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My Dictaphone has heard me give the bible plan of salvation many

times, yet it still has not accepted Christ as Saviour. With
the Dictaphone repairman, well now, that's a different story.

George was working on the Dictaphone in my office when he heard

me ask my secretary to get my file on "Heaven.

"Heaven," he commented, "Wouldn't it be great to know for sure

you were going there when you die ?"

"Yes," I assured him, "that would be great, and according to the

bible you can know that for sure."

A look of interest came on George's face. " Has anyone every

taken the bible and shown you how you can know for sure that you
are going to heaven? " I asked.

"No," he answered, "No one has ever done that for me.

With his permission, I opened my bible and explained the good

news that God really loves us, that Christ died for us sinners, and
that He is willing to give us the gift of eternal life.
George acknowledged his sin and realized that the was lost and bound
for an eternal hell. He readily grasped the account of the death,
the burial, and the resurrection of Christ.

When I offered to pray, and asked him to pray and invite the Lord
into his heart, he eagerly did so. I prayed first and then he invited
Christ into his heart. Another soul was born into the family of God.
This time, a Dictaphone repairman.

Tom Wallace

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