Letter of Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer

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14 Shevat 4693 (1933)

To our honored friend, the great gaon and glory of the generation, our master and
teacher, Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen, shlita,
Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land
We join in the great pain of his eminence, that young people have slandered
and defamed your honor with words that are unbelievable and which caused our ears
to ring.
In our opinion, his eminence should not think that they have injured his honor,
because the degradation falls upon those who wrote these detestable words.
We must all grieve over this desecration of the prohibition against insulting
the Torah and the sages, and over the desecration of the honor of the pious, faithful to
the faith of Israel, in whose tallis [these youngsters] have wrapped themselves.
And we have one consolation: that this act is only the work of a few young
people who are not responsible for their deeds.
And may God grant peace to Israel.
Your friends and admirers,
Moshe Mordechai Epstein
Issar Zalman Meltzer

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