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Hoérskool Dinamika | Wiskunde | wesX Keors Mathematics | Eksamen ne, § sunie 2017 ae 1 i i Total: 100 Eksaminator: Me J. Appel — = Me. E. Tomes Grand Total: 100 Moderator: Ms. E. Tomes Examiner: Ms J. Appel Naam / Name: Gr8: Vraag 1 / Question 1 1.1 Gee die waardes wat deur die volgende letters voorgestel wi 14 ord / Give the values that represent the variables in the following: Q 55% a Best rE re ree 1.2 Vermeerder 24 in die verhouding 2:3 / Increase 24 in the ratio 2: 3. @ Se eee ee eee eee eae eeee ceed cece eae -3 Verdeel 45 in die vethouding 2:3 / Divide 45 into the ratio 2: 3 @ ‘n Motor ry teen ‘n konstante spoed en lé 100km in 50 minute af. Hoe lank sal dit die motor neem om teen dieselfde gemiddelde spoed 260 km af te 1é? / A car travels at a constant speed of 100 km in 50 minutes. How long will it take to cover a distance of 260 km at the same average speed? @ Vraag 2 / Question 2 2.1 Bereken die rente wat jy na S jaar sal ontvang indien jy R15 000 teen ‘n rentekoers van 10%, enkelvoudige rente per jaar belé. / Calculate the simple interest that you will receive after 5 years if you invest R15 000 at an interest rate of 10%, @ ee ee ES See 2.2 R20 000 word belé vir 4 jaar teen 7,5% enkelvoudige rente per jaar. Bereken die cindbedrag wat beskikbaar sal wees na 4 jaar. / R20 000 is invested for 4 years at 7.5% simple interest per annum, Calculate the final amount that will be available after 4 years, 2) i i ee 23 Johan koop ‘n nuwe sportsak vir R299. BereKen die bedrag BTW wat reeds in die prys ingesluit is. (Rond af tot twee desimale plekke) / Johan buys a sportsbag for R299, Calculate the amount of VAT that is included in this price. (round off to two decimal places) @ Se SE es ss 2.4 Maria koop ‘n paar skoene van R199. Sy kry 10% afslaf. Wat betaal sy vir die skoene / Maria buy shoes for R199. She gets 10% discount on the shoes. What is the amount that she pays for the shoes? (3) Sa SERSEE Sara eae census esse scasnassce set nsEnnOnTEnOUETIE Se ee 2.5 Op 'n sekere tydstip is die wisselkoers tussen die Amerikaanse dollar en die Suld-Afrikaanse rand 1US $ = R9.20. Bereken die aantal rand wat verkry sal word as $2000 gewissel word. / Ata certain point, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the South African rand is 1US § = R9.20. Calculate the amount of rand that will be obtained if $ 2000 is exchanged. @) — — Mi juestion 3 Bereken die volgende. ONTHOU: geen punte sal gegee word as daar slegs‘n antwoord gegee word nie. TOON ALLE STAPPE. / Calculate the following. REMEMBER: No marks will be allocated given if only an answer is given. SHOW ALL THE CALCULATIONS. 31 5-(-8) 3.2 -Sx(-5) 33 -Sx} 34 5-5x5 35 5x (-5) +(-5) +(-5) a6 OCD 37 20+(-4)-14 ayy Vraag 4 / Question 4 Vereenvoudig die volgende. / Simplify the following. 41 2x? 42 —N49a7 43 (xty)3 44 3(3x2y)? 4 46 5x.3x2.x (43) Vraag 5 / Question 5 Vul die onbekende getalle in / Fill in the unknown numbers a ™;™ 0m 2’4’D’6 @ 5.2 Bestudeer die volgende patroon / Study the following pattern 255; 5.2.1 Voltooi die volgende 2 getalle in die patroon / Complete the following 2 numbers in the pattern. Q 5.2.2 Bepaal die reél vir hierdie patroon in die vorm van Tn= .../ Determine the rule for this pattern in the form of Tn @ 5.2.3 Gebruik die formule in 5.2.2 on die 25ste term van die patroon te kry. / Use the formula in 5.2.2 to calculate the 25th term of the pattern. @ 5.3 Gebruik die gegewe reél om die ooreenstemmende uitset- en insetwaardes te bereken / Use the given rule to calculate the corresponding output and input values, @ [0 i Pieced te joa — >| > jc —-s3|/ 2 Lonel Vraag 6 / Question 6 Vereenvoudig / Simplify. 61 atb+bt+atb+b 62 axbxbxaxbxb 63 2pxq+px5q+2px 3q 64 2ab(3a7 - b?) s2xtytany?ooxy Regt 65 rm 6.6 36x%y? - f6ax8y> 6.7 Asx = —3 bepaal die waarde van /If x = —3 calculate the value of Bx + 4x? (16) Vraag 7 / Question 7 Los die volgende vergelykings op / Solve the following equations 71 8a-12=S5a+6 7.2 —5(2b-3) =-16- (Sb—1) 73 S428=8 74 2% 4129 75 3° =81 (13) 7.6 Die som van drie opeenvolgende getalle is 144. Bepaal die getalle. / The sum of three consecutive numbers is 144. Determine the numbers. 8) Getalle is / Numbers are: 5 Q Vr mn 8.1 In die figuur is ABC ‘n driehoek met A=x ; B = 2x — 40° en C = 10°. Bereken die waarde van x met redes. / In the figure, ABC isa triangle with A = x; 8 = 2x—40°andé = 10° Calculate the value of x with reasons. @) A Bewerkings/Calculations | Rede/Reason a 2x — 40° 10° c 8.2 In AMNP is M = 62°; QNM = 107° enP . Bereken die waarde van x / In AMNP is M = 62°; QNM = 107°enP @ M Bewerkings/Calculations | Rede/Reason /\ N Pe Vraag 9 / Question 9 9.1 In die figuur is AC BD. EF en BD is reguitlyne. Bereken die waarde van x, y, zmet redes In the figure is AC L BD. EF and BD are straight lines. Calculate, with reason, the value for x,y, Z A Bewerking / Calculations Redes / Reasons 4) 9.2 Voltooi die bewys om die groottes van die hoeke te bereken / Complete the reason to proof the size of the angles. (3) A 8 c 9.3 Bepaal met redes die groottes van a, b,c te bereken / Calculate, with reason the value of a,b,c i, t ) Bewerking / Calculation Rede/ Reason ] TOTAAL / TOTAL: 100

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