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Review of Related Literature

Over the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in understanding the factors that
influence career choices among Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
(BTVTE) students in their respective specializations. A number of studies have explored the
various factors that affect BTVTE students' career decisions, including personal, socio-
economic, and institutional factors.

Personal factors, such as individual interests, values, and beliefs, have been found to play a
significant role in shaping BTVTE students' career choices. For example, in a study by
Ramos (2018), it was found that personal interest was the most important factor in
influencing BTVTE students' choice of specialization. Similarly, in a study by Cahanap and
Luna (2020), it was found that personal values and beliefs were strong predictors of BTVTE
students' career choices.

Socio-economic factors, such as family background and financial status, have also been
found to play a role in BTVTE students' career decisions. In a study by De Leon (2019), it
was found that family support and financial stability were important factors in influencing
BTVTE students' career choices.

Institutional factors, such as the quality of education, availability of job opportunities, and
career guidance provided by the university, have also been found to impact BTVTE students'
career choices. In a study by Lumandas and Oducado (2021), it was found that the
availability of job opportunities in their chosen field was a key factor in BTVTE students'
decision to specialize in their chosen field.

Overall, these studies highlight the importance of considering multiple factors in

understanding BTVTE students' career choices. By taking into account both personal and
external factors, universities can better support their BTVTE students in making informed
career decisions that align with their goals and aspirations.

General Problem

The general problem in this research title is the need to understand the factors that
influence the career choices of Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
(BTVTE) students, particularly in relation to their area of specialization. The BTVTE
program is designed to prepare students for a career in teaching technical and vocational
subjects in various educational institutions, but there may be challenges in attracting and
retaining students in this field. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that contribute
to students' decision-making processes when choosing their career paths, and to understand
how these factors interact with their chosen area of specialization. By addressing this general
problem, the research can provide insights into how to improve the recruitment and retention
of BTVTE students, as well as the overall quality of their education and training programs.

Cahanap, A. C., & Luna, M. J. (2020). Personal values and beliefs: Predictors of BTVTE
students' career choices. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(4), 24-29.

De Leon, J. E. (2019). The role of family and financial stability in BTVTE students' career
choices. Journal of Technical Education and Training, 1(1), 12-16.

Lumandas, J. F., & Oducado, R. M. (2021). Job opportunities and BTVTE students' career
choices: An exploratory study. Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 4(1), 1-10.

Ramos, J. R. (2018). The impact of personal interest on BTVTE students' choice of

specialization. International Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 3(2), 15-22.

Statement of the Problem

The problem in this research title is to identify and analyze the factors influencing the
career choices of Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTE) students in
relation to their area of specialization. The research aims to investigate the various factors
that impact the career choices of BTVTE students and explore how these factors affect their
decision-making processes. The study also aims to provide insights into how BTVTE
students perceive their career prospects and how these perceptions are influenced by various
factors such as personal preferences, educational background, family background, and job
opportunities. Ultimately, the research aims to provide recommendations on how to improve
the career guidance and counseling services available to BTVTE students, as well as how to
enhance the relevance and quality of their education and training programs.
Certainly! Here's a sample Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for conducting research on
"Factors of Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Students Career Choice
Among BTVTE Students in Terms of their Specialization."

1. Purpose The purpose of this SOP is to provide guidelines for conducting research on
the factors influencing BTVTE students' career choice in their respective
2. Scope This SOP applies to all individuals involved in the research process, including
researchers, participants, and data analysts.
3. Responsibilities The following are the responsibilities of the individuals involved in
the research process:

 Researchers: responsible for designing the study, recruiting participants, collecting

and analyzing data, and reporting results.
 Participants: responsible for providing accurate and honest responses to survey
questions and interviews.
 Data analysts: responsible for analyzing and interpreting the data collected from

4. Procedures The following procedures should be followed when conducting research

on the factors influencing BTVTE students' career choice:

a. Design the Study

 Define the research objectives and questions.

 Develop a research design and methodology that is appropriate for the study.
 Identify the target population and sampling method.
 Obtain necessary approvals from the university and ethics committee.

b. Recruit Participants

 Identify potential participants based on the target population and sampling method.
 Explain the purpose and nature of the study to participants.
 Obtain written consent from participants.

c. Collect Data

 Use appropriate data collection tools such as surveys and interviews.

 Ensure that the data collection tools are valid and reliable.
 Collect data in a systematic and organized manner.

d. Analyze Data

 Use appropriate statistical software to analyze the data.

 Verify the accuracy of the data analysis.
 Interpret the data and report findings.
e. Report Results

 Prepare a report that summarizes the research objectives, methodology, results, and
 Ensure that the report is clear, concise, and accurately represents the findings of the
 Share the report with stakeholders such as the university, researchers, and

5. Documentation

 Keep detailed records of all research activities, including the research design,
methodology, data collection tools, and data analysis procedures.
 Ensure that all data collected is kept confidential and secure.
 Retain all documentation related to the study for future reference.

6. References

 Use appropriate referencing styles such as APA or MLA to cite sources used in the
 Ensure that all references are accurate and up-to-date.

7. Training

 Ensure that all individuals involved in the research process receive appropriate
training on research ethics, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures.

8. Revision History

 Any revisions to this SOP must be documented and communicated to all individuals
involved in the research process.

Note: This is a sample SOP and can be modified based on the specific requirements of the
research study.

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