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Sake Tengu

Originally from the Astral Planes raised by a Githyanki mother & Githzerai father (if the DM
will allow the two races live among each other but there is occasional disdain & conflict
between the two and where Sake was from Zerai and Yanki lived together)
He grew up on a space farm while learning how to do medicine & handling animals in
particular dragons from his mother (Sakura Shinrinyoku) who use to be a space
pirate/soldier but retired due to getting tired of conflict & the constant bloodshed, his father
(Shochu Tengu) on the contrary was an alcoholic & slightly negligent but use to live in the
Zerai Monasteries of limbo (up to the DM but maybe they are guarding some forbidden
knowledge n stuff and are like space shaolin monks) he tried to enforce his Zerai teachings
such as meditation , discipline & self-control (all of which the father lacked) & trying to
evangelize him on their god Zerithmon leading to disdain & disbelief from Sake due to his
father’s hypocrisy who vowed if he were to ever be a father he would give his children
freedom & affection.
His mam usually beat the shit out of his dad when he was being dumb & a poor father which
was fairly common. He had a father figure however his mother’s brother Shogun
Shinrinyoku, a military leader & respected figure & was everything his father was not he was
his role model alongside his mother. Teaching him philosophy, educating him about the
workings of the land that he protects & how to protect it.
Unknown to him till later but apparently his family on his mother’s side were a sort of
nobility who defended the relatively small but influential state due to some secret cool
artefact & its strategic importance against other outer planar civilisations & aberrations up
the DM.
Then one day while out riding his pink dragon (Salmon a pink chaos dragon who he tamed
by feeding it gourds) the state think of a Japanese fortress on mountains with farms outside
on floating rocks aka the Astral plane, was taken over by a rival family who killed his family
& friends. Sake being hotheaded back then in a rage flew in trying to kill the peeps
responsible got the shit beaten out of him & threw off the floating islands broken &
bloodied into the abyss. (oh and Salmon died sad face)
He wakes up on a gourd farm/ship being taken care of Githyanki lady who was apparently a
leader of a pirate clan not unlike his mother who were raiding the clan who killed his own
who apparently owned many states and were becoming one of the most influential and
respected family and spreading said influence by taking over other clan’s lands.
Sake being young and vengeful (physically he was 20 mentally a couple hundred years)
joined them on their pirate adventures learned the way of the Githyanki gained and lost
friends had kids all that stuff but was tired like his mother was of the never ending
bloodshed and left the pirate clan and his new family believing they’d be better off without
him due to his lack of self-worth even though he was a good family man he believed
everyone around him deserved much better although he thinks of them often.
He found his way in Limbo to the Zerai Monasteries the ones his father spoke of who he has
forgiven but is saddened by the thought of where he meets his Father’s brother Shochu
Tengu (Shochu being a Japanese drink).
Whom he properly learned the way of the Githzerai whilst studying the libraries of the
Limbo monasteries and learned about the arcane and history that has long since passed,
spending another couple hundred years there.
Then a Mindflayer armada attacked the monasteries taking prisoners and looting the
Monasteries of its treasured and guarded knowledge and artefacts, Sake was around 800
mentally at this point but physically 20).
Being a slave for approximately a century to the Mindflayers in particular Slathos whom
enjoyed Sake’s company due to his knowledge and they use to play dragonchess whilst Sake
was plotting on killing him and escaping.
Slathos wanted to break Sake first and then turn him into a mindflayer but despite all those
years Sake would not break and although he physically atrophied he became much more
stronger in Willpower. Sake was at the point of breaking seeing his fellow prisoners and his
uncle get turned into sustenance for their Illitihid masters and the rest of the prisoners
being mindless drones it was terribly isolating, however, a lich and demon (oni-chan)
helped him escape for unknown reasons to Sake where he stumbled around in the world of
Gaia enjoying his freedom and fishing until he met Sett and they started a two man fishing

End notes:
Maybe the Gith have a Feudal Japan aesthetic and civilisation up to you baby

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