Ramos, Aldrich BOSH

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Ramos, Aldrich A.


1. Differentiate Accident to Incident.

An accident is something unexpected that causes damage to property or an individual.
Accidents can occur in workplace because of human error, malfunction in equipment, etc.
Accidents can end up with property damage, injuries, or even fatalities. While an incident is any
situation that can cause harm or damage but is not really that great and will not result in injury
or damage. Incidents are close-calls and can be a potential accident eventually.

2. Enumerate and Discuss the reasons for preventing accidents and ill-health.
Humanitarian reasons – Every worker has the right to a safe and healthy workplace, and it is the
employers’ duty to ensure that their employees are protected and safe. By preventing accidents
and ill-health, employees will be healthy and safe.
Economic reasons – Accidents and ill-health can be the organizations’ expense and it can even
be costly and have a negative impact in the organization. Preventing accidents and ill-health will
maximize their profits and reduce expenses.
Legal reasons – Employers have a legal obligation and by not following the standards can result
in legal actions, fines, or even bad company reputation. By preventing accidents and ill-health,
the employer can avoid legal problems.
Environmental reasons – It can also have an environmental impact. For example, if a company
reduce the use of hazardous chemicals or have a safer alternative, they can reduce the risk of
contamination and spills that will have a negative impact not only to the people around but
even to the environment.

3. Discuss: Why do accidents happen?

Accidents occurs due to human error, equipment failure, etc. Human error occurs when the
employees are not properly trained and if they are not aware of the potential hazards in the
workplace. Equipment failure happens due to poor maintenance or flaws in the design.
Inspection of equipment should be regular to make sure no accidents will happen or to lessen
the chance of one happening.

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