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Received: 18 December 2018 Accepted: 3 January 2019

DOI: 10.1113/EP087546


Making sense of oxygen; quantum leaps with ‘physics-iology’

In the first Guest Editorial, published in the July issue of Experimental revolution that has overthrown classical (common-sense) physics. It
Physiology, Dr van Tulleken spoke to the powers of physiology, stating has since matured into the best theory there is to describe the world
that, ‘…it is only physiology that has created an understanding of around us at the nuts-and-bolts level of atoms and subatomic particles,
the body that can usefully guide an individual's approach to their whose behaviour cannot be understood within a classical context.
own life’ (van Tulleken, 2018). True words indeed, and since the In theory, and to some extent in practice, its tenets demand that
landmark publication of Harvey's Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis particles can penetrate through solid barriers (tunnelling), be in two
et Sanguinis in Animalibus in 1628 (Harvey, 1976), the journey of physio- places at once [both as particle and wave (superposition)] and instantly
logy to prominence has been a colourful one. Originally rooted to exchange information despite being spatially separated, violating our
anatomy and medicine through an organ–system approach, it has intuition about locality (entanglement), so that even Albert Einstein
since matured into a distinct discipline that has made huge strides by referred to it as ‘spooky action at a distance’, and it led Niels Bohr,
taking an integrated molecular approach to provide ever more refined the father of the orthodox ‘Copenhagen interpretation’ of quantum
explanations of macroscopic phenomena and thereby illuminate the physics, to remark, ‘If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked
cellular and organismal ‘workings’ of the human body. Indeed, we you, you haven't understood it yet’ (Griffiths, 2017).
have much to thank Ivan Pavlov, the first physiologist to win the Yet it was Erwin Schrödinger, famous for his wave equation for non-
Nobel Prize, for this hypothetica motus, because it was Pavlov, in relativistic QM, popularized by his alive and dead cat conundrum, who
1897, who originally proposed that its future lay in understanding the was the first to venture across disciplines and ask whether humans can
‘physiology of life molecules’ (Pavlov, 1955). Yet despite more than harness non-trivial quantum effects to perform a task more efficiently
a century of research, our understanding of the complexities under- than even the best classical equivalent for selective advantage. In his
lying physiological processes and systems is often incomplete and landmark book, What is Life?, he argued that life somehow opposes the
lacks explanatory power, suggesting that we need to move beyond the entropic tendency towards dissolution, feeding on negative entropy
‘classical’ approaches to explore deeper meanings and unravel how we, (second law of thermodynamics), and further anticipated a quantum
as humans, really work. molecular basis for human heredity, with genetic information trans-
Quantum ‘physics-iology’ (the ‘-ics’ being all important!) might well mitted by an arrangement of atoms in an ‘aperiodic crystal’, which was
signal the breaking of a new dawn. Physiologists have taken up the confirmed 9 years later to be the DNA molecule (Schrödinger, 1944);
quantum baton, becoming increasingly interested in the fusion of remarkable! However, the notion that the macroscopic order of life is
‘quantum physics’ with the ‘physiology’ of life molecules to provide somehow based on order at its quantum level was met with justifiable
answers where traditional classical approaches have consistently scepticism, given that quantum phenomena are typically observed on
failed (Natochin Iu, 2010; Wolynes, 2009). On the face of it, this the smallest of subatomic scales under vacuum at ultra-low cryogenic
makes intuitive sense because, after all, every object in this universe, temperatures (avoiding the detrimental effects of decoherence and
including you and I, is made up of atoms, in fact a whopping 7 × dephasing) and should simply fade away in the warm, wet mess of the
1027 (7 billion billion billion) of them in a 70 kg human (Freitas, macroscopic (Ball, 2011).
1999), arranged in a fortuitously obliging manner, complemented by an Yet emerging evidence now suggests that quantum coherence can
array of subatomic particles that are ultimately governed by the laws survive in vivo as life hovers in a posed realm between the pure
of quantum physics. Could the molecular mechanisms of life exploit quantum and incoherent classical world to improve our physiological
some of these notoriously counterintuitive behaviours for physio- lot. Many of these revelations have stemmed from our understanding
logical gain and could all its complexity be reduced to some unifying of the behaviour of electrons, the first subatomic particles to be
differential equation? Why not? After all, physics is considered the discovered by Joseph Thompson (originally given the physiological
most fundamental of all sciences. term, corpuscle, meaning ‘small body’; Thomson, 1897), weighing in at
But first, a brief word on those counterintuitive behaviours; an infinitesimal 9.10939 × 10−31 kg (to be precise!), whose position
mind-numbing paradoxes, puzzles and mathematical complexity that and momentum cannot be determined simultaneously with perfect
breathe fear into anyone with more than merely a fleeting interest in accuracy thanks to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (Heisenberg,
what the quantum world has to offer the jobbing physiologist. Since 1927). Their quantum weirdness has helped explain to explain the
Max Planck first suggested that electromagnetic waves were emitted following: the mysteries of avian navigation, exploiting properties
in discrete packets of energy or quanta (Planck, 1901), quantum of electronic spin in birds’ retinas (Ritz, Adem, & Schulten, 2000);
mechanics (QM) has evolved into the fundamentally non-deterministic olfaction, whereby an electron within a smell receptor in our nose

