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Name: Sliding Lunge, aka Slideboard Lunge, aka Valslide Lunge

Resistance Form: Dumbbells

Category: Axial/Anteroposterior Blend
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Great acceleration speed builder
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: May stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push through heel, chest up, try
to focus on having the lead leg perform the work, use slideboard if possible

Name: Walking Lunge
Resistance Form: Dumbbells
Category: Axial/Anteroposterior Blend
Limb Number: Unilateral
Advantages: Great acceleration speed builder
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: May stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push through heel, chest up,
make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Elevated Lunge
Resistance Form: Dumbbells
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Great exercise for the quadriceps, increases range of motion over floor
counterpart, many women love this variation
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: May stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push through heel, chest up,
make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Front Forward Lunge
Resistance Form: Barbell
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Great quadriceps exercise, leads to very upright posture
Disadvantages: Not well suited for high reps, requires decent wrist-flexibility, hard for
women to perform due to poor shoulder development
Tips: May stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push through heel, chest up,
make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Zercher Reverse Lunge
Resistance Form: Barbell
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Good variation for individuals with shoulder pain, increases core muscle
Disadvantages: Very, very painful to hold weight in crooks of arms, if used too often
could lead to low back aggravations
Tips: May stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push through heel, chest up,
make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Superstride Lunge
Resistance Form: Bodyweight
Category: Axial/Anteroposterior Blend
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Great peak glutei maximi activator due to strong jolt at initiation of
movement, more specific to sprinting
Disadvantages: Advanced variation, too advanced for most individuals, requires great
strength and mobility
Tips: Stay upright and make sure the hips and thighs are performing the work, take as
long of a stride as possible while still maintaining upright posture

Name: Bulgarian Squat, aka One Legged Bench Squat, aka Speed Skater Squat
Resistance Form: Bodyweight
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Great quadriceps exercise, good foundation movement upon which to build
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: Depending on your preference, use either a bench or a rounded-padded surface
such as the assembly depicted or a leg extension or lying leg curl pad (most prefer
rounded pad after trying both), may stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push
through heel, chest up, make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Bulgarian Squat, aka One Legged Bench Squat, aka Speed Skater Squat
Resistance Form: Dumbbells
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Targets thigh and hip muscles and decreases back stress from a bilateral
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: Depending on your preference, use either a bench or a rounded-padded surface
such as the assembly depicted or a leg extension or lying leg curl pad (most prefer
rounded pad after trying both), may stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push
through heel, chest up, make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Bulgarian Squat, aka One Legged Bench Squat, aka Speed Skater Squat
Resistance Form: Barbell
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Targets thigh and hip muscles and decreases back stress from a bilateral
Disadvantages: Requires good balance
Tips: Depending on your preference, use either a bench or a rounded-padded surface
such as the assembly depicted or a leg extension or lying leg curl pad (most prefer
rounded pad after trying both), may stay upright or maintain slight forward lean, push
through heel, chest up, make sure stride is not too long or too short

Name: Single Leg Box Squat, aka Box Pistol
Resistance Form: Bodyweight
Category: Axial Extension
Limb Number: Unilateral
Kinetic Chain Type: Closed
Advantages: Front leg is not supported and cannot contribute any propulsion, allows
vertical tibia if individual sits back
Disadvantages: If long-legged, it is difficult to keep the front leg extended
Tips: Sit back, push through the heel, stay upright, chest up


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