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Current Reality and GSAPS 11

Current Reality and GSAPS for East Cobb Middle School

Casey (Baccarny) Enloe
Kennesaw State University
Current Reality and GSAPS 12

Criterion 1 Vision

East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) located in Marietta, Georgia is a public 6-8 middle

school. ECMS is Cobb County School District’s newest STEAM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) certified school. ECMS currently has 1,485 students

enrolled in grades 6 through 8. ECMS is a Title I school due to the high population of low-

income families in the area. However, the school will be losing its Title I status after being on a

3-year probation period. There are five feeder elementary schools, which contribute to the sixth-

grade class being approximately 500 students each year. The school building is new, opening in

the 2018-2019 school year; however, the school was originally established in the 1960s. As for

technology in the school, teachers can reserve devices or computer labs. There are 3 computer

labs with 36 desktop computers each, 1 special education computer lab with 18 computers, 8

iPad carts, and 8 laptop carts. Also, each classroom teacher has 2 laptops that always remain in

the classroom available for student use. Beginning in January 2022 my school began to distribute

district-issued technology to all students with the goal to become a one-to-one technology

district. Approximately 1,100 of the 1,485 students have opted-in to receive a district-issued

device. The district-issued devices are Dell computers that students will be able to keep until

they graduate high school or leave the district.

The current school vision posted on East Cobb Middle School’s website is: “to develop

high achieving, independent critical thinkers for tomorrow’s challenges and beyond” (2021).

Through the implementation of the student device opt-in, students can use technology to improve

their independent and critical thinking skills. Student laptops also are used to increase student

achievement using academic programs such as USA Test Prep, IXL, Freckle, and DreamBox.
Current Reality and GSAPS 13

The implementation of student laptops also helps students meet our school’s STEAM-related

goals. As part of our school’s STEAM certification, all students are required to participate in

inquiry-based activities that focus on STEAM practices such as creativity, communication,

perseverance, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and research skills. Our school’s

STEAM goal for this school year is global citizenship. With this goal, students will use STEAM

to identify and analyze their roles as citizens in their local, global, and digital communities. Our

district-wide vision is to develop digital-age classrooms. Digital age classrooms can be

developed through flexible environments that are used to organize quality instructional practices

to foster a community of learners and seamlessly integrate digital tools. This framework

effectively leverages technology to enhance student learning experiences.

Criterion 2 Needs Assessment

The professional learning needs of East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) are determined through a

variety of ways. One way ECMS determines professional learning needs is through staff surveys.

The staff frequently receives surveys that are used to determine the professional learning needs

of the school. Another way that ECMS determines professional learning needs is through student

performance results. Students at our school take most assessments through a digital district-

provided platform called Cobb Teaching and Learning System, more commonly referred to as

CTLS. This platform collects student performance data for teachers to reference and compare to

other students in the school and district. ECMS also collects school behavior data to determine

professional learning needs. ECMS uses the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

(PBIS) behavior management system. The digital PBIS system allows teachers to see behavior

data for individual students and the school. PBIS data is collected monthly and used to set

behavior goals and make comparisons to behavior from previous months or years. Professional
Current Reality and GSAPS 14

learning goals for both CTLS assessments and PBIS behavior are data-driven goals. Finally, the

school determines professional learning needs through district requirements. The district requires

numerous professional learning goals for all schools within the district. All schools are required

to provide documentation of these goals to the district multiple times a year.

Criterion 3 Professional Learning

East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) requires all staff members to complete professional

learning activities that are designed to increase student engagement and academic achievement.

At ECMS teachers meet weekly by subject area to discuss lesson plans for the following week

and discuss student data. Teachers also meet monthly for subject-area meetings in which

teachers across all three grade levels meet and discuss subject area professional learning

opportunities. According to the ECMS School Improvement Plan (SIP), “admin will designate

and protect Tuesdays and Fridays for collaboration, professional development, and data

dissemination” (2021). The ECMS language arts department completes 1-2 book studies per

year. During these studies, teachers read and discuss novels with other language arts teachers that

cover various reading and writing teaching strategies. The last instructional book study

completed by the language arts department covered The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller.

Staff members were required to read a set number of pages each month and answer questions

prior to the monthly department meeting. During the department meeting, teachers would share

thoughts learned from the readings. ECMS has weekly clusters on Tuesdays during planning.

