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A: Hi guys

B: Hi Estrella

C: Hi girls

B: Estrella you are remenber your favorite event?

A: Mm yes. My favorite event was my baptism. I think I have a photo here. (muesta la foto) his
is the picture of my baptism.

C: When did this event happen?

A: this event happened in 2006

B: How old were you when the event happened?  

A: I was two years old. When I was a child, I played with the water. For this reason, I wasn’t

C: Where were you in the photo?

A: I was in the church

B: Where did you celebrate?

A: I remember that after the ceremony my family and I went to a party place.

C: Why was it important to your family?

A: This event is important for my family because more than a party it is a custom to baptize
children at two years old. And you Luis, what is your favorite event and you have any picture of
the event?

C: My favorite event was the baptism of my nephew(nefiu) and yes Estrella I have a picture of
the event. (muestra la foto)

B: When did this event happen?

C: This event happened a year ago(agou)

A: How old were you when the event happened?  

C: I was eighteen years old. I was nervous because they chose me to be godfather. So, I
practiced(practist) for the toast(toust)

B: Where were you in the photo?

C: I was in my cousin’s house

A: Where did you celebrate?

C: We celebrate at home with friends and family

B: Why was it important to your family?

C: Because in my family it is to welcome a new member of the family. And Evelyn, what is four
event? We would like you to show us a photo of the event.

B: My favorite event was my birthday party and I have a picture of the event. (muestra la foto)
A: When did this event happen?

B: This event happened a month ago(agou)

C: How old were you when the event happened?  

B: I am twenty(tueni) one.

A: Where were you in the photo?

B: I was in my house. My mother took the picture.

C: Where did you celebrate?

B: We celebrate at home with friends and family

A: Why was it important to your family?

B: Because I celebrated one more day of life, my friends and family came and sang happy
birthday to me

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