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1. What factors do you think makes a global team successful?

I believe there are many factors that make a global team successful. Communication,

scheduling, and proper leaders are some of the more important factors. Communication is key,

everyone needs to understand the work being done by others in the group to make the project

flow. If all parts are connected in some way, it shows the project manager a true team effort.

Scheduling is also important because it is important to keep a consistent meeting time and day to

go over the project and stay up to date. This also includes what the topic of the next meeting will

be so that everyone can be prepared. Having a few leaders in the group is also important. Not

only do they usually pick up the slack of the other group members not contributing as much but

they also make sure deadlines are being met. Spreading out the work can sometimes be the

challenging task in a project, so having 1-2 leaders being able to evenly spread-out work is key.

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