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Jean Sammet: Programming Language

Contributor and Historian, and
ACM President
Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin
American University Editor: Thomas Haigh

Jean E. Sammet1 was born on 23 School, an all-girls’ public school, where she took
March 1928, in New York City. Her every available math course.
parents, Harry and Ruth Sammet, After examining a number of college catalogs from
were both lawyers. Harry’s legal prac- women’s colleges, Jean chose Mount Holyoke on the
tice included wills and estates; Ruth strength of its mathematics program.2 Jean majored
stopped working when she married. in mathematics and took enough education courses
Jean and her younger sister, Helen, to be certified to teach high school mathematics in
attended public elementary schools New York; she minored in political science. After grad-
Jean E. Sammet, in Manhattan. Jean’s interest in uation, Jean pursued graduate studies at the University
when she was mathematics surfaced at a very of Illinois, receiving her MA in 1949. She was a teaching
inducted into young age but she could not attend assistant in the Mathematics department from 1948 to
the National the Bronx High School of Science be- 1951 while taking courses toward a PhD.
Academy of
Engineering. cause it didn’t accept girls. Instead, In 1951, Jean began looking for a teaching position.
Jean went to Julia Richman High New York City was not hiring new high school teachers

Background of Jean E. Sammet

Born: 23 March 1928, New York City. Chairman, ACM Awards Committee and Fellowship Inves-
Education: Mount Holyoke College, BA (mathemat- tigation Committee, 1976—1978; general and program
ics), magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, 1948; Univer- chair, History of Programming Languages Conference,
sity of Illinois, MA (mathematics), 1949. Professional 1977—1978; chairman, AFIPS History of Computing Com-
Experience: University of Illinois, teaching assistant, mittee (recommended creation of the Annals of the History
1948—1951; Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of Computing), 1977—1979; editor in chief, Computing
actuarial work, 1951—1952; Barnard College, teaching Reviews and ACM Guide to Computing Literature,
assistant, 1952—1953; Sperry Gyroscope, engineer, 1979—1987; program chair, History of Programming Lan-
1953—1958; Sylvania Electric Products, section head, guages II, 1991—1993; member of the board of directors
Mobidic Programming, 1958—1959, and staff consultant of the Computer Museum, 1983—1993; member of
for programming research, 1959-1961; IBM, manager, board and executive committee, Software Patent Insti-
Boston Advanced Programming Department: started tute, 1992—1998. Honors and Awards: IBM Outstand-
and oversaw the development of the formula manipula- ing Contribution Award for ‘‘Formac’’, 1965; Honorary
tion language (Formac), 1961—1965; various manage- Chairman for 2nd Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic
ment and staff positions, 1965—1988; senior technical Manipulation, 1971; Mount Holyoke College Alumnae As-
staff, 1986—1988. Professional Service: Short-Range sociation Centennial Award for ‘‘Major contributions to
Committee (Cobol) 1959—1961; Codasyl Language the technological advance of programming science,’’
Structure Group, 1960—1964; charter member, USASI 1972; one of the first two people elected to honorary
X3.4 Committee on Programming Languages; DoD Ada membership in Upsilon Pi Epsilon (national computer
Distinguished Reviewer, Ada Board and ISO Working honor society), 1975; elected member of National Acad-
Group on Ada, 1980—1989; organizer and 1st chairman emy of Engineering, 1977; honorary doctor of science,
of SIGSAM (Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation), Mount Holyoke College, 1978; ACM Distinguished Ser-
1965—1968; Northeast regional representative and ACM vice Award, 1985; Augusta Ada Lovelace Award from
Council member, 1966—1968; chairman of ACM Com- the Association for Women in Computing, 1989; ACM
mittee on SIGs and SICs, 1968—1970; chair, SIGPLAN Fellow (initial group), 1994; ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished
(Programming Languages), 1971—1972; ACM vice Service Award, 1997; Fellow, Computer History Museum,
president, 1972—1974; ACM president, 1974—1976; 2001; ACM SIGAda Distinguished Service Award, 2002.

