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1. What is the best way for a company to improve its sales?

Choose one of the options provided below and give reasons or

examples to support your opinion.
- By introducing a new product
- By improving its customer service
- By launching an advertising campaign
2. Which of the following would you be most likely to spend your
money on if you get a raise:
- Clothes
- Travel
- Entertainment
Choose one of the options, give reasons and examples to support
your opinion

3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? “Focusing on

one task rather than doing various tasks simultaneously results in
higher productivity”

4. Some people prefer to buy goods in person while others prefer

to shop online. Which one do you prefer and why?

5. Many people believe that travelling alone is better than

travelling with a group. What is your opinion?

6. Some people enjoy their vacations on the beach while other

people want to go to the mountains. Which one do you prefer and

7. Some people want to have a high salary job. Others believe

that it is better to have a job that you love. What is your opinion?





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