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Bivek Raymajhi(076BME016)
Bishal Gautam(076BME015)
Achyut Raj Ghimire(076BME004)
Anmol Shrestha(076BME006)

Aim of Industrial Visit:

Main objective of this industrial visit was to expose ourselves to the internal
working of industries, gain insights on manufacturing processes employed, the
organization and management aspects of an industry as well as to narrow down
and connect, theoretical and practical gap of our knowledge.

Places Visited:

Day 1 - Marsyangdi Hydropower station, Yeti Beverage Factory

Day 2 - Unilever Nepal Limited, Hetauda Cement Factory

Details of Journey :
We departed from TEC to Marsyangdi hydropower station, Tanahun. Later that
day, we reached Yeti Beverage Pvt. Ltd at Chitwan and returned to Sauraha
calling the day off. The next day we left for Unilever Nepal Limited, Hetauda early
in the morning. Further,we turned our way to Hetauda Cement Factory at around
3:00 P.M. which was the last industry visit. We headed back to the hotel at
Sauraha for the night and left for Kathmandu the next day. In this way our 3 days
industrial visit (including transportation time) came to a close.

Marsyangdi Hydropower Station, Aabukhaireni Tanahun

Marsyangdi Hydropower Station is a peaking run of river Power Station with installed
Capacity of 69 MW, three units of 23 MW each and its annual design generation is
462.5GWh. It is located at Aanboo Khaireni, Tanahun in the central region about
114KM west of Kathmandu on the Prithivi Highway and lies on the right bank of
Marsyangdi River. It was commissioned in 1989 AD and developed with the
assistance from IDA, KFW, KFED, SFD, ADB and GoN at a cost of USD 22 million.

Salient Features of Marsyangdi Hydropower Station:

1. Type : - Peaking-run-of-river

2. Location : - Aanboo Khaireni, Rural Municipality, Tanahun

3. Installed capacity : - 69 MW

4. Design annual generation : - 462.5 GWh

5. Catchment area : - 3850 Sq. km

6. Average annual discharge : - 210m3

7. Live storage volume : - 1.5 million m3

8. Rated net head : - 90.5m

9. Weir : - 102m long, Concrete

10. Head race tunnel : - 7199m, Ø 6.4m, concrete lined

11. Penstock : - 75m long, Ø 5m, steel lined

Components of hydropower station:

➢ Dam.

➢ Head race tunnels.

➢ Surge tank.

➢ Penstock.

➢ Turbine:
1. Number :- 3

2. Type :- Vertical Francis

3. Rated Discharge:- 30.5 m3/s

4. Rated Output:- 26Mw

5. Rated Speed:- 300 rpm

➢ Generator:
1.Rated Voltage:-30MVA

2.Rated Frequency:-50HZ

3.Power Factor:-0.85

4.Excitation:-Thyristor (solid state 4 layers of P, N type s.c.) Self Excitation

➢ Power Transformer Specifications:

10 MVA,11/132kv,(+1Spare)Single Phase.

➢ Surface power house.

➢ Draft tube:Type-bent

➢Turbine blades: outer-radial,inner-axial.

Observations on the site:

Here, at Marsyangdi hydropower station, we came to know about the
undermentioned things:

1. Management and members : In total, 15 Engineers are working onboard where

the Chief engineer is Electrical Engineer in Marsyangdi HPS.
2. Control System: The angle of guide vanes in the turbines,flow rate and rpm of
the runners are preset so there is no need of controlling those parameters during
normal operation. However,In the case of lowering of water level at the dam, the
guide vane angles are set accordingly to meet the maximum efficiency. In the
worst case scenario, if the flow rate becomes too low, one of the turbines are cut
off completely and two of the turbines are run in full fledge.If something goes
wrong, the alarm system alerts about it.

3. Maintenance and monitoring: Mostly engineers monitor the hydropower system

for any fluctuations or problems that occur after a certain period due to failure of
machine parts like shaft vibrations due to shift in cg etc which they fix by adding or
removing material from one side shifting cg to required position.

4. Process for power Switch Off and On as per requirement:

Off : Circuit sneaker off, Isolation off, Earthing On

On : Earthing Off, Isolation On, Circuit Sneaker On

5. The Surge tank is 56 m above the Power house.

Yeti Beverage Factory, Narayangarh Chitwan:
Yeti beverage Factory is the second largest beverage factory in Nepal. It produces
different beverage products like Arna beer, Kingfisher beer etc. The demands of
these beverages are increasing day by day. The main products of Yeti beverage
are as shown as belows:

1. Arna Beer

2. Kingfisher Beer

Bottling system used :- Bottle and Can as shown below.