During cluster meetings, teachers receive professional learning from our school’s Title I

coordinator, academic coach, or technology training integration specialist (TTIS). Following

these meetings, teachers receive surveys to complete. The survey allows an opportunity for

teachers to request additional coaching from our school’s academic coach or TTIS if desired.
Current Reality and GSAPS 15

Criterion 4 Alignment to School Improvement Goals

East Cobb Middle School’s (ECMS) school improvement plan (SIP) and Title I

homepage provides a variety of goals that the school is expected to achieve. The following three

goals are featured on ECMS’s Title I homepage and SIP:

1.) “We, all the staff at ECMS will improve student Literacy performance for all content areas,

by increasing the percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced on the Reading Inventory

by 20% from August 2021- May 2022”

2.) “We, all the staff at ECMS will improve student Math performance for all content areas, by

increasing the percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced on the Math Inventory by

20% from August 2021- May 2022”

3.) “We, all the staff at ECMS will strengthen the quality and order of our student learning

community and maximize instructional time enhancing the implementation of the Positive

Behavior Intervention Supports System; reducing the number of missed instructional days due to

ISS and OSS suspension by 10% from Fiscal Year 2021 to Fiscal Year 2022”

The administrative team at ECMS ensures that these goals are achieved in a variety of ways.

Goals 1 and 2 are achieved through the school’s academic coach. The academic coach requires

teachers to administer the Reading Inventory and Math Inventory assessments three times a year

to students. These assessments use data to track student progress and growth throughout the

academic year. Goals 1 and 2 are also achieved through the numerous required professional

development lessons given throughout the school year. Many of these lessons focus on

improving student literacy and mathematics skills. Finally, goals 1 and 2 are achieved through

the implementation of the online IXL program. Mathematics and language arts teachers are
Current Reality and GSAPS 16

required to assign students multiple IXL tasks to complete per week. The number of assigned

and completed IXL assignments are compared to student achievement data on the Math and

Reading Inventory assessments. Goal 3 is achieved through the school's implementation of the

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. All staff members at ECMS are

required to use the PBIS app to track student behavior. The school’s PBIS committee meets

monthly to discuss behavior data and create lesson plans to be administered to staff members.

The PBIS committee also attends professional learning conferences both within and outside of

the school district. The knowledge gained from these conferences is then presented to other

ECMS staff members to better improve PBIS implementation. Finally, all ECMS staff members

are required to use the Second Step program’s social-emotional learning materials in their

classrooms. All ECMS staff members are trained in how to properly present the digital Second

Step lessons to their students. Overall, I believe that ECMS aligns many of its professional

learning opportunities to meet the needs of the SIP.

Criterion 5 Funding and Incentives

Through conversations with my administrator, I was informed that funding for professional

development and technology comes from a combination of the district, Title I, and SPLOST

funds. Some professional development funding is also provided through Title II and Title III

funds. According to the Title I Budget Snapshot provided on the ECMS website; the total

amount of funding budgeted for professional development is $15,000. The total amount of

funding budgeted for conferences and workshops is $8,100 (Cobb, 2021). According to East

Cobb Middle School’s (ECMS) school improvement plan, “Title I funds will be used to hire an

academic coach to provide professional learning to all staff members” (Georgia, 2021). Much of

the professional development completed within the school building is through the school’s
Current Reality and GSAPS 17

academic coach. However, district employees do occasionally come to the school to provide

professional learning opportunities. ECMS’s SIP also states that “Title II will provide

professional development support including staff and PL opportunities” (Georgia, 2021). My

administrator says that a limited number of staff members are selected each year to participate in

professional learning conferences that occur outside of the district.

Criterion 6 Diversity

East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) provides several professional learning opportunities that

focus on diversity that support the school improvement plan (SIP). Teachers at ECMS

frequently receive training in order to learn how to best serve English-language learners in the

school. According to the SIP, ECMS will “incorporate research-based EL strategies into all

lessons i.e., translation apps, scaffolding, and visual references” (Georgia, 2021). Our school’s

academic coach provides lessons that show teachers the activities that are best practices for

accommodating the learning needs of EL students. According to the SIP, “teachers and

administration will attend ESEA Conference Content, ELL, and SEL Conferences, grade level

meetings, and potential collaboration days in their subject areas that emphasize Literacy

(vocabulary) strategies and pedagogy” (Georgia, 2021). In addition, ECMS has a diversity

committee. The diversity committee consists of staff members from various ethnic and racial

backgrounds who create monthly diversity-related lessons to share with staff members. ECMS

also requires all staff members to participate in Family Literacy and International Nights.

According to the SIP, these activities are designed to “welcome and celebrate diverse family and

community members” (Georgia, 2021). Finally, the academic coach for ECMS provides

quarterly professional development activities that help teach staff members how to effectively

communicate with families from diverse backgrounds.

Current Reality and GSAPS 18

Criterion 7 Collaboration

At East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) multiple planning times per week are designated for

professional learning and teacher collaboration. As a part of guidelines provided by the district,

East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) requires all schools and teachers to participate in Cobb

Collaborative Communities (CCC). CCC groups meet weekly and are based on both grade level

and content area. ECMS requires all subject area teachers to meet with their CCC once a week.

During CCC teachers discuss assessment data, content, and lesson plans for the upcoming week.

