Paper Title (Use Style: Paper Title)

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Paper Title* (use style: paper title)

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Abstract—This program bridges the communication gap paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in
between an impaired and a normal person. Here, the program the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that
recognizes different hand gestures in real time and gives its for you.
meaning in text and audio format. The dataset creation,
training of the model and the actual program used for
recognition are all carried out using MATLAB.  IV. HAND GESTURE DETECTION
Keywords—component, formatting, style, styling, insert (key
words) A. Detection
Hand detection is related to the location of the presence of a
I. INTRODUCTION hand in a still image or sequence of images i.e., moving
Recent developments in computer software and related images. In case of moving sequences, it can be followed by
hardware technology have provided a value-added service to tracking of the hand in the scene, but this is more relevant to
the users. In everyday life, physical gestures are a powerful the applications such as sign language. The underlying
means of communication. They can economically convey a concept of hand detection is that human eyes can detect
rich set of facts and feelings. For example, waving one's objects which machines cannot with that much accuracy as
hand from side to side can mean anything from a "happy that of a human. From a machine point of view, it is just like
goodbye" to "caution". Use of the full potential of physical a man fumble around with his senses to find an object. The
gesture is also something that most human computer factors, which make the hand detection task difficult to
dialogues lack. The task of hand gesture recognition is one solve, are: 
the important and elemental problem in computer vision. 1. Variations in image plane and pose: The hands in
With recent advances in information technology and media, the image vary due to rotation, translation and
automated human interactions systems are built which scaling of the camera pose or the hand itself. The
involve hand processing task like hand detection, hand rotation can be both in and out of the plane. 
recognition and hand tracking. This prompted my interest so 2. Skin colour and other structure components: The
I planned to make a software system that could recognize appearance of a hand is largely affected by skin
human gestures through computer vision, which is a sub colour, size and also the presence or absence of
field of artificial intelligence. The purpose of my software additional features like hairs on the hand further
through computer vision was to program a computer to adds to this variability. 
"understand" a scene or features in an image. A first step in
any hand processing system is to detect and localize hand in 3. Lighting condition and background: Light source
an image. The hand detection task was however challenging properties affect the appearance of the hand. Also,
because of variability in the pose, orientation, location, and the background, which defines the profile of the
scale. Also, different lighting conditions add further hand, is important and cannot be ignored. The task
variability of differentiating the skin pixels from those of the
background is made considerably easier by a
II. MOTIVATION careful choice of lighting. According to Ray
Hand gestures are important to intelligent human and Lockton, if the lighting is constant across the view
computer interaction to build fully automated systems that of the camera, then the effects of self-shadowing
analyse information contained in images, fast and efficient can be reduced to a minimum. As shown in below
hand gesture recognition algorithms are required. The scope fig, light source properties affect the appearance of
of this project is to build a real time gesture classification the hand. Also, the background, which defines the
system that can automatically detect gestures in any natural profile of the hand can be ignored during the RGB
lighting condition. To accomplish this objective, a real time extraction.  
gesture-based system is developed to identify gestures.
This system will work as one of futuristic of Artificial
Intelligence and computer vision with user interface. It
creates method to recognize hand gesture based on different
parameters. The main priority of this system is to simple,
easy and user friendly without making any special hardware.
All computation will occur on single PC or workstation.


Before you begin to format your paper, first write and
save the content as a separate text file. Complete all content
and organizational editing before formatting. Please note
sections A-D below for more information on proofreading,
spelling and grammar.
Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the
text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and
limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a
B. Recognition
Hand detection and recognition have been significant
subjects in the field of computer vision and image
processing during the past 30 years. There have been
considerable achievements in these fields and numerous
approaches have been proposed. However, the typical
procedure of a fully automated hand gesture recognition
system can be illustrated in the Figure 1.2

a) Displaying gesture name or meaning: The gesture

captured in the processing area is compared with the
database created and is displayed in the textbox.
b) Detected text converted to speech: When a gesture
is made in the Processing area, MATLAB detects and
recognizes the gesture. The recognized gesture is then
compared with the pictures in the database and the
appropriate name of the gesture is then converted to text and
therefore the text is converted to speech with the help of the
MATLAB code.