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of mathematics and so Jean looked in New I said, ‘‘Well, is this anything like working
Jersey. The authorities there determined with punch-cards?’’ And he said, ‘‘I’m not
that she was missing two courses: one in sure, but I think it might be.’’
education and one in the history of New So I thought, ‘‘Well, that punch-card stuff
was fascinating. I’m not too inspired with this
Jersey—Jean argued that knowledge of
submarine stuff. I should at least give this a
New Jersey did not enhance her ability to try.’’ So I became the programmer. No books,
teach mathematics to high school students. no manuals, no instructions, no nothing—and
This, however, was one of the few arguments engineers who somehow thought that machine
Jean ever lost, and she decided to seek other was going to run itself—and didn’t want a pro-
types of employment.3 grammer. Fortunately, my boss, who was very
nice and a very smart engineer, knew they
Professional employment needed one, even if he didn’t quite understand
what that meant.4
That fall, Jean took a job with the Metro-
politan Life Insurance Company where she
became part of a group who were training The Sperry Electronic Digital Automatic
for actuarial positions. After six months on Computer (Speedac) was a one-of-a-kind ma-
the job, trainees were asked if they wanted chine comparable to an IBM 650. It had a
to learn about punched-card accounting drum memory, a common architecture for
machines. In spite of her mathematician’s dis- that period. Jean began her life as a program-
dain for practical topics, Jean thought this mer in early January 1955; her first task was
sounded more interesting than what she was to write the basic loader for the Speedac.
doing, and agreed to participate in the in- This 20-line program took three days to tog-
house training program. To her utter amaze- gle into the computer by hand (in binary).
ment, she loved it. Unfortunately, when the As Sperry hired programmers, Jean became
training classes ended, Jean and her fellow the group leader of an ‘‘open shop’’ that fo-
students went back to their old jobs—and cused on scientific and engineering computa-
never even saw the electric accounting tions and also produced other system
machines for which they had been trained. software. (In an open shop, the programmers
Finding the work repetitious and unreward- acted as consultants to the engineers and sci-
ing, Jean left Metropolitan and enrolled at Co- entists and assisted them in writing and test-
lumbia University to pursue a PhD in ing their routines. In a closed shop, the
mathematics. After working as a teaching as- programmers interviewed the engineers and
sistant at Barnard College during the scientists and did all the programming, test-
1952—1953 school year, Jean decided that ing, and running of the programs—delivering
the academic life was not for her. the computer output to their clients.)
Jean’s next position was as a mathemati- Around this time, Sperry Gyroscope was
cian working for Sperry Gyroscope in New working closely with Remington Rand, merg-
York. Responsible for running an analog ing in 1955 to become Sperry Rand.5 This
computer, she also spent time working on exposed Jean to the Univac I computer and
mathematical analysis problems for various to Grace Hopper. Although Sperry Gyroscope
clients, including the Department of the had a Univac I, it was used by the business
Navy’s submarine program. One day, Jean’s data processing group and not available to
boss mentioned that Sperry was building a the engineers. Because of the new relation-
digital computer: ship of Sperry Gyroscope and Remington
Rand, it was possible for Jean and her col-
My boss’s boss, my manager, came over to me leagues to get time on a computer at Sperry
one day and said, ‘‘By the way, do you know Rand’s production facility in Philadelphia.
we’re building a digital computer?’’ I said, Since the available test time was at night,
‘‘I’ve heard of it. I’m not sure I know what they left Sperry’s office in Great Neck, New
that means.’’ He said, ‘‘We are building a dig- York, in mid-afternoon, took a train into Man-
ital computer, because we can see that that is hattan and caught the 5 p.m. train to Phila-
the wave of the future.’’ [T]his was a company
delphia. After a few hours on the Univac I,
that made its living on contracts with the Fed-
the group would catch the last train to Man-
eral Government, and in particular with the
military. . . . He said, ‘‘We’re building this hattan and arrive home well after midnight.
thing. Do you want to be our programmer?’’ Grace Hopper’s programming group had
I asked the obvious question: ‘‘What is a pro- developed more sophisticated software
grammer?’’ And he said, ‘‘I don’t know, but I than the primitive programs developed by
know we need one!’’ I looked at him, and Jean and her colleagues for the Speedac.

