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Assignment Three:

Short Analysis and Short Answer Questions

This is a two-part assignment. Please format the submission in

MLA and include quotations as evidence for your answers. Total
length approx. 400-500 words (please try to stay within this
length; be concise).

First, you’ll choose to write on one of the questions related to

the short stories. See directions below.

Second, after completing your composition, answer the

following questions based on “Dinner with Trimalchio”.
Remember that the lectures will provide background material
for discussion. Your answers should be succinct (approximately
50-75 words each).

1) Trimalchio thinks very highly of himself, but quote two

examples from the story that suggest that some among
his guests are less admiring.
2) Satire doesn’t have to be funny, but it’s often very
amusing. Which character interaction, plot description, or
instance of verbal irony did you find the funniest? What
do you think it’s meant to satirize?
3) Undoubtedly you quickly researched a word’s meaning
while reading the satire. What word gave you the most
insight into Roman history and culture?

Option for “The Black Cat”

In “The Black Cat” what are the connotations of the narrator’s

claim: “I may say [this is] an excellently well constructed house” (8)?
What may be the range of meanings for the phrase “excellently well
constructed house”; what does this “house” symbolize? Your answer
should be approximately 250-300 words.

Please remember to use academic, third-person voice, to organize

your answer into paragraphs, and to include ample quotations as
evidence for your interpretations. For your in-text citations, please
use the section numbers indicated at the bottom of the “reading”
link to Poe and the pages indicated throughout Glaspell (beginning
with “256”). (See “Using MLA Formatting for Assignments”).

Option for “A Jury of her Peers”

In “A Jury of her Peers” what do you think is meant by the

statement, “She [Mrs. Peters] had that shrinking manner, and yet
her eyes looked as if they could see a long way into things” (10)?

Please remember to use academic, third-person voice, to organize

your answer into paragraphs, and to include ample quotations as
evidence for your interpretations.

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