1. A firetube boiler was installed in the steam generation plant where the high
pressure and temperature steam is generated.

2. The biomass(husk) is used as fuel in the boiler.

3. The whole grains of barley are put through a gristmill to crack and open the
kernels and now the cracked grains are transported to the mash turn,where they
are mixed with hot water at around 155°F.During this process simple sugars in the
grain are released, which will later help create alcohol. The result is a thick
oatmeal-like substance called mash. The sugary liquid, now known as wort, is
drained from the mash tun and transferred into a brew kettle. While in the brew
kettle the wort is brought to a boil, with a standard time for many beers around 90
minutes, although some go for longer and others shorter. Usually during this
process hops are added at different intervals to extract aroma, flavor and
bitterness. Different recipes dictate when hops are added, affecting the final result.

When the boil is completed the wort can head off into different directions. In most
cases, for ales and lagers, it’s transferred through a heat exchanger that helps to
rapidly cool the liquid before it’s pumped into a fermentation vessel where yeast
will be added.

4. In other cases, the hot wort can be transferred to a coolship, sometimes spelled
koelschip. This is a shallow tub that allows the liquid to be exposed to the open air.
As the wort cools in this vessel, it reacts with ambient yeast that kickstarts the
brewing process. After about a day the beer is transferred to another vessel, like a
barrel, foudre or stainless steel fermentation vessel. Yeast is added to the
fermentation vessels to begin the process of converting the sugars of the wort into
alcohol, while also releasing CO2. There are many different yeast strains that can
impart a wide variety of flavors and aromas. Certain beer styles also rely on a
specific type of yeast to achieve a desired outcome.

It’s also during the fermentation process that some brewers will dry hop a beer,
adding hops to the cooled wort in the vessel to impart a more vivid and juicy hop
profile without the bitterness.

5. After fermentation is complete, many beers are filtered or run through a

centrifuge to remove any particulates. Some may also be transferred to brite tanks,
to allow more time for maturation. Before it’s packaged the beer receives a healthy
dose of additional CO2.
5.Most of the bottles are reused in Yeti beverages and damaged bottles are sent to
India via vendors and recycled.

6. Bottles are scanned for cracks, improper labels and defective ones are rejected
from the conveyor belt with the aid of various sensors and actuators.

7. Then Human inspection is done for any irregularities as a second layer of quality
check, after that bottles are filled, capped and packed for distribution.


Unilever Nepal Limited (UNL), formerly Nepal Lever Limited is the Nepali
subsidiary company of Anglo-Dutch FMCG company Unilever. Unilever Nepal
(UNL) started in 1992 when Nepal Lever Limited, set up a factory in Makwanpur
district with an initial investment of Rs 7.36 crores. It is one of Nepal's largest fast-
moving consumer goods companies. Its products include foods, beverages,
cleaning agents and personal care products.

Different Machines on operation:

1. Oral Care Packer

2. Cream Care Packer

3. Oral tube Filling

4. Cream Tube Filling

5. Oral Cartooning Machining

6. Shampoo Sachet Plant

Raw Materials

The Raw Materials used to make products are also of the best standards to
ensure their general longevity. The raw materials are assessed for their standards
at Quality Assurance Cells.

Reducing Waste

UNL also focuses on corrective and preventive methods of reducing waste by the
identification of “suspect or contaminated products & the related raw and
packaging materials”, and recalling them from any stage of manufacture or

Environmentally Suitable Methods

Unilever takes precautionary measures with the support of our units and co-
packers to stay updated about physical, microbiological and chemical
contaminants and their environmental consequences. This helps them adopt
environmentally suitable methods of manufacture that sets us on a course of
inclusive growth in the long run.Upto 2030 Unilever's targets to keep carbon
emission zero. Solar project is also in construction which reduces 50% carbon
emission.Solar Project is used for water boiling(20000 liters).

Towards this cause UNL has taken measures to increase the recyclability of its
end products so that they can be fruitfully integrated back into the manufacturing
system beyond the end of the consumer’s needs, thereby being cost-efficient.

Clean and Hygienic Environment

Unilever’s manufacturing units are directed by strict protocol to ensure a clean and
hygienic environment of production. The company ensures the safety of
consuming our end products by making them pass the toxicological clearance test.

