Dawn of A New Day

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The Dawn of a New 


 Four thousand years had passed, and the world had been rising to a new day
—pretty much like the one before. As they rose each morning, it never crossed
their minds that it was a picture of a coming event, such as mankind had
never seen. On this day, when they raised from a night’s rest to begin another
day, it would be unlike any other day in history.

 “As it began to dawn,” is what Matthew records for us in his Gospel. This dawn
would be the dawn of a new day. Nothing would ever be the same again.
Everything would be changed for time and eternity. It was the morning of the
resurrection of the Son of God—“All things are become new.” It’s a new day for
all creation. From henceforth, everything would be seen in a new light. All
creation was to wear a new face. God, Heaven, life, duty, and death, would now
look different. The veil would be taken away; everything would be seen in a
light in which it had never been seen before.

 The most beautiful and awesome Creature the world has ever seen slipped out
of His cocoon this Easter morning, wearing His white, eternal Easter clothes.
Everything is lit up now; the “Sun of righteousness” has arisen, in all His glory
and splendor. Hallelujah! Because of this, I can now walk in newness of life.
The Seed fell into the ground and died; but He promised it would bring forth
“much fruit.” And we Christians are living proof of it.

 The early Christians greeted one another each Lord’s Day with, “He’s risen!” It
would be nice to get back to this old tradition in our day.

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