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Vuong Nguyen Phan Hoang



I believe that most people think most modern technology has made it possible for many
people to work at home most of the time rather than going to an office every day. From
my point of view, working at home can help worker can save the time about going to
the office. Furthermore, work from home can even save the environment. However,
everything, everywhere always has negative side, work without going to the office can
get distracted with the project.


First of all, work from home can spend a lot of time to do everything we want such as
have time with family, practice or do exercises instead of preparing for using their
personal vehicle or catching the public transport for going to their company. According
to some local doctors, they said if we spend at least 15 minutes for practicing, we can
expand our life for 10 years.

Secondly, work at home can save the environment for the Earth because we don’t use
car, motorbike or bus to come to the factory. According to the National Geographic’s
report that most of the polluted air always cause by the smoke from our vehicle. When
all of us work at our home not only won’t eliminate the dirt in the air but also can save
our health avoid the disease.

However, work from home can get the worker be distracted. Such as some people has
their children and they have to take care of them when they cry or naughty. It can get
some member in their team feel annoyed and disturbed when they need discuss
something. That can make the work be interrupted and never finished on time.

In conclusion, work at home can spend time for us, keep the environment clean, it can
also get distracted. While working from home has many benefit but in some case it still
has the negative way. For me everything always has both ways, good or bad effect it will
depend on our decided.

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