Due to the time constraint and complexity of implementing
system in C++, the aim was to design a prototype under
MATLAB that was optimized for detection performance. A
system that accepted varying inputs of different sizes and
image resolutions was implemented; constructing a well
coded and documented system for easier future
VI. LITERATURE SURVEY completeness. These devices include exoskeleton
and instrumented gloves mounted on hand and
A. Different recognition approach figure that are known as “Data gloves”. Few
a) Pen based gesture recognition: Recognizing advantages of data gloves, direct measurement of
gestures from two-dimensional input devices such hand and finger parameters, provision of data, high
as a pen or mouse has been considered for some sampling frequency, easy if use, line of sight, low-
time. The early Sketchpad system in 1963 used cost version and translation independency feature
light-pen gestures, for example. Some commercial of data. However, with advantages of data glove
systems have used pen gestures since the 1970s. there are few disadvantages like difficulty in
There are examples of gesture recognition for calibration, reduction in range of motion and
document editing for air traffic control, and for comfort, noise in inexpensive system,
design tasks such as editing splines. More recently, expensiveness of accurate system. Moreover, it's
systems such as the OGI Quick Set system have compulsory for user to wear cumbersome device. 
demonstrated the utility of pen-based gesture
recognition in concert with speech recognition to c) Body Suits: Process of small place of strategically
control a virtual environment. Quick Set recognizes dots placed on human body, people can perceive
68 pen gestures, including map symbols, editing patterns such as gestures, activities, identities and
gestures, route indicators, area indicators, and taps. other aspects of body. One way of approach is
Oviatt has demonstrated significant benefits of recognition of postures and human movements is
using both speech and pen gestures together in optically measure of 3D position such as markers
certain tasks. Zeleznik and Landay and Myers attached to body and then recovers time varying
developed interfaces that recognize gestures from articulate structure of body. This articulated
pen-based sketching There have been sensing by position and joint angles using
commercially available Personal Digital Assistants electromechanically sensors. Although some of
(PDAs) for several years, starting with the Apple system require small ball or dot placed top user
Newton, and more recently the 3Com Palm Pilot clothing. I prefer body motion capture by “body
and various Windows CE devices, Long, and Rowe suits” generically. Body suits have advantages and
survey problems and benefits of these gestural disadvantages like those of data gloves. At high
interfaces and provide insight for interface sampling rate it provides reliable results, but they
designers. Although pen-based gesture recognition are cumbersome and very expensive. Non-trivial
is promising for many HCI environments, it calibration. Several cameras used by optical system
presumes the availability of, and proximity to, a which is typically offline data process, lack of
flat surface or screen. In virtual environments, this wires and tether is major disadvantages. 
is often too constraining – techniques that allow the
user to move around and interact in more natural d) Hand and arm gesture: These two parts of body
ways are more compelling. (Hand & Arm) have most attention among those
people who study gestures in fact much reference
b) Data Gloves: Hands including wrist with only consider these two for gesture recognition.
approximately 29 degrees of freedom are very The majority of automatic recognition systems are
dexterous and extremely expressive and quite for deictic gestures (pointing), emblematic gestures
convenient. In variety of application domain, hand (isolated signs) and sign languages (with a limited
could be used for control device with sophisticated vocabulary and syntax). Some are components of
input, providing real time control with many bimodal systems, integrated with speech
degrees of freedom for complex tasks. Sturman recognition. Some produce precise hand and arm
analyzed task characteristics and requirements, configuration while others only coarse motion.
hand action capabilities, and device capabilities, Stark and Kohler developed the ZYKLOP system
and discussed important issues in developing for recognizing hand poses and gestures in real-
whole-hand input techniques .Sturman suggested time. After segmenting the hand from the
taxonomy of whole-hand input that categorizes background and extracting features such as shape
input techniques along two dimensions: Classes of moments and fingertip positions, the hand posture
hand actions that could be continuous or discrete is classified. Temporal gesture recognition is then
and interpretation of hand actions that could be performed on the sequence of hand poses and their
direct, mapped, or symbolic .Given interaction motion trajectory. A small number of hand poses
task, can be evaluated as to which style best suits comprises the gesture catalogue, while a sequence
the task. Mulder presented an overview of hand of these makes a gesture Similarly, Maggioni and
gestures in human-computer interaction, discussing Kämmerer described the Gesture Computer, which
the classification of hand movement, standard hand recognized both hand gestures and head
gestures, and hand gesture interface design. For the movements. There has been a lot of interest in
measurement position of hand configuration there creating devices to automatically interpret various
are many commercially devices available to sign languages to aid the deaf community. One of
calculate the degree of precision, accuracy and the first to use computer vision without requiring
the user to wear anything special was built by
Starner, who used HMMs to recognize a limited
vocabulary of ASL sentences. The recognition of
hand and arm gestures has been applied to
entertainment applications Freeman developed a
real-time system to recognize hand poses using
image moments and orientations histograms, and
applied it to interactive video games. Cutler and
Turk described a system for children to play virtual
instruments and interact with life like characters by
classifying measurements based on optical flow.
B. Different sign languages used across the world
a) American sign language: ASL has the same
alphabet as English, but ASL is not a subset of the
English language. American Sign Language was
created independently, and it has its own linguistic c) Australian sign language: Auslan is the sign
structure. (It is, in fact, descended from Old French language of the Australian deaf community. It is a
Sign Language.) Signs are also not expressed in the unique language to Australia. Auslan has its own
same order as words are in English. This is due to grammar and vocabulary; it does not follow
the unique grammar and visual nature of the sign English sentence structure. Even though the United
language. ASL is used by roughly half a million States and Australia both speak English
people in the world.  predominantly, Australian Sign Language and
American Sign Language (ASL) are very different.
Australian Sign Language, like British Sign
Language and New Zealand Sign Language, uses a
two-handed alphabet while ASL uses a one-handed

b) Indian sign language: Indian Sign Language (ISL)

is used in the deaf community all over India. But
ISL is not used in deaf schools to teach deaf
children. British and American sign language VII. METHODOLOGY
dictionaries are an important reference point for the
dictionary, but signs used by deaf people in India VIII. HAND GESTURE RECOGNITION
are very different because of their cultural,
geographical, and historical context. The below
picture shows the alphabets used in the Indian Sign
We take this opportunity to thank our department for
providing their valuable equipment for the various
measurements required for our project. We also thank all the
teaching and non-teaching staff of our college for their
support during the course of our project.

Finally, we thank our parents for their moral and financial

support by virtue of which we were able to present this
project. We would also like to thank our friends for their For papers published in translation journals, please give
encouragement which kept us going the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-
language citation [6].
The template will number citations consecutively within [1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of
brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil.
[2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955.
use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a (references)
sentence: “Reference [3] was the first ...” [2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed.,
vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the [3] I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange
actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds.
cited. Do not put footnotes in the abstract or reference list. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
Use letters for table footnotes. [4] K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
[5] R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name
Unless there are six authors or more give all authors’ Stand. Abbrev., in press.
names; do not use “et al.”. Papers that have not been [6] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron
published, even if they have been submitted for publication, spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate
should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August
1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].
accepted for publication should be cited as “in press” [5].
[7] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:
Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for University Science, 1989.
proper nouns and element symbols.

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