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The merger also had the bonus of allowing Department of Defense, chaired the meeting.
them to work closely with Hopper and One outcome was the creation of an Execu-
learn about Grace’s work on high-level tive Committee that called itself Codasyl,
languages—knowledge that would later which stood for Conference on Data Systems
allow Jean to contribute to the development Languages.13 This Executive Committee cre-
of Cobol and the creation of Formac. Because ated a number of subcommittees, among
Jean’s managers were already teaching there, them a Short-Range Committee to study
she was asked to teach one of the earliest existing languages and document their
graduate-level courses in computer program- strengths and weaknesses.14 Jean represented
ming in the Applied Mathematics depart- Sylvania and soon devoted most of her time
ment of Adelphi College on Long Island in to the work of the Short-Range Committee,
fall 1956. Although Adelphi did not have a including acting as chair of the Statement
computer, and despite the fact that few text- Language Task Group, charged with develop-
books existed on programming a computer, ing the specific commands for the language.
Jean created two courses that she taught for When the various subcommittees of the
two years.6 Jean enjoyed programming and Short-Range Committee failed to develop
working on computers so much, she decided sufficient specifications, six people from
that she wanted to work for a company that three computer manufacturers volunteered
had computers as its focal point. Sperry only to finish the job, Jean among them.15 The
used computers to support its engineering volunteers spent two weeks in a hotel in
disciplines. New York City, frequently working around
Scanning the classified advertisements in the clock. Their work was approved by the
the newspapers proved a problem. At this Short-Range Committee with only a few
time, employment advertisements were sepa- changes. In January 1960, the Executive
rated by gender.7 In 1958, the openings for Committee of Codasyl approved the report
women were for various types of clerks, of the Short-Range Committee, and the new
teachers, and housekeepers, and so on. Un- language was published and implemented
daunted, Jean started scanning the men’s list- as Cobol.16 Their work completed, the
ings, but found no jobs for ‘‘programmers.’’ Short-Range Committee was dissolved and a
Jean finally found an ‘‘engineering’’ position new committee was created with many of
she thought she would like at Sylvania Elec- the same members.
tric Products in Needham, Massachusetts.
During the scheduled interview, when the Joining IBM
available job didn’t seem to be a good fit, When Sylvania management’s plan to le-
the interviewer sent her to see the person re- verage their Mobidic experience into a series
sponsible for Sylvania’s software develop- of commercial products started to falter, Jean
ment, Carl Hammer.8 Carl liked Jean’s decided it was time to move on—to a com-
experience and hired her to oversee software pany really dedicated to computing. In
development for the Mobidic project.9 1961, she joined IBM with the task of creat-
The Mobile Digital Computer was part of the ing a new applied R&D group, in the Boston
Fieldata project—an Army Signal Corps proj- area, focused on advanced programming
ect to build an upward compatible family of techniques. One of her first projects was to
computers. Mobidic was the largest of these examine symbol manipulation. She devel-
but was small enough to be housed in a mov- oped the idea of adding formal mathematics
ing van. Given the diverse needs of the army, capabilities to Fortran.17 This led to the cre-
the program envisioned a range of comput- ation of a formula manipulation compiler,
ing capabilities (and sizes) including one later dubbed Formac. For developing the For-
that could be carried in a jeep.10 The software mac language, Jean received an IBM Out-
developed for Mobidic was supposed to run standing Contribution award in 1965.18
on all of these computers. In addition to her duties as manager of the
Boston Advanced Programming Department,
Pioneering Cobol Jean began researching programming lan-
While directing the development of the guages and collecting documentation. This
software for Mobidic, Jean represented Sylva- research led to a series of articles in Computers
nia at a meeting at the Pentagon 28-29 May and Automation that identified the program-
1959, which explored the creation of a com- ming languages in use in the US each of the
mon ‘‘business’’ language.11,12 Charles Phil- years from 1967 to 1973.19 Jean continued
lips, director of Data Systems Research, to publish these annual reviews through

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other publications for the years 1974 to

