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Module 2

Think about your answers to these questions. You may write
THINK ABOUT THIS your answers below and share them during our discussion.

• What is your child’s usual reaction

when you let him try new dishes at
• What is your child’s reaction when
you let him try vegetables?
• What do you do or say when he
refuses to eat what you make?

Many children are “picky eaters” or very choosy about what

OUR CHALLENGE they eat. This behavior is not only frustrating for parents, but
can also harm a child’s growth and health.

Picky eaters are at a higher risk for:

• Being underweight
• Having micronutrient deficiencies
• Experiencing health problems like constipation or
• Making poor food choices
• Displaying problematic behaviors when they get older

Is your child a picky eater

• Eats only a few kinds of food

Eats only if he likes the food
Won’t try new dishes 3 Tips for Handling

Refuses fruits or vegetables
Prefers drinks high in sugar over food
Picky Eaters
• Sensitive to food’s taste, color or texture • Build familiarity
• Make healthy eating a
If you answered yes to any of these
questions, your child may be a picky eater positive experience
• Be a role model
Some children simply do not like trying new
BUILD FAMILIARITY things. If they become more familiar with food,
they are more likely to eat it.

• Offer vegetables at every meal

• Start with vegetables that have a neutral or
sweet taste
• Cook vegetables in different ways
• Let them try small bites of new vegetables
• Add vegetables to familiar, favorite dishes


CREATE POSITIVE Children will learn to love nutritious food if they

EXPERIENCES associate it with fun, family routines, family
bonding and good memories.
• Set time for regular meals
• Avoid or limit gadgets during meal time
• Involve children in meal preparation
• Let children pick from two healthy dishes
• Make vegetables visually appealing
• Talk about the benefits of eating vegetables
• Do not scold or force your child to eat
• Do not use food as a reward or punishment

Demonstrate good eating habits. You cannot expect
BE A ROLE MODEL children to eat vegetables and other nutritious food
if you do not eat them either.

Remember these
3 Healthy Habits
to help manage picky

Choose Manage Enjoy Meals

Nutritious and Portions Together
Varied Options

Think of creative, delicious, nutritious and kid-

LET’’S TRY THIS friendly meals that your picky eater will love.
Share your ideas with others.

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