Quality Controls

Unilever conducts regular audits and quality checks. It maintains a standard

process of monitoring and protecting our products from potential hazards, in the
form of foreign bodies, microbiological or chemical contamination, through the
setting up of Critical Control Points.


All the plants have been equipped with excellent laboratories, infrastructure and
facilities. They help to assess the growth of company products in a dynamic and
sustainable cycle of modernization.


The ultimate goal of all UNL’S manufacturing units remains their devotion to their
consumers. Unilever provides essential Product information, including instructions
for the safe handling of products. Further, its Consumer & Customer Safety Policy
is annually evaluated to keep the management of our consumer’s welfare as its
top-most priority.

Safety and Maintenance

Incase of emergency Situations like fires, earthquakes etc, the alarm warns
workers to reach assembly points. For Machinery Safety, machinery jams are
cleaned and various workers related with jam cleaning and others responsible to
clean other machinery parts are involved. Also medical officers and vehicles are
provided incase of emergency health situations.

Categories Of products:
1.Home Care: Rim Powder, Soft Powder etc.

2.Oral Care: Toothpaste(closeup)

3.Hair Care: Shampoo(small to 650ml)

4.Skin Care: Pond Powder, fairly lovely, all face wash of ponds , gloves & lovely.

5.Beverage and Food: Red level, Noodles, horlicks etc.

6.Skin cleaning: lifeway, lux, Dove etc

Hetauda Cement Industry

Hetauda Cement Industries LTD (HCIL), established in BS 2033 Ashwin 13 under
Company Act 2021, is an undertaking of HMG/Nepal. The plant has an annual
production capacity of 260000 MT of Cement and was installed with a loan
assistance from Asian Development Bank. It commenced its commercial
production in December 1985.

Stages of Cement Manufacturing :

Raw Material Extraction/Quarry
The raw cement ingredients needed for cement production are limestone
(calcium), sand and clay (silicon, aluminum, iron), shale, fly ash, mill scale and
bauxite. The ore rocks are quarried and crushed to smaller pieces of about 6
inches. Secondary crushers or hammer mills then reduce them to an even smaller
size of 3 inches. After that, the ingredients are prepared for pyroprocessing.

Grinding, Proportioning and Blending

The crushed raw ingredients are made ready for the cement making process in the
kiln by combining them with additives and grinding them to ensure a fine
homogenous mixture. The composition of cement is proportioned here depending
on the desired properties of the cement. Generally, limestone is 80% and the
remaining 20% is clay. In the cement plant, the raw mix is dried (moisture content
reduced to less than 1%); heavy wheel type rollers and rotating tables blend the
raw mix and then the roller crushes it to a fine powder to be stored in silos and fed
to the kiln.

Pre-Heating Raw Material

A pre-heating chamber consists of a series of cyclones that utilizes the hot gasses
produced from the kiln in order to reduce energy consumption and make the
cement making process more environment-friendly. The raw materials are passed
through here and turned into oxides to be burned in the kiln.

Kiln Phase
The kiln phase is the principal stage of the cement production process. Here,
clinker is produced from the raw mix through a series of chemical reactions
between calcium and silicon dioxide compounds.

Cooling and final grinding

After exiting the kiln, the clinker is rapidly cooled down from 2000°C to 100°C-
200°C by passing air over it. At this stage, different additives are combined with
the clinker to be ground in order to produce the final product, cement. Gypsum,
added to and ground with clinker, regulates the setting time and gives the most
important property of cement, compressive strength. It also prevents
agglomeration and coating of the powder at the surface of balls and mill walls.
Some organic substances, such as Triethanolamine (used at 0.1 wt.%), are added
as grinding aids to avoid powder agglomeration. Other additives sometimes used
are ethylene glycol, oleic acid and dodecyl-benzene sulphonate.
The heat produced by the clinker is circulated back to the kiln to save energy. The
last stage of making cement is the final grinding process. In the cement plant,
there are rotating drums fitted with steel balls. Clinker, after being cooled, is
transferred to these rotating drums and ground into such a fine powder that each
pound of it contains 150 billion grains. This powder is the final product, cement.

Packing and Shipping

Cement is conveyed from grinding mills to silos (large storage tanks) where it is
packed in 20-40 kg bags. Most of the product is shipped in bulk quantities by
trucks, trains or ships, and only a small amount is packed for customers who need
small quantities.

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