Highlights - Trade Agreement

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Brussels, 26 June 2012

Highlights of the Trade Agreement between Colombia,

Peru and the European Union
The newly signed agreement between the EU, Colombia and Peru will open up
markets on both sides and increase the stability of the trade relationship that was
worth €21.1 billion in bilateral trade in goods in 2011. The agreement includes far-
reaching measures on the protection of human rights and the rule of law, as well
as commitments to effectively implement international conventions on labour
rights and environmental protection. The agreement will provisionally take effect
once the European Parliament has given its consent and ratification procedures
are concluded in Peru and Colombia. Full entry into force will be pending
ratification by the 27 EU Member States. The key elements of this agreement are
outlined in this Memo.

1/ Substantially improved market access for EU exports to Colombia and


Tariff elimination
The Trade Agreement between the EU, Colombia and Peru establishes the conditions for
EU economic operators to take full advantage of the opportunities and the emerging
complementarities between our respective economies. Over the course of its
implementation, the Agreement will fully relieve EU exporters of industrial and fisheries
products to Peru and Colombia from paying customs duties. At the latest 10 years after
its entry into force, EU exporters of these products will be saving at least €250 million
annually in tariffs to these two countries. After a gradual liberalisation over a slightly
longer period (up to 17 years) an additional €22 million will be saved annually on exports
of agricultural and processed agricultural products, bringing the total benefit for the EU
export sector at the end of the transition period to more than 270 million a year.
This means concrete gains for specific sectors that are already exporting to the region as
well as new opportunities for those who are still out of those markets. For instance,
exports in the automotive and car parts sector will be relieved of over €33 million in
tariffs. EU chemicals producers that export to Peru and Colombia will save more than
€16 million on duties each year. The textiles industry will see significant savings of over
€60 million annually. The telecoms equipment industry alone will save €18 million
annually, not to mention the basis it creates to support the development of an EU
telecommunications services industry in the region. Finally, pharmaceuticals products will
be relieved of the current €16 million in duties that are paid annually.

Addressing other obstacles to trade in goods

Tariff elimination is meaningless if other technical or procedural obstacles to trade remain
to hamper EU exports. The proposed Trade Agreement with Colombia and Peru
addresses these matters beyond existing commitments in the WTO through systemic
mechanisms but also in a very concrete and targeted way.
Systemically, the Parties will cooperate on market surveillance and will improve
transparency by enhancing communication and cooperation in the area of technical
regulations, standards and conformity assessment. Concretely this means extended
deadlines for comments to draft technical regulations as well as an obligation to make
publicly available through official websites both the comments received and the final
regulations adopted. Recourse to generally agreed international or regional standards is
encouraged as well as is the mutual acceptance of results in certain conformity
assessment procedures. These systemic improvements will have a positive impact on
pharmaceutical exports but also on the sale of medical devices, optical instruments,
automotive and other types of machinery in which the EU is highly competitive but
disadvantaged by burdensome foreign standards or technical regulations.
The Trade Agreement will also address specific concerns related to a number of EU key
export industries. In textiles for example, the Agreement provides for new disciplines in
labelling and marking that will limit the amount of information that can be required on a
permanent label and thereby prevent overly burdensome and unnecessary labels that
are not of strict relevance to consumers.

Improved market access in government procurement and services

Opening their government procurement market beyond what they have done so far with
any given third country, Colombia and Peru have committed to full access to the
procurement of local municipalities in addition to that of central authorities above the pre-
determined thresholds. This will leave ample room for EU bidders to participate in any
significant market. EU operators will in addition benefit from improved conditions in
Colombia regarding service concessions and airports as well as the purchase of
engineering and printing services.
The services and establishment commitments obtained from Colombia and Peru are very
significant and respond to specific EU interests. The agreement will open for EU firms
establishing themselves in Colombia and Peru in a broad range of areas including
manufacturing industries, services industries, energy production or mining and extraction.
It will consolidate and provide market access for cross-border services and for
establishment in areas of key interest to the EU, such as financial services, professional
services, maritime transport or telecommunication services.

2/ Common rules to level the playing field

Intellectual Property Rights

The protection of IPRs is crucial to innovation and the competitiveness of entire sectors
of the EU industry at home and abroad. Through this Agreement we will ensure an
effective level of protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights
including on a key interest of many small and medium-sized EU producers with the
successful protection of more than 100 geographical indications on the Colombian and
Peruvian markets.
The Agreement also contains elaborate provisions on enforcement of IPRs to ensure an
effective implementation of these rights to the benefit of all right holders. EU right holders
will have the necessary tools to defend these rights effectively for example via civil and
administrative measures and procedures as well as border enforcement measures. The
latter are stronger than the ones already covered at the multilateral level and will cover
copyrights, trademarks and - in a subsequent phase - also GIs.