Teachers who teach multiple subjects or grades are required to meet with multiple CCC groups.

Teachers examine and discuss previous assessment data in CCC groups and adjust instruction

accordingly to accommodate enrichment, remediation, or other student learning needs.

Following an agreed upon adjustment in instruction, the CCC will follow up with other group

members to ensure that goals were met, and adjustments were completed appropriately.

Criterion 8 Evaluation

At East Cobb Middle School (ECMS) professional learning is typically evaluated through digital

surveys. The digital surveys give the academic coach, technology support specialist, or any other

professional learning coordinator the opportunity to evaluate teacher knowledge. These surveys

also provide teachers with a more private way to ask questions or request more coaching.

The means by which teachers, administrators, and other staff acquire, enhance, and refine
the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions necessary to create and support high levels
of learning for all students
Current Reality and GSAPS 19

Professional Learning Standard 1: Aligns professional learning with needs identified

through analysis of a variety of data

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Professional Professional Professional Professional

learning needs are learning needs are learning needs are learning needs are
identified and identified through a identified using identified using little
differentiated collaborative limited sources of or no data.
through a analysis process data.
collaborative using a variety of
analysis process data (e.g., student
using a variety of achievement data,
data (e.g., student examination of
achievement data, student work,
examination of process data,
student work, teacher and leader
process data, effectiveness data,
teacher and leader action research
effectiveness data, data, perception
action research data from students,
data, perception staff, and families).
data from students,
staff, and families).
Ongoing support is
provided through

EVIDENCE: Professional learning needs are identified through vague staff surveys that
do not provide much opportunity for teacher feedback. Student learning goals are
determined by Reading Inventory and Math Inventory assessments. Because these
assessments are only given three times per year, it provides limited data sources. The
student data is only based on math and language arts performance and no other
academic subjects or skills. There is little to no opportunity for feedback from
RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend increasing student data by collecting
weekly or biweekly assessment probes. This would allow teachers and staff to collect
student data more frequently and data that covered more topics than simply
mathematics and language arts. I also recommend the administrative team allow
parents/guardians to complete surveys that allow more opportunity for descriptive
Current Reality and GSAPS 110

Professional Learning Standard 2: Establishes a culture of collaboration among

administrators and staff to enhance individual and collective performance

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators and Administrators and Administrators and Administrators and

staff, as a staff routinely staff routinely staff routinely
foundational collaborate to collaborate to collaborate to
practice, improve individual improve individual improve individual
consistently and collective and collective and collective
collaborate to performance (e.g., performance (e.g., performance (e.g.,
support leadership construct construct construct
and personal knowledge, acquire knowledge, acquire knowledge, acquire
accountability and skills, refine skills, refine skills, refine
to enhance practice, provide practice, provide practice, provide
individual and feedback). feedback). feedback).
performance (e.g.,
knowledge, acquire
skills, refine
practice, provide
Teachers conduct
action research and
assume ownership
of professional
learning processes.

EVIDENCE: The administrative team and academic coach at ECMS required weekly CCC
meetings among grade level/subject teachers. The administrative team also requires
that each staff member be a member of at least one school committee. The
administration is not always present in the subject area or committee meetings, which
makes collaborating with the administration more difficult. Teachers also have
limited control over which committee they are a part of.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend allowing teachers to have more choice in
their required committee teams. I would also recommend requiring administrative
Current Reality and GSAPS 111

staff to attend more grade level/subject meetings in order to allow teachers the
opportunity to collaborate with administrators.

Professional Learning Standard 3: Defines expectations for implementing professional


Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators, Administrators, Administrators, Administrators,

teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or
both consistently both regularly both occasionally both rarely, if ever,
define expectations define expectations define expectations define expectations
for the for the for the for the
implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of
professional professional professional professional
learning, including learning. learning. learning.
details regarding the
stages of
implementation and
how monitoring will
occur as
EVIDENCE: Professional learning needs and goals are clearly defined by both the
administration and academic coach and listed on the School Improvement Plan.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Professional learning goals can be modified for grades/subjects
as needed. Data could be collected after implementing these goals within the
classroom to see which strategies are the most and least effective.

Professional Learning Standard 4: Uses multiple professional learning designs to support

the various learning needs of the staff
Current Reality and GSAPS 112

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Staff members Staff members Some staff members Staff members

actively participate actively participate are engaged in receive single,
in job-embedded in professional professional stand-alone
professional learning, most of learning that makes professional
learning that which is job- use of more than learning events that
engages embedded, which one learning design are informational
collaborative teams includes multiple to address their and mostly large-
in a variety of designs (e.g., identified needs. group presentation
appropriate collaborative lesson designs.
learning designs study, analysis of
(e.g., collaborative student work,
lesson study, problem-solving
analysis of student sessions, curriculum
work, problem development,
solving sessions, coursework, action
curriculum research, classroom
development, observations, online
coursework, action networks) to
research, classroom support their
observations, online various learning
networks). needs. Professional
Professional learning includes
learning includes follow-up with
extensive follow-up feedback and
with descriptive coaching.
feedback and