c 2019 The Authors. Experimental Physiology 
c 2019 The Physiological Society

Experimental Physiology. 2019;104:453–457. 453


Normoxia Hypoxia
(a) (b)

Quantum signalling

π* 2p O2

e– HIF-1a HIF-1α

π 2p Eo’/mV = +940
σ 2p



+320 Ub
σ*2s H 2O2

HIF-1α HIF-1β

σ 2s +2,310
• Target genes
σ *1s e–


σ1s H2O
O2 defence

F I G U R E 1 Quantum aspects underlying redox regulation of cerebral oxygen sensing. (a) Molecular orbital energy diagram of the most stable
form (electronic ground state) of the diatomic oxygen (O2 ) molecule (3 Σg− O2 ), with each line denoting a molecular orbital, with arrows
representing electrons, the direction of which indicates their spin quantum number. Note that O2 qualifies as a (di-)radical because it contains two
unpaired electrons, each occupying different 𝜋*2p anti-bonding orbitals (red arrows) with the same spin quantum number (parallel spin), in
accordance with Hund's rule, explaining why O2 is paramagnetic. During the process of oxidation, when O2 looks to accept a (spin-opposed) pair of
electrons (↑↓), only one of the pair (↓; grey arrows) can ‘fit’ into each of the vacant orbitals to create a spin-opposed pair (dotted circles).
Fortuitously from a thermodynamic perspective, O2 prefers to accept only one electron at a time, to conform with the Pauli exclusion principle,
forming other free radicals/reactive oxygen species (ROS) during chemical reduction in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. This ‘spin
restriction’ means that O2 reacts ‘sluggishly’ with the brain's organic compounds, with the organic donor having to undergo a ‘slow spin inversion’,
preventing us from spontaneous combustion in room air! (b) During normoxia, hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1𝛼) is hydroxylated on
prolines by the prolyl hydroxylases (PHD), tagging it for recognition by the von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor protein (VHL), resulting in the
continual ubiquitination (Ub) and degradation of HIF-1𝛼. During hypoxia, the superoxide anion (not so super given the low reactivity, as indicated
by its pedestrian one electron reduction potential of +940 mV), formed in the mitochondria from the Qo site of the bc1 complex of complex III, is
released into the intermembrane space and enters the cytosol to decrease PHD activity, preventing hydroxylation and resulting in HIF-1𝛼
stabilization and transcription of genes that collectively preserve cerebral O2 homeostasis. Quantum phenomena are outlined, helping to explain
the speed and selectivity of redox-regulated O2 sensing. Abbreviation: HRE, hypoxia response element