More Competition and enhanced transparency on subsidies

At the entry into force of the Agreement, EU operators will benefit from an open, fair and
reliable competition environment in which the Parties are required to ban through their
national and regional legislation the most harmful anticompetitive practices including
restrictive agreements, cartels and abuse of dominance. Mergers which significantly

impede competition are also prohibited and independent competition authorities will be
required to enforce the above rules in a transparent, timely and non-discriminatory
manner, respecting the principles of procedural fairness and rights of defence.
In addition to the commitments taken on transparency in many specific areas of the
Agreement, more transparency on subsidies is imposed on central governments to
disclose through regular reports: the legal basis, form, amount or budget and where
possible, the recipient of the subsidy granted by the government of one of the Parties or
any of its public bodies.

Dispute settlement
The Trade Agreement between the EU, Colombia and Peru includes an efficient and
streamlined dispute settlement system in accordance with the principles that the EU
considers to be most important such as transparency (open hearings and amicus curiae
briefs) and sequencing (no right to impose retaliation until such time as non-compliance
is verified). In addition, the Agreement includes a mediation mechanism for non-tariff
barriers to trade in goods allowing for more conciliatory and expeditious solutions to

3/ An Agreement for Sustainable Development

New opportunities for development through trade

Given the relative size of our economies the economic and social impact in Colombia
and Peru of the proposed Trade Agreement will by far outweigh – in relative terms - the
benefits it will generate for the EU. According to an independent study, this Agreement
could boost Colombian GDP by 1.3% and Peruvian GDP by 0.7% on the long term. Both
imports and exports of these countries are likely to increase by 6% in the medium term
and by 8% over the long run with direct positive consequences for local producers in the
agriculture and the processed agricultural goods sectors; for manufacturers of light
industrial goods such as textiles, clothing and leather goods; as well as in the heavy
industrial goods sector and mining.
These considerable gains will result from the new opportunities generated for Andean
exporters by the immediate elimination of all EU tariffs on industrial goods and fisheries
as of the date of entry into force of the Trade Agreement which will encourage these
countries to move up the value-added chain and benefit from a totally open EU market of
some 500 million consumers. In agriculture, the deal carefully preserves our strategic
interests in sensitive sectors. Nonetheless, the tariffs savings that EU commitments will
entail for Colombian and Peruvian exporters will amount - in this area alone - to more
than €150 million yearly at the end of the transition period. These are reduced costs that
will have a direct beneficial impact on growth, jobs and well-being in entire sectors of
these countries' economies.

Sustainable Development
The proposed Agreement offers adequate guarantees to ensure that the new
architecture of our trade and investment relations works in favour of sustainable
development by promoting and preserving a high level of labour and environmental
protection standards on all sides. The Agreement therefore incorporates a confirmation
of the parties' right to develop and improve labour and environmental policies, while
respecting their international commitments in those areas and aiming at a high level of
protection. The Agreement includes firm commitments to effectively implement core
labour standards, as contained in the ILO Fundamental Conventions, and eight key
environmental international conventions. It furthermore includes commitments to refrain

from waiving or derogating from protection standards to encourage trade or investment,
and to effectively implement domestic legislation and standards.
The Agreement seeks to provide a framework for addressing any issues that may arise
regarding the interaction between trade, social and environmental objectives. Particular
attention is given to issues such as sustainable forest management, illegal fishing,
cooperation on climate change issues, no discrimination in working conditions, or the
adoption of precautionary protection measures.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of these provisions, the Agreement
establishes two mechanisms consisting in an arbitration system and an engagement
process with civil society. In terms of arbitration, an independent group of experts can be
requested by one Party to examine and assess the Parties' fulfilment of their obligations
and issue reports, which are to be public, on an impartial basis allowing for remedial
action to be decided. Moreover, the proposed Trade Agreement establishes an obligation
of transparency coupled with mechanisms of consultation of and engagement with civil
society organisations on matters related to its implementation. This affords an adequate
degree of public accountability regarding initiatives of the authorities that could carry
consequences for labour and/ or the environment.

Finally, the Agreement also provides for technical assistance and capacity building
initiatives aimed at promoting – in the framework of our traditional cooperation channels
– the competitiveness and innovation potential of Peru and Colombia. This will be
achieved notably by modernising production processes, facilitating trade, and allowing for
adequate transfer of technology between the Parties. This will take place in areas of
common interest and in particular on technical barriers to trade and IPR.

For more information

Text of the Agreements

More details on the benefits of the Trade Agreement


On EU-ANDEAN trade relations http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-


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