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Video Essay.

The past few years have been…difficult to say the least. And although ive stayed
relatively safe, and have had as much a social life as possible. In the past 2 years ive felt lost,
depressed, and frustrated and I still don’t really know why, but I lie awake at night,
everynight for hours just thinking, and making everything worse.
Now I know that sounds depressing and I guess it is a little when I say it out loud but I am
getting somewhere with this.
Recently I got back into reading, until January of 2022 I hadn’t picked up a book in years,
(well that’s technically not true I had school books, but you get what I mean), I was in a
bookstore with some friends, looking to get back into reading and out of the corner of my eye
I spotted a really nice blue book cover, for a book titled Everyone dies famous in a small
town, and wow I loved it.. If you haven’t heard of this book, I would highly recommend it.
It’s a book of short stories that all interlink with each other in one way or another. Not too
much happens in the book, its not that exciting but its well written and I found myself
connecting to each story in a different way.
I think the reason I liked the book so much was the fact that it really reminded me of one of
my favourite games. Life is strange
The life is strange franchise Is one of my favourite video game franchises, I played the first
one when I was probably 14 or maybe 15, and it was the first game in memory that made me
feel something other than that general joyous feeling you get when you play video games. It
made me feel happy yes, but it also made me feel sad, betrayed, confused, angry and the story
it told (although cringey at times) changed me as a person. I no longer had the same outlook
on life and I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I think it taught me that my choices matter,
they affect those around me and that I cant change the past, although you do throughout the
story, like a ton, the ending reminds you that the past will always be there, and its something
you just have to live with, you have to keep pushing through.

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