can ‘jump’ or tunnel across it and dump a quantum of energy into at the very beginning of life owing to their ability to improve the
one of the molecule's bonds, causing the molecular ‘spring’ to vibrate efficiency of energy transduction, providing a tantalizing alternative
and resulting in smell (Turin, 1996); genes that may be ‘written to how the first ‘self-replicator’ molecules arose and gave life the
in quantum letters’, with quantum effects underlying the hydrogen edge it needed to survive (McFadden, 2000). Even oxygen (O2 ), the
bonds that keep the DNA double helix glued together (McFadden & ancient gas that our mitochondrion has evolved to be so irreversibly
Al-Khalili, 1999); general anaesthesia, which is accompanied by reliant upon since it first appeared in the atmosphere during the
changes in electron spin, implicating a role for neuronal electron Proterozoic aeon of the Precambrian period ∼2500–540 million years
current in its effects (Turin, Skoulakis, & Horsfield, 2014); and, arguably ago, is defined by a quantum weirdness that simply beggars belief
the best described of all, light harvesting in photosynthesis, whereby (Bailey, 2019a). Its quantum structure reveals that in its most stable
excitons, generated by ancient green, sulphur-breathing bacteria, ground state, O2 exists in air as a potentially toxic, mutagenic free
travel as a coordinated quantum wave in superposition rather than radical gas, because it has two unpaired electrons with parallel spins
(classically) as a simple straight line, ‘feeling out’ the most efficient in opposing orbitals (Figure 1a). Thankfully for us, this configuration
pathway to transport energy to the plant's reaction centre within means that O2 is ‘spin restricted’, forcing it to accept electrons one
a staggeringly short 10−9 s, achieving close to 100% efficiency at a time, with the sequential formation of free radicals and reactive
(Thyrhaug et al., 2018), considered until now to be thermodynamically oxygen species (ROS) during its reduction to water in the mitochondria.
inconceivable. This means that, despite its powerful oxidizing nature (it is highly
These new ideas have since led to the concept of directed ‘quantum explosive rocket fuel, after all!), O2 reacts sluggishly with our body's
evolution’, whereby quantum effects might have been selected for organic biomolecules; indeed, if it was not for this thermodynamic

