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BIOL 140-L01 Winter 2023

Reflective Writing Assignment Part 1

Due Monday, January 30, 2023, at 11:59 pm
Submission: UR Courses assignment link

The goal of this assignment is to introduce academic reflection and academic reflective writing. The
learning for this assignment will help you through the reflection and writing process.

Part A- What is reflective writing? Write your responses based on Scott J. Wilson’s class
presentation and the Hull University video ( To make it easier to
mark, please separate your answer from the question by 1 or 2 blank lines. (28 marks)

Q1. Why is it important to look back on an event while also looking forward to the future as part
of the reflective thinking process? (3)


 According to me, it is important because whatever we have learned from our past
experiences can be applied in the future so that we don’t repeat those mistakes again.
 It also helps us to spark new ideas and ways of thinking. By thinking about our past, we can
see things from a new perspective as we think about our observations and experiences and
interpret our choices.
 It can also provide insight into our values, beliefs, interest, strength and dreams.

Q2. What are the 3 steps in the reflective thinking and writing process? (3)


 It is a three-step procedure:

1. Why is it important to put a past event into context of other events? What can be learned?

2. What kinds of information is found in descriptive writing? (4)

3. What proportion of a reflective writing piece is description and what proportion is

reflection? What is the purpose of the description? (2)

4. What is meant by the term hindsight? (1)

5. In an academic class, how does the learning occur? What resources do you use? (3)

6. Can reflective thinking allow you to adapt knowledge for situations other than the type of
situation you experienced? If it can, describe a situation where an event occurred, a person
(you or someone else) learned something, and how the person applied that knowledge to a
different situation. If you feel it cannot, explain why it is only useful for that one type of
situation. (3)
7. Does reflective learning stop at writing? (1)

8. Do you see how reflective writing might start out as uncomfortable? Why might it be
uncomfortable at the beginning of the process? How might you overcome this
uncomfortable feeling? (3)

9. What is the value of reflective writing? (2)

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