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Assigment week 1

Luis Fernando Tovar Villarreal

Mónica Cortes

Curso strategic planning

National Open and Distance University – UNAD

School of Agricultural Livestock Sciences and Environment
Agronomy Program
South zone CEAD Ibagué
Febrero 2022

This work is carried out in order to explain the structure of strategic planning and each of its
specific points to carry out the objective, whether perosnal or organizational, that allows us
to find what we are looking for to comply with some objective for the benefit in general.
Map of Ideas with the elements that constitute strategic planning.

Goal setting

Strategic planning and Strategic


Strategic direction Formulation of strategies

The diagnosis Corporate
Strategic Options Business

strategic planning Functional areas


Planning processes

Corporate Principles

Performance evaluation
Mission and initiation of corrective
Vision adjustments

Global objectives Be critical

Value of executive skills

Monitor accounting
Explain each of the elements that make up strategic planning.

Strategic Planning and Management: Strategic Planning is a management tool that allows
you to establish the work and path that organizations must travel to achieve the planned
goals, taking into account the changes and demands imposed by their environment.
Strategies: Strategy is a procedure arranged for decision-making and/or to act against a
certain scenario
Strategic direction: Strategic management seeks an adequate combination and integration
of the means that organizations have to achieve their ends;
Diagnosis: A process in which a disease, condition, or injury is identified by its signs and
Strategic options: Strategic options are the alternatives that the organization must make in
order to meet the objectives of the company, whether public or private
Planning Processes: A Planning Process is the set of strategies and actions estimated in
order to obtain a specific objective.
Corporate principles: These are those management values that the company is
characterized by applying and puts them into practice when it provides its services to
external audiences
Values: Values refer to all those principles that allow human beings, through their
behavior, to realize themselves as better people
Mission: is what you do to achieve your purpose in a period of time.
Vision: it is the reality that the company would like to see around the world, its customers
and itself.
Globalobjectives: Global objectives are the great goals at the strategic level of the

Establishment ofobjectives: The establishment of trade is a set of goods organized by the

entrepreneur to develop and fulfill the purposes of the company, example: shops, supermarkets,
restaurants, cafes, factories, warehouses, etc. ... Proves ownership of your trading establishment.

Strategy formulation: The formulation of the strategy characterizes the product line, the
services offered, the market segments and the distribution channels, among others. For
the formulation of the strategy it is necessary to elaborate a diagnosis, both of the internal
environment of the organization and the external one.

Performance evaluation and initiation of corrective adjustments: Performance evaluation is

a systematic and periodic process of quantitative and qualitative estimation of the degree of
effectiveness with which people carry out the activities and responsibilities of the positions they
This job teaches me in my professional career about the different specific points for strategic
planning that we can already observe is very important for the good performance of a person
or an organization in general.
Bibliographic reference

 Reading: Text 1: The Strategic Planning Process. Analyzes, Options, Projects.

1. Read and analyze the Text 1: The Strategic Planning Process. Analyzes, Options,
     (Rudolf Grünig & Richard Kühn, 2015). Second Edition. Berlin, Germany:
Springer Publishing.
     ISBN: 978-3-662-45648-4.
     2. Read and analyze the Text 2: Strategic Management. (Humberto Serna
Gómez, 2012)

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