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1. Laura has planned to take a day off this week.

Her supervisor Tara noticed that work

demands will be high on the day of her request. She wants Laura to reschedule her day

off with the promise to allow her flex time and leave as soon as the job is accomplished.

The conflicts resolution style in this case could be Accommodation. This could only happen

when Laura’s day off was less important than the work demand and rescheduling leave

wouldn’t create an impact. In such case, Laura should understand the criticality of request

from her boss and agree to reschedule the day off. Moreover, Tara is ready to return the

favour by flex time and push off after completion of work. In this case, Tara has created a

win-win case for both and Laura could accommodate Tara’s request.

2. Two talented but aggressive teammates want to show off their skills during a project

meeting. One wants to take credit for the work he has done and the other tries to

advance his ideas front and center. The team leader wants these two to work together


The conflicts resolution style in this case could be Collaboration. In this both the teammates

should come together where the one seeking for credit owner should allow the other team

mate to deliver the project. On the other hand, the team member delivering the project should

acknowledge other team member and deliver work credit to him. In this case, the desires of

both the teammates are fulfilled and creates a win-win for both. This would also fulfill team

leader’s desire for these two to work together.

3. A company picnic is being planned. Two subgroups are tasked to come up with a fun

and enjoyable program for the employees and their families. One group has its own set

of group activities while the other group leans more toward individual participation. At

a recent communication meeting, the two groups have expressed their desire to work


The conflicts resolution style in this case could be Competition. In this case two groups are

looking forward for hosting the event with different execution plan. The company could ask

both the groups to come together and present their event plan where the task would be

allotted to the group with best and suitable plan. This would create a competition scenario
between two where both would be competing to gain the task. Healthy competition would

provide equal and fair chance to both and winner group takes the task.

4. Responding to the rumor mill, Mary confronted Alyssa at a coffee break for spreading

lies about her love life. Mary was relentless and fuming mad about the situation.

Entering the cafeteria, coworker Latisha witnessed the entire argument.

The conflicts resolution style in this case could be Avoidance. Latisha should avoid the entire

argument as neither she was directly involved in the conflict nor there was any thing to

bother her. She was a just an accidental witness to the whole scenario and avoiding further

discussion on same would terminate the possible rise of conflicts or issues from her end.

Moreover, Maya could have either avoided the rumor mill or confronted Alyssa calmly and

more privately to avoid others to witness the argument.

5. Mario who works as a front-line employee in a packing company is one of the most

reliable in the group. One day, he received a phone call from his wife informing him

that the babysitter for their two sons fell sick. He would have to come home because the

wife must leave for work within the next hour. The line is short-staffed and supervisor

Mark wants Mario to complete his duties.

The conflicts resolution style in this case could be Compromise. In such case, Mark needs to

compromise and let Mario leave as in any case one works for their family and in a bad time

where his son is sick, stopping any employee would be difficult. Moreover, letting go Mario

would enhance their relationship and build a trust between Mark and Mario.

compromise by Mark is the only conflict resolution style available.

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