quirk of fate, we would combust spontaneously in room air (Figure 1a). the coordinated regulation of cellular bioenergetics, coupling electron
The fact that the Michaelis constant of the terminal reductant, cyto- flow and protonation through a process known as redox tuning at
chrome c oxidase, for O2 is so extraordinarily low (0.03–0.3 mmHg; a quantum coherence ‘sweet spot’ (de Vries, Dorner, Strampraad, &
Vanderkooi, Erecinska, & Silver, 1991) stands as further testament to Friedrich, 2015; Nunn, Guy, & Bell, 2017). The nuclear spin properties
how important it is to harness this molecule within ‘safe’ physiological of phosphorous allow for quantum processing in the brain via transfer
limits. of information (qubits) via quantum-entangled pairs protected by
Thus, with the Janus face of O2 , you would be excused for assuming so-called Posner clusters, affecting neurotransmitter release and
that the human brain would be especially prone to the ravages of neuronal firing rates, notwithstanding enhanced chemical reactivity
free radical attack, given that its evolutionary ‘drive for size’ means of ROS (Fisher & Radzihovsky, 2018). Furthermore, proton (not only
that it now consumes a disproportionate 10 times more O2 than electron!) tunnelling has been shown to play a key role in enzymatic
that expected from its mass alone, coupled with limited regenerative reactions with calcium, sodium and potassium, whose particle–
capacity and histological susceptibility to oxidative damage (Bailey wave duality accounts for ion channel selectivity, helping to explain
et al., 2018; Herculano-Houzel, 2012). Not surprising when you differences between those classically predicted by the Hodgkin–
consider that the brain has been estimated to hold up to a staggering Huxley equation and experimental observations in neural circuits
580 terabytes of information, equivalent to 5 years-worth of high- (Moradi, Scholkmann, & Salari, 2015). These emergent findings force a
definition film (Nunn, Guy, & Bell, 2016)! Yet rather than simply reappraisal of currently (i.e. classically) accepted concepts, revealing
misbehaving as random, destructive ‘accidents’ of in vivo chemistry more complex redox-regulated signalling mechanisms than previously
constrained to cellular oxidative damage and pathophysiology, free thought (Bailey, 2019a).
radicals, defined by their unpaired electron(s) and all their quantum Whether energy/information transfer in the human brain takes
weirdness, are rapidly emerging as purposeful intra/extracellular advantage of nature's other, more recently identified, quantum
signal transductants capable of titrating exactly the right amount tricks, such as quantum beating (thermal vibrations used to pump
of explosive rocket fuel to the brain (Bailey, 2019b). Given that its coherence and facilitate QM effects; Weber, Ohmes, Thurnauer,
O2 supply is indeed so delicate, walking the tightrope between too Norris, & Kothe, 1995), vibronic coupling (stimulation of vibrational
much or too little, the ability to ‘sense’ changes in PO2 and mount a modes in proteins to create a sweet spot for coherence and electron
defence against metabolic compromise and/or structural damage was tunnelling, recently speculated to occur between mitochondria
probably one of the first roles of the CNS and probably represented behaving like fused ‘power cables’ and microtubules, with the latter
a major driving force in the evolution of the human brain, providing a contributing to resonant energy transfer and consciousness; Srobar,
selective advantage (Costa, Accorsi-Mendonca, Moraes, & Machado, 2012), or quantum criticality (proteins acting as charge carriers,
2014). Even the last universal common ancestor, a genetically and exhibiting properties between an insulator and conductor; Craddock,
metabolically diverse community containing the molecular origins of Friesen, Mane, Hameroff, & Tuszynski, 2014), remains to be explored,
all present life forms, estimated to have appeared ∼3.8 billion years although designing studies to test these hypotheses remains a major
ago, took advantage of the univalent reductant of O2 , the super- experimental challenge. Nonetheless, it is a challenge worth taking,
oxide anion (O2 •− ; Briehl, 2015), which is not terribly super in terms given our current ignorance; take one of the world's most powerful
of its thermodynamic reactivity (one electron reduction potential of supercomputers (Japan's Fujitsu-built ‘K’), the first to break the 10
+940 mV; Figure 1a), yet nonetheless heralded as arguably the first petaflop barrier, or 10 quadrillion operations per second, which
signal transductant. boasts computing power equivalent to 250,000 personal computers,
This ancient species has certainly stood the test of time, and it programmed to simulate 1.73 billion virtual neurons and 10.4 trillion
has become increasingly clear that the brain, as indeed all other virtual synapses, each holding 24 bytes of memory. While requiring
organ systems, relies on controlled mitochondrial formation of O2 •− >9 MW of power (equivalent to a small power station), ∼450–
and hydrogen peroxide (yet another rocket fuel!) in times of O2 lack 750 × 103 more than that required to run the human brain (12–20 W),
(hypoxia) as a ‘quantum trigger’ that provides superfast upstream it still took 40 min to crunch the data and replicate a meagre 1 s worth
control of blood flow and, importantly, stabilization of the ‘mother of 1% of human brain activity (Sparkes, 2014)! Current computing
gene’, hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha, resulting in transcription of power, even at the exascale level (one quintillion ‘floating point’
genes that collectively preserve cerebral O2 homeostasis (Figure 1b; operations per second), fails to adequately simulate the brain's level of
Chandel et al., 1998). Importantly, it appears that this mechanism ‘interconnectedness’ (Bradler, 2018).
might well exploit QM to optimize energy transduction, because the Perhaps the collaborative union of physics-iology, by transcending
speed at which many of these reactions proceed cannot be explained traditional disciplinary boundaries and bridging the gap between the
adequately by traditional (classical) ‘strait-jacketed’ methods of atomic and the cellular, could be a winning formula that can reveal
thinking. buried treasures and provide unique insight into the pathophysiology
Mitochondrial formation of ‘spin-correlated radical pairs’, and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases that remain impervious
generated through activation of molecular O2 by reduced flavins to classical treatments. It is fitting to look into the past to predict the
(Usselman et al., 2016), superposition, tunnelling, entanglement and future, reminding ourselves of one of Richard Feynman's (many) pre-
altered coherence triggered by changing mitochondrial membrane scient quotations after winning the 1965 Nobel prize in Physics for
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