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Trabajo practico | inglés | acerca de

los Estados Unidos.

As a whole and also take a more detailed look at our
country's special land areas natural resources waterways
and people the united states encompasses some three
million seven hundred ninety four thousand square miles
over a quarter million square miles of us territory cosistsof
bodies of water such as the great lakes and the chesapeake
bay based on its area the united states is the third largest
country in the world only russia and canada are bigger
america consists of 50 states and except for hawaii which is
out in the middle of the pacific ocean every state is located
on the continet of north america the lower 48 states cover
much of the north amrican continet they are bordered by
the nations of canada on the and mexico to the south each
of these 48 states shares a border with at least one other
state located in the northernmost region of the continent
alaska does not a join any other states states instead it
shares its eastern boundary with canada of the 50 states
alaska is by far the largest encompassing a land area of
nearly 600,000 square miles in fact alaska is more than 500
times the size of rhode island our smallest state but even
though alaska's land area is so much larger rhode island's
population actually exeeds alaska's by over 400,000 people
states in certain areas of the country are quite similar to
one another in terms of their general land features their
climate and the species of plants and animals that are
found there based on such similarities geographers group
states together into geographical regions for purposes of
study the seven basic regions of the united states are the
new england region the middle atlantic region the
southeastern region the midwestern region the mountain
region the pacific region and the southwestern region.

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