them, — FH —— se og Pray, =f =a = sere Torrl [DIAL VOICES (T. & B. oxave lower) mp2 @ = Ey e 7 weg: a aut for thy a Cum san = ctis With saints and Re~qui - em do-m ce - is Grant them rest Lord, our God, we 102 (8. and A) Do-mi-ne, luce ~ at pray to thee, shine on them 63 108 (sis) | Fp molto dolce — Re -qui - em do-na e Grant them rest Lord, our God, ts, 7 ‘PP moo dolce 10 Do - mi - ne; pray to thee; Do - mi - ne; Pray to thee: Do - mi - ne , 5 re - qui - em, pray to thee; — ps grant them res, eee Bo - mi - ne; re ~ qui = em, pray 1 thee; ‘grant them rest, re - qui - em ‘grant them rest 7 anente - ter ter re~ qui- em grant them rest =i roof Printed by Halen

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