1977.20 In addition, Jean gave talks at profes-
sional conferences and wrote papers for pro-
fessional journals.21
At this time, computers were so new (and
rare) that publishers wanting to cash in on
the new technology were beating the bushes
for potential book authors. Jean was con-
tacted by someone at Prentice Hall who sug-
gested she write a book on Fortran. When
Jean told him that she wasn’t interested in
writing about Fortran, she was asked what
she would like to write about. When she
said she’d like to write about all program-
ming languages, she was told: ‘‘Go ahead!’’
When Jean related this conversation to her
manager, he liked the idea and said that
IBM would support her.22 The book project
began in 1965 and by 1967, she had com-
pleted the manuscript of her seminal 785
page book, Programming Languages: History
and Fundamentals, 23 which became an in-
stant classic in the field, and has served as
a ‘‘desk reference’’ for anyone writing
about programming languages ever since
(see Figure 1).
After completing the book, Jean was reas-
signed to the IBM’s Federal Systems Division.
Working in a senior staff capacity, Jean con-
tinued to work on programming language
projects but also provided assistance and
guidance to the IBM personnel doing work
for government clients, including the NASA
Apollo program in Houston, Texas. By this
time, Jean had become a leading advocate
of high-level programming languages. When Figure 1. The Tower of Babel illustration that was the cover of Jean
confronted by arguments that assembly lan- Sammet’s 1969 book Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals.
guage was more efficient than Fortran, for
example, Jean encouraged users to adopt
a hybrid strategy in which the majority In the late 1970s, Jean also got involved,
of the code would be done in Fortran and in a minor way, with the development of
only the most time-critical sections would be the Ada language.25 Colonel William Whi-
done in assembly language. Indeed, Jean’s ar- taker (USAF) was a proponent of high-level
gument can be summed up in a reply she gave languages in the Department of Defense.26
to a student’s question about the pros and More importantly, Whitaker made strong
cons of using high-level languages: arguments for fewer high-level languages in
the DoD, which was overrun with special-
And there are some disadvantages, includ- purpose programming languages. Whitaker
ing the fact that the compiler may not be led the DoD’s efforts to develop a single
quite as efficient as the very best pro- high-order language for DoD real-time
grammer . . . It is indeed true that the very embedded computer systems. Initially called,
best programmer probably will produce bet-
DoD-1, it was later renamed ‘‘Ada,’’ but not
ter code than the compiler . . . (but) there are
before Whitaker called Jean and inquired:
not that many ‘‘very best programmers,’’
and most of them are working on writing ‘‘Have you ever heard of a language called
the compilers! So don’t give me this argu- Ada?’’ Hearing a negative response from
ment about your payroll program, or your Jean, as an acknowledged expert on program-
trajectory, needing all that competence. ming languages, Ada it became!27 Jean set up
It’s probably better in the compiler.24 committees within IBM to study Ada and was

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a member of the DoD Ada Distinguished [including that] ACM should publish a peri-
Reviewers group. In addition, she was an odical of truly general interest to all members,
original member of the Ada Board (a federal headquarters support of education should be
advisory committee), and organized and significantly increased, and activity should
be started leading to a change in the Associa-
chaired the Policy Committee for the ACM
tion’s name.35
Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda).

As ACM president and vice president, Jean is

Professional associations
also credited with helping to restore the orga-
Jean was active in a number of profes-
nization to financial health.36 Following her
sional organizations, among them the Amer-
tenure as president, Jean continued working
ican Federation of Information Processing
within ACM as chairman of the ACM Awards
Societies (AFIPS) and the Association for
and Fellowship Investigation Committees.
Computing Machinery (ACM). In 1965,
In 1977, Jean organized the first AFIPS His-
Jean wrote to the volunteer in charge of the
tory of Computing Committee (HOCC) and
ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Spe-
served as its chairperson.37 HOCC members
cial Interest Committees (SICs) suggesting a
were drawn from the constituent organiza-
new SIC. When she didn’t get a response,
tions and included Bernard Cohen and
she wrote to George Forsythe, ACM president
Erwin Tomash.38 In addition to encouraging
and explained her idea for the new group.
the creation of archives for materials, the
Forsythe replied, ‘‘You are now the Chairman
committee publicized the importance of in-
of the Special Interest Committee on Sym-
dustry professionals’ saving materials.39 The
bolic and Algebraic Manipulation.’’28 During
HOCC also recommended the creation of
the period 1965—1968, Jean organized and
the first successful AFIPS journal: the Annals
chaired SICSAM, and ‘‘appointed herself’’
of the History of Computing.40 In addition to
general and program chairman of the ACM
her other professional and voluntary activ-
Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Ma-
ities, from January 1979 to December 1987,
nipulation, which was held in Washington,
Jean served as editor in chief of ACM Comput-
D.C. (March 1966). In addition to her duties
ing Reviews and the ACM Guide to Computing
with SICSAM, she was elected as Northeast
Literature.41 Indeed, Eric Weiss credited Jean
regional representative, served as a member
with saving Computing Reviews from ‘‘its
of the ACM Council, and was an ACM
near demise.’’42 During her tenure, the
Reviews began to use an automated system
When Bernard Galler became president of
to manage the hundreds of review assign-
ACM (1968 to 1970), he asked Jean to serve
ments, reviewers, and reviews for each
as chairman of the ACM Committee on Spe-
month. She established a committee (chaired
cial Interest Groups and Special Interest
by Tony Ralston) to update the Reviews classi-
Committees.30 In this role, Jean was respon-
fication system which resulted in the present
sible for coordinating the activities of 26
system containing four levels. In a retrospec-
technical committees and groups. In 1971,
tive on the history of ACM, Anita Cochran
Jean was elected chair of SIGPLAN but
observed that ‘‘her latest contribution to
resigned after a year when she was elected
ACM was the revitalization of Computing
vice president of ACM; Anthony Ralston
was elected president.31 Ralston created an
ad hoc committee—the first ACM Long
Range Planning Committee (LRPC)—and History of Programming Languages
he asked Jean to serve as its chairman. Conference
In 1974, Jean was elected president of Following a series of invited lectures at
ACM and continued her efforts to guide the UCLA, Jean started thinking that
LRPC.32 Excerpts from the committee’s re-
port were published in December 1974 in it would be interesting to have a conference
in which a person who had been a key per-
the SIGCSE Bulletin as ‘‘Recommended Fu-
son in the creation of the major program-
ture Directions for ACM.’’33 The final report
ming languages (talked) about the creation
was presented in November 1974, and was of the language, why the language was the
published in Communications of the ACM in way it was, and how it got created.44
February 1975.34
Jean contacted potential speakers and got
The report recommend[ed] 50 principles to be positive results. Jean was not thinking of for-
used as guidelines for future ACM activities . . . mal papers at this point, just a discussion by