EVIDENCE: Professional learning opportunities rarely go beyond the required weekly

meetings. Staff members are rarely allowed to participate in a professional
development opportunity that meets their own interests and needs. Feedback is
collected, but it rarely results in additional coaching or professional learning.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I suggest allowing staff to be able to request professional
learning that meets their individual needs. I also suggest requiring at least one follow-
up coaching experience per year.
Current Reality and GSAPS 113

Professional Learning Standard 5: Allocates resources and establishes systems to support

and sustain effective professional learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Extensive resources Adequate resources Some resources and Few, if any,

(e.g., substitute (e.g., substitute systems are resources and
teachers, materials, teachers, materials, allocated to support systems are
handouts, tools, handouts, tools, and sustain provided to support
stipends, stipends, professional and sustain
facilitators, facilitators, learning. professional
technology) and technology) and learning.
systems (e.g., systems (e.g.,
conducive schedules, conducive schedules,
adequate adequate
collaborative time, collaborative time,
model classrooms) model classrooms)
are allocated to are in place to
support and sustain support and sustain
effective professional
professional learning.
Opportunities to
practice skills,
receive follow-up,
feedback, and
coaching are
provided to support
the effectiveness of

EVIDENCE: The school provides limited substitute teachers, consumable supplies,

professional learning opportunities, and technology that supports student learning.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I suggest scheduling groups of substitute teachers that would
allow for small groups of teachers to attend professional learning opportunities
outside of the building together which would improve the effectiveness of the
professional learning.
Current Reality and GSAPS 114

Professional Learning Standard 6: Monitors and evaluates the impact of professional

learning on staff practices and student learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Monitoring and Monitoring and Monitoring and Monitoring and

evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the
impact of impact of impact of impact of
professional professional professional professional
learning on staff learning on staff learning on staff learning on staff
practices and practices and practices occurs practices occurs
increases in student student learning sporadically. rarely, if ever.
learning occurs occurs routinely.
Evaluation results
are used to identify
and implement
processes to extend
student learning.

EVIDENCE: The surveys provided after professional learning opportunities are vague
and do not allow teachers to provide much effective feedback on classroom needs.
Student assessment data is evaluated three times a year (fall, winter, and spring)
which allows minimal assessment data.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend providing more assessment probes outside
of the required Reading and Math Inventory Assessments

KSU ITEC Professional Learning Standard: Professional learning reinforces educators’

understanding and use of strategies for promoting equity and high expectations for all
students, application of research-based teaching strategies and assessment processes, and
involvement of families and other stakeholders in promoting student learning.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident
Current Reality and GSAPS 115

Classroom practices Classroom Classroom Classroom practices

(e.g., considering practices of most practices of some reflect little or no
interests, teachers reflect teachers reflect evidence of
strengths, and skill in evidence of teachers’ training in
preferences to provide communicating teachers’ training understanding the
meaningful, relevant high expectations in understanding impact that
lessons and assess for each student the impact that attitudes regarding
student progress, and adjusting attitudes regarding race, disabilities,
differentiating classroom activities race, disabilities,
instruction, and
to meet student background, culture, high
nurturing student
capacity for self- needs. Respect for culture, high expectations, and
management) of all students’ cultures expectations, and social class of both
teachers reflect an and life experiences social class of both students and
emotionally and is evident through students and teachers have on the
physically safe the emotionally and teachers have on
environment where teaching and
physically safe the teaching and learning process.
respect and
appreciation for a
learning learning process.
diverse population is environment where
evident. There are students of diverse
high achievement backgrounds and
expectations for all experiences are
students and teachers. taught the school
The principal and code of conduct
other leaders provide
professional learning (customs) to help
for teachers lacking them be successful
understanding of the in the school
impact that attitudes context.
regarding race,
background, culture,
high expectations, and
social class of both
students and teachers
have on the teaching
and learning process.
EVIDENCE: The school’s moto is “educate with positivity.” All staff members are
required to participate in diversity training from the school’s academic coach, but
training can be limited. The school also hosts an International Night. The school
utilizes the PBIS and Second Step programs to meet the emotional and behavioral
needs of students.
RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend that all teachers participate in trauma-informed
training in order to better meet the emotional needs of students from various racial,
ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Current Reality and GSAPS 116


Cobb County School District . (2021). East Cobb Title I Budget for the 2021-2022 School Year

(FY22). Retrieved February 14, 2022, from


Cobb County School District . (2021, November 10). Title 1. Retrieved

February 13, 2022, from

Georgia Department of Education . (2021, August 12). School Improvement Plan 2021-2022

Action Plan. sbcobbstor.blob. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from


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