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결정학개론 (445.

206 002)
2011년 12월 15일 3rd Quiz Prof. Seong-Hyeon Hong

(a)(8점) The amplitude of the diffraction pattern of the crystal is given by

              .

What information can be inferred from each term on the right side.

(b)(7점) When there is a  screw axis parallel to c axis of the crystal, find

the condition for systematic absence.

(c)(8점) Solution of the Laue equations shows that the scattering vector  is
given by    . Explain the meaning of this equation.

(d)(7점) Prove that the reciprocal lattice vector

  
           

is perpendicular to the (hkl) set of planes in the real lattice.

2.(30점) In a single crystal with a simple orthorhombic structure and lattice

parameters a=2.0Å, b=4.0 Å, and c=5.0Å,
(a)(10점) Plot the corresponding reciprocal lattice and index the lattice points
(Use a two-dimensional section (l=0) and indicate the scale).

(b)(10점) Sketch the Ewald circle for the Ka radiation (l=  Å) on the
reciprocal lattice of (a). The orientation of incident beam is such that (120)
diffraction occurs. (Mark the incident beam direction, diffracted beam direction,
location of crystal (C), and origin of the reciprocal lattice (O)).

(c)(5점) What is the diffraction angle 2q in (b)?

(For orthorhombicl system, interplanar spacing   
 )
 
  
  
  
(d)(5점) Which other reciprocal lattice points intersect the Ewald circle in a

two-dimensional section (l=0)? What are the diffraction angles 2q?

2.(20점) A certain tetragonal crystal has four atoms of the same kind per unit

       
cell, located at                .(Do not change axes).
       

(a)(5점) Derive simplified expression for  .

(b)(5점) What is the Bravais lattice of this crystal?

(c)(10점) What are the values of for the 100, 002, 111, and 011 reflections?

4.(10점) In one-dimensional obstacle, the diffraction pattern amplitude   can

be expressed as
F (sin q ) = ò f ( x)eikx sin q dx

Find the mathematical representation of the diffraction pattern intensity for the
three narrow slits and draw the intensity as a function of sinq. Mark the
important point.

5.(10점) Briefly describe six factors to affect the relative intensity of the

diffraction lines.

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