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someone involved in the development of the James J. Horning, a language designer

language. Jean contacted Bob Graham, chair working at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Cen-
of ACM SIGPLAN, asked for support, and ter (PARC) at the time, echoed Wexelblat and
offered to serve as general chairman. Jean Stern’s optimism:
remembers that ‘‘since I knew exactly what I
wanted to do with regard to the program, What was the conference like? It was ex-
I appointed myself as the program chairman’’ tremely informative. . . . Perhaps, even more
and began to recruit a program committee important, though, it was enjoyable and lots
of fun. A lot of my heroes were there. As Fred
from people she knew who were interested
Brooks said in one of the later sessions, ‘‘The
in programming languages.45 J.A.N. Lee best thing about this conference is its character
served as administrative chairman.46 Believ- set.’’ The audience . . . made me feel like an
ing that having an historian on the commit- old-timer: most of them had never wired
tee was essential to ‘‘getting the right history a plug board; most of them had never
and getting the history right,’’ Jean asked programmed in absolute hexadecimal, be-
Henry (Hank) Tropp to serve as conference cause the assembler was too inefficient. On
historian.47 the other hand, the conference speakers
The committee met several times and de- made me feel like a newcomer: some of the
cided on 13 important languages: Algol, talks never got beyond 1959, the year in
which I wrote my first program. . . . I learned
APL, APT, Basic, Cobol, Fortran, GPSS, JOSS,
several things . . . about the importance of
Jovial, Lisp, PL/1, Snobol, and Simula. To pro- going back to primary sources. There were a
vide guidance to the nonhistorian authors, number of myths that were debunked, includ-
the committee developed a detailed set of ing at least two that I’m afraid I’ve been
questions that was credited with contributing spreading for years in my programming lan-
to the overall quality of the papers and guage courses.55
The ACM SIGPLAN History of Program- Bernard Galler, the Annals’ first editor in
ming Languages Conference was held from chief, served as a language coordinator and
1-3 June 1978 in Los Angeles, California.49 as master of ceremonies for the conference
The keynote speaker was Grace Murray Hop- banquet.56
per. Jean Sammet said that ‘‘it took us about As part of her service on the Annals Edito-
two seconds to decide that she was the appro- rial Board, Jean created a new department,
priate person to give the keynote address.’’50 Self Study Questions: ‘‘to test your historical
At this conference, Jean gave the talk on knowledge and to encourage you to think
‘‘The Early History of Cobol.’’51 about history a little differently.’’57 As
In the ‘‘Editor’s Introduction’’ to History of would be expected, the first set of questions
Programming Languages, Dick Wexelblat stated: focused on programming languages. The
first question was
These proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN His-
tory of Programming Languages (HOPL) confer- Name 13 languages that satisfy all of the fol-
ence are a record, in the words of those who helped lowing criteria: (1) created and in use by
make the history, of a baker’s dozen of the lan- 1967, (2) still in use in 1977, and (3) had con-
guages that set the tone for most of today’s pro- siderable influence on the field of computing.58
gramming. It is difficult to describe the feeling
that prevailed at the conference. There were The department ceased publication with
no parallel sessions . . . It was the first confer- Annals in vol. 13, issue no. 4, 1991.
ence I attended where virtually everyone
attended every session.52 History of Programming Languages II
The first HOPL conference was intended
A new journal, the Annals of the History of to be the beginning, not the end, of any con-
Computing, was announced at the end of the sideration of programming language his-
HOPL conference.53 Because of timing, reviews tory.59 As a result, some years after the end
of the first HOPL were contained in the Annals, of that conference, Jean Sammet and J.A.N.
vol. 1, issue no. 1, 1978. Assistant editor in Lee began thinking about a second HOPL
chief Nancy Stern observed: conference, with the intent of building on
The proceedings and recordings of this con-
what had been learned from the first confer-
ference will undoubtedly become a major ence, and expanding its scope and coverage.
source of primary material for future histori- A proposal was developed in 1990, and the
ans attempting to trace the development of ACM SIGPLAN Executive Committee author-
programming languages.54 ized the Second History of Programming

