Pavel Tsatsouline

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Pavel Tsatsouline – Power to the people

The important things that I leaarned from the first two chapters are:
 One’s weight doesn’t necessarily define a his ability to lift arge amounts of kilograms
 Only about 20-30% of muscle strength is used when a normal person is exercising, and
body builders use about 50%
 Training methods taught to us by professionals can increase our muscle activity
 Muscular ‘motors’ are operated by synchronized electrical impulses supplied to the
muscle by the nerves
 Strength training doesn’t equal body building (athletes believed this and started were
exposing their ’Hollywood body’ but the strength of their body wasn’t big)
 Tension does equal force and what that means is that basically the more tense your
musles are, the more tension you display
 Skill is, according to some, the most important element in strength
 To require the said skill, the tension in our muscles must be on maximum
 ‘Fast sport’ athletes have to be content with just a fraction of the strength they could
possibly possess, because force rapidly drops when velocity increases
 Flexing our muscles while lifting, no matter the amount of weight, teaches us to
maximize our muscular tension
 Employing 85-90% of one’s maximum weight teaches our spine and joints to get used to
the pressure of resistance
 It’s important to rest while exercising and to things such as taking longer breaks in
between different exercises and lowering the amount of reps per single exercise
 To believe in ourselves , because potential in our brain is much greater than we think

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