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Casey (Baccarny) Enloe

ITEC 7460
Spring 2022

Evaluation Instrument Assignment

For this school-wide coaching initiative, I would coach teachers on integrating more technology
usage into their lessons. On average, teachers at my school use technology in their classrooms 1-
2 times per week. However, this initiative would increase the number of times teachers use
technology within their classrooms/lessons for meaningful instruction to 3-5 times per week.
This initiative is also designed to increase students’ digital literacy and will require teachers to
teach a minimum of one digital literacy lesson per week.

Initial Teacher Survey/Questionnaire

To address levels 1 and 2 of Guskey’s Framework I would have teachers complete a survey or
questionnaire immediately following the initial coaching session. On the initial questionnaire I
would ask the following questions:
1.) What is your name and position at East Cobb Middle School?
2.) Did you enjoy this coaching session?
3.) What is something you plan to use from this coaching session in your classroom/teaching
4.) Why is it beneficial for our students to improve their technology skills within our classrooms?
Do you believe that increasing technology usage will benefit your students?
5.) How many days per week are you currently having students use technology in your classroom
for content-related lessons? (Not including free time or school-required homework programs
such as IXL or USA Test Prep)

Second Teacher Survey/Questionnaire

Approximately one month after the initial coaching session, I will host another coaching session.
This coaching session is designed to check in with teachers and provide additional suggestions
and support for the increased usage of technology within the classroom. Following the second
session, I will send teachers a second survey. This survey will address level 3 Guskey’s
1.) What is your name and position at East Cobb Middle School
2.) How many days per week are you currently having students use technology in your classroom
for content-related lessons

3.) Rank the digital literacy skills of your students on average:

-Non-Existent: Students are unaware how to independently use any internet apps or programs.
Students do not understand how to safely use social media.
-Below Average: Students' internet skills are minimal aside from logging into a computer and
opening pre-loaded desktop applications. Students are unable to independently collaborate with
others on applications. Students’ knowledge of internet safety is minimal. Students are easily
distracted by games and other online applications.
-Average: Students can log into most computer applications independently. Students can use
digital tools to collaborate with peers after receiving tutorials. Students are aware of some
elements of internet safety, but do not understand long term risks of poor digital choices.
Students are still easily distracted by digital games without frequent monitoring
-Above Average: Students can independently use almost any age-appropriate application.
Students can independently collaborate with their peers on most digital platforms. Students are
aware of most aspects of internet safety and can understand the long-term impacts of poor
choices online and/or on social media websites. Students can set appropriate boundaries while
using technology and avoid games and distracting websites while doing academic tasks.

4.) Do you feel that the school and instructional coach are providing appropriate resources to
help reach the school wide technology initiative?

Approximately one month following the second coaching session, I will have teachers complete
the following rubric. This rubric will address levels 4 and 5 of Guskey’s Framework
0 1 2 3
Technology Technology is Technology is Technology is Technology is
Usage never used used 1-2 times used 3-4 times used 5+ times
Frequency within my per week in my per week in my per week within
classroom classroom classroom my classroom
Student There has been Student N/A There has been
Achievement no academic academic improved
improvement approvement has academic
within my stayed the same achievement in
classroom within my my classroom
classroom that can be
formative or
Student Digital Non-existent Below Average Average Above Average
Literacy Skills
Student Digital Non-existent Below Average Average Above Average
Literacy Skills

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