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Selected Works
Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals, 1981, pp. 199-243; ACM DL:
Prentice Hall, 1969. 10.1145/960118.808378.
‘‘Introduction to FORMAC’’ (with E.R. Bond), IEEE Trans. ‘‘Why Ada Is Not Just Another Programming Lan-
Electronic Computers, vol. EC-13, no. 4, 1964, pp. 386-394. guage,’’ Comm. ACM, vol. 29, no. 8, 1986, pp. 722-732.
‘‘The Beginning and Development of FORMAC,’’ ‘‘An Overview of High-Level Languages,’’ Advances
in History of Programming Languages—II, T.J. Bergin and in Computers, Academic Press, vol. 20, 1981, pp. 199-
R.G. Gibson, eds., ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1996, 259.
pp. 429-469. ‘‘Programming Languages: History and Future,’’
‘‘Survey of Formula Manipulation,’’ Comm. ACM, Comm. ACM, vol. 15, no. 7, 1972, pp. 601-610.
vol. 9, no. 8, 1966, pp. 555-569. ‘‘Some Approaches to, and Illustrations of, Program-
‘‘Formula Manipulation by Computer,’’ Advances in ming Language History,’’ Annals of the History of Comput-
Computers, vol. 8, Academic Press, 1967, pp. 47-102. ing, vol. 13, no. 1, 1991, pp. 33-50.
‘‘Software for Non-Numerical Mathematics,’’ Mathe- ‘‘History of IBM’s Technical Contributions to High
matical Software, Academic Press, 1971, pp. 295-330. Level Programming Languages,’’ IBM J. Research and
‘‘Revised Annotated Descriptor Based Bibliography on Development, vol. 25, no. 5, Sept. 1981, pp. 520-534.
the Use of Computers for Non-Numerical Mathematics,’’ ‘‘From HOPL to HOPL-II (1978—1993): 15 Years of
Symbol Manipulation Languages and Techniques, Proc. IFIP Programming Language Development,’’ in History
Working Conf. Symbol Manipulation Languages, North- of Programming Languages—II, Bergin and Gibson, eds.,
Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1968, pp. 358-484. pp. 16-23.
‘‘The Early History of COBOL,’’ in R.L. Wexelblat, ed., ‘‘Farewell to Grace Hopper—End of an Era!’’ Comm.
History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, ACM, vol. 35, no. 4, 1992, pp. 128-131.

Languages Conference (HOPL-II). J.A.N. Lee developments since HOPL I.62 Jean also re-
agreed to serve as conference chairman. lated her experiences in developing the For-
Jean Sammet served as chair of the Program mac language while at IBM.18,63
Committee. Jean called on several members
of the program committee from the first Epilogue: HOPL III
HOPL conference, and made a conscious In 2004, Barbara Ryder and Brent Hail-
effort to bring in new, younger people who pern, both former SIGPLAN chairs, started
shared an interest in examining the past. the process to create the third History of Pro-
The Second History of Programming Lan- gramming Languages Conference by forming
guages Conference was sponsored by ACM a Program Committee.44,64 Jean had wisely
SIGPLAN and held in Cambridge, Massachu- included them on the HOPL II Program Com-
setts, from 20-23 April 1993.60 In her intro- mittee with the hope that they would con-
ductory remarks, Jean observed: tinue the HOPL legacy. HOPL III, sponsored
by SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT, took place in
But organizing a history conference is by no San Diego, California, 9-10 June 2007.65 Dur-
means as simple as organizing a technical
ing the opening of the conference, Jean was
conference dealing with current or recent re-
search in which all the papers are to be con-
recognized for her pioneering efforts to pre-
tributed and for which there is tremendous serve the history of programming lan-
competition to participate. This is primarily guages.66 When I asked Ryder what Jean
because most professionals in the computer meant to the programming language com-
field prefer to concentrate on current and fu- munity, she replied:
ture work rather than looking backward to
what they have accomplished. Jean Sammet is a ‘‘one-woman force’’ that
The study of various aspects of computing established the ACM SIGPLAN History of Pro-
history is not merely an intellectual exercise; gramming Languages conferences. . . . Her zeal
it shows us how we reached our current con- for this project, her energy in organizing and
dition, indicates effective approaches as well seeing two HOPL meetings through to com-
as past errors, and provides perspective and pletion in excellent reference books, and her
insight for the future, and a surer sense of dogged devotion to maintaining the quality
how to get there.61 of the historical accounts produced, were out-
standing. The latest HOPL meeting . . . would
At the urging of the Program Committee, not have been held without its organizers
Jean provided an overview of language having benefited from training under Jean

