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EE — . fiSA RA/FISE, og une onnl Connie ghe OP" oneral AssembNs OF leave New after Frame UI are Sel into KYHY would be by either car the ave this point and doing internal TOP SECRET//: Si. Say nant -saconarios forte 11D: le a two 17a¥8 Sipe a presented HO yen ange larch in time’ Yo spat te a a Peper Ny of 30 ere jar me Tor sot aie ee aR ae) tat Me? were Hs lokig sine U fea ut to any external entin® at i ve ‘of ZNPP Visit Amid Fightit inly AEA DG Upset ASS PKA refuse! ie Fighting ‘almost certainly ut preps officials mid-February shared that “he,” alm eA) Oot over the reluctance of unidentified eee mr rernaional Aroric ENeT i ven internat Energy Agencl "yas v * izhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) amid 0 usa 6 yr Oe Director-General (0 a (06) Rafael gross Grossi's Senior Adviser Diego Candano a en 20 rant to th bck pe fom penestane) Dies inte 0 sed EA ted to mush back root es ne candano recelved a map detail ea Lesa rtering8 A ceo eee AeA used to rotate inspectors tothe NPP, rrp ened that HET ee chared as a Wate no one” wanted to cross this area. According te Eindano, almost ‘certainly Grossi explained that he did re ivgerstone the logic and believed that if Ukraine and Ri oe and voiced that they would not atta resumably the [AEA mission, then it should motte tainly Grosst believed that the IAEA should be pushi lica agreed with Candano and shared hark UN had not yet received a "positive message’ in oa ,ade orally, and that the Russians rae nteed the route both guaran inting happening: ifth back and that a ‘Candano revealed that almost © re etainly Grossi was already "very upset rnovere upset. However, Bylica alleged that the tries, that the Russians e was figh ot of people th rom either of the count the UN. sage was onl 10:23 (15/516 / (A ine outh Korea Mired in En@User Concerns Related to U.S. Push to Obtain Ammunition for Ukr jational Security Office (NSO), uncil (NSC) Was mired in for ammunition. The 3131-6] focjnF) Yi Mun-hui hui, Se Bataan wormed hea Ree to the President for Foreign Affairs at south Korea's Ni Bere sre 0S voud net be Kim Sung-han that thé’South Korean National security Cou pethe end user South Korea were to comply with 2 request NSC reportedly was also c roriad that te US President Would call South Korean Present suk Feng a car pasion preted a south Korea the issu was not pre tei, ang that South Korea Mai eas caliten the heads of state without worl bet only option. Yiurged ot violate its PollEY ®eainst supplying lethal aids fficilly changing the Porc! SO, since Im Kim to solicit the thoughts Defense further wit Bledged to d im Ki-hurr Secretary tothe President for National ge te termine Oe ona 2 March. Yi v gvised that Kim should then igcuss the matter ores heen tht announce re tll necessary. Kin OX his concern over how, the Sore would be perceved Tres nants stance on ea ot Yoo) tel ve ® US, were to coincide with 2 announcement hat ‘south anes see F na ee a Mound? cblic would think the two had been done as trade Kirn SpesStae ee ig the on EC ie ene getting the rae clad ha cae et 9 el Sata ed be to Pal Poland to Mean countries to sr and send the at Bo to Ukraine a Teg vent what be named as end users for arms" w aes ceed tharthe draft eaisation 2 allowing, 2198-2: process of becoming law» but (W) Russia Russian MoD. AS/is1.) (atom 30 us, ca, cam) The

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