Assignment On Design Thinking & Innovation MGT

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KCES’s Institute of Management & Research - Jalgaon

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Sem.: IV (A.Y. 2022-23)

Course Code & Course Name:- 401 Design Thinking & Innovation Mgt
Date of Submission: 30th March to 03 April 2023 Marks: 20

Note: - Attempt All Questions

Q. 1 Explain in detail the Personality Profile of Design Thinker. CO-1

Q. 2 Write a detailed note on Storytelling, Strategic Foresight, CO-2

Sensing, and Business Model Design

Describe the Characteristics of innovation, & Sources of

Q. 3 CO- 3

Q. 4 Explain the process of New Product Development, and Types CO-5

of NPD Outsourcing

Q. 5 Describe Inbound innovation (Outside-in approach),
Outbound innovation (Inside –out approach),

Read Instructions carefully:

1. Assignment should be written in neat and presentable form
2. Please mention your Name, Roll no., and Date of Submission on the first page of your
3. Reference books as suggested in the syllabus shall be followed,
4. Internet sources are allowed but you have to mention the source at the end.
5. Assignment should be submitted on 30 March 2023
6. Assignment will be accepted till 3 April by deducting 2 Marks per day.
7. No assignment will be accepted after due date under any circumstances.

Anil Kumar Marthi

Associate Professor
Subject Teacher Approved by Exam Coordinator/ MBA coordinator

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