82 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing

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4. Abbate, p. 10.
Web Extras 5. D.E. Lundstrom, A Few Good Men from Univac,
MIT Press, 1987, p. 7.
For additional information, see the
6. Her second year of teaching (1957—1958) was
‘‘Further Reading’’ sidebar at http://www.
made easier by the publication of D. McCracken’s
Digital Computer Programming (Wiley, 1957) and
by the availability of the Fortran language.
7. See ‘‘Employment Ads Said to Show Bias: 75
Advertisers Are Cited by Federal Commission,’’
on her HOPL-II Program Committee. [Jean is]
New York Times, 10 Aug. 1966, p. 22; ‘‘12
a remarkable woman of great energy and a
Women Picket Times, Charging Segregation in
wonderful mentor.67
Ads,’’ NYT, July 1968, p. 19; ‘‘Designation of Sex
in Want Ads Studied,’’ NYT, 8 Feb. 1969, p. 27.
Retirement, per se 8. See T. Bergin, ‘‘Carl Hammer (1914—2004),’’
Given Jean’s industrious nature, no one Biographies, IEEE Annals of the History of Com-
who knew her believed that she would ever puting, vol. 28, no. 2, 2006, pp. 81-86.
retire. However, motivated by changes at 9. For more on the Mobidic project, see
IBM, she officially retired at the end of W. Humphrey, ‘‘Mobidic and Fieldata,’’ Annals
1988. In addition to consulting, she served of the History of Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, 1987,
on the board of directors, Computer History pp. 137-182.
Museum, from 1983 to 1993 and on the 10. For perspective, Digital Equipment Corp.
board and executive committee of the Soft- released the PDP-8 minicomputer in 1965, MITS
ware Patent Institute from 1991 to 1998. introduced the Altair (in kit form) in 1975, and
Jean maintains the largest collection of mate- Apple introduced the Apple II in 1977.
rials on programming languages in existence, 11. About 40 representatives from computer manu-
which will be housed at the Charles Babbage facturers, government and nongovernment
Institute upon her demise. users, and consultants were in attendance. For
For her lifetime of effort, as a programmer, additional background, see Sammet, Program-
manager, leader, and historian, Jean received ming Languages: History and Fundamentals,
the ACM’s Distinguished Service Award in Prentice Hall, 1969, p. 330 ff, and ‘‘The Early
1985. In 1989, she received the Augusta Ada History of COBOL,’’ History of Programming Lan-
Lovelace Award from the Association for guages, R.L. Wexelblat, ed., Academic Press,
Women in Computing. In 1994, she was 1981, pp. 199-277; ACM DL:
part of the initial class of ACM Fellows: For 10.1145/800025.1198367.
dedicated, tireless and dynamic leadership in ser- 12. Although a few scientific languages had
vice to ACM and the computing community [and been developed, such as Fortran, the only
for] advancing the art and science of computer commercial language was Flow-Matic, devel-
programming languages and recording its his- oped for the Univac under Grace Hopper’s
tory.68 That says it all. leadership at Remington Rand. See Sammet,
‘‘Farewell to Grace Hopper—End of an Era!’’
Comm. ACM, vol. 35, no. 4, 1992, pp. 128-
References and notes 131; ACM DL:
1. Although Jean has been highlighted in numerous 129852.214846.
articles in the technical media, the best sources 13. Most references refer to Codasyl as an industry
are oral histories by Janet Abbate and by Tim consortium; however, according to Sammet,
Bergin. The opening paragraphs of this biogra- ‘‘Codasyl as an organization never existed.’’ See
phy follow the Abbate oral history. Abbate plans Sammet, ‘‘The Early History of COBOL,’’ p. 265.
to archive the history at the IEEE History Center. 14. This was the official name of the committee
A faculty member at Virginia Tech, Abbate can that created the original Cobol language. The
be contacted at My oral history committee was later renamed ‘‘the Cobol
of Jean focuses on her ACM activities; see the Committee.’’ See Sammet, ‘‘The Early History
ACM Digital Library: of COBOL,’’ p. 210.
citation.cfm?id=1141880.1243440. 15. Jean Sammet and Vernon Reeves from Sylvania,
2. In the Abbate oral history, Jean mentioned that, William Selden and Gertrude Tierney from IBM,
in 1944, few potential students visited colleges and Howard Bromberg and Norman Discount
prior to admission because of the limitations from RCA.
imposed during World War II. 16. Department of Defense, Cobol, Initial Specifica-
3. Abbate, p. 5. tions for a Common Business Oriented Language,

