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Learning Task 1

Positive and Negative Impacts of Information and Communication Technology in our

Everyday Life

1. What are the different positive impacts of ICT in our everyday life? Name at least five

- Developing health literacy

- Self employment
- Gives entertainment
- Easy communication
- Improved access to information
What are the different negative impacts of ICT in our everyday life? Name at least five (5).

- Unemployment
- Reduce personal interaction
- Security loss
- Reduce physical activity
- Costly

3. How do ICT affect our lives negatively?

We rely too much on technology that sometimes, people tend to forget what the
real world is all about. ICT has helped us a lot by evolving and shaping our
workplaces in many ways through the internet, technologies, and social media for
communication and entertainment. However, excessive use of these technologies
can be harmful to us in terms of social interactions, psychologically, and
physically like eyestrain, poor posture, sleep problems, anxiety, addiction, and

While ICT gives opportunities to other people, ICT is also one of the main
reasons people lose their job. Due to the innovation of technology, manual
operations are getting replaced by automation that has become the sole cause for
job loss. Furthermore, ICT gadgets are costly. Especially now that we are in a
pandemic, students aren't able to continue their education because of the new
normal wherein we have to enroll and meet via google classroom, google meet, or
other means of communication for our online class with the use of technology.

4. How do ICT affect our lives positively ?

ICT has an essential role in our daily life which leads to evolving ourselves and
our community. ICT has helped us in so many ways, making our lives much
easier by giving access not just to education, information, and communication
but also offers job opportunities, especially in these times of pandemic where
people relied on technology and social media to earn money by establishing
small-time local businesses and using engagement by modeling and endorsing
products to make a profit.

Now that the whole world is on lockdown and quarantine. With ICT medical
front-liners were able to assess covid and develop a vaccine that will be helpful
to fight the pandemic that we are facing today. People were also able to keep in
touch with their families using social media through cell phones, laptops, and

5. In an illustration, create a diagram that show the positive and negative effects
of ICT.

[1] Bosamia, M. P. (2013a, December 28). Positive and Negative Impacts of

Information and Communication Technology in our Everyday Life. ResearchGate.

[2] Behrens, A. (2021, March 6). Positive and Negative Impact of ICT - Pros
and Cons. Positive Negative Impact.

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