January–March 2009 83
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#1960 0-552133, US Government Printing more balanced approach—where special inter-

Office, April 1960. ests were better represented and which made
17. The example given in Sammet (see Ref. 18) is the chair for SIG/SICs a member of the Council.
that the system would manipulate formulas of 31. The vice president has the statutory responsibil-
the type done in high school and college ities to oversee the numerous ACM committees
mathematics—for example, expansion of and boards.
expressions, formal differentiation, and substitu- 32. In ‘‘ACM: The Past 15 Years, 1972—1987,’’
tion in contrast to the numeric calculation capa- Comm. ACM, vol. 30, no. 19, 1987, p. 869,
bilities of languages like Fortran. Anita Cochran states that ‘‘Sammet was the first
18. Formac (Formula Manipulation Compiler) was woman to lead ACM and became president
the first language for symbolic mathematics after many years of activity in the association,
that had significant use. See J.E. Sammet, ‘‘The particularly in the SIG movement.’’
Beginning and Development of FORMAC,’’ 33. ACM SIGCSE Bull., Computer Science Education,
History of Programming Languages—II, T.J. Bergin vol. 6, no. 4, 1974, pp. 5-15.
and R.G. Gibson, eds., ACM Press/Addison- 34. ‘‘Recommended Future Directions for ACM:
Wesley, 1996, pp. 429-469. Summary of Final Report of Long Range Plan-
19. See J.E. Sammet, ‘‘Roster of Programming ning Committee May 1973 to November
Languages—1967,’’ Computers and Automation, 1974,’’ Comm. ACM, vol. 18, no. 2, 1975,
vol. 16, no. 6, 1967, pp. 80-82; ‘‘RPL—1968,’’ pp. 77-90.
C&A, vol. 17, no. 6, 1968, pp. 120-123; 35. Ibid., p. 77.
‘‘RPL—1969,’’ C&A, vol. 18, no. 7, 1969, 36. J.A.N. Lee, Computer Pioneers, p. 603: ‘‘In those
pp. 153-158; ‘‘RPL—1970,’’ C&A, vol. 19, positions she played a key role in restoring
no. 6B, 1970, pp. 6-11, 21; ‘‘RPL—1971,’’ C&A, ACM to a healthy financial condition.’’
vol. 20, no. 6B, 1971, pp. 6-13; ‘‘RPL—1972,’’ 37. Bergin, oral history, Day Three, 11 Apr. 2006,
C&A, vol. 21, no. 6B, 1972, pp. 1-11. pp. 14-17.
20. ‘‘RPL—1973,’’ Computing Reviews, vol. 15, 38. For an overview of HOCC activities, see J.E.
no. 4, 1974, pp. 147-160; ‘‘RPL—1974-75,’’ Sammet, ‘‘General AFIPS History of Computing
Comm. ACM, vol. 19, no. 12, 1976, pp. 655- Activities,’’ Annals of the History of Computing,
669; and ‘‘RPL—1976-77,’’ ACM SIGPLAN vol. 1, no. 1, 1979, pp. 6-8.
Notices, vol. 13, no. 11, 1978, pp. 56-85. 39. See AFIPS, ‘‘Preserving Computer-Related
21. For example, ‘‘Problems in, and a Pragmatic Source Materials,’’ Annals of the History of Com-
Approach to, Programming Language Measure- puting, vol. 2, no. 1, 1980, pp. 4-6. Note:
ment,’’ AFIPS 1971 Fall Joint Computer Conf., Nancy Stern prepared the brochure as part of
AFIPS Press, 1971, pp. 243-251; ‘‘Programming the HOCC activities noted previously.
Languages: History and Future,’’ Comm. ACM, 40. The premier issue (vol. 1, no. 1, July 1979) con-
vol. 15, no. 7, 1972, pp. 601-610; and ‘‘History tains a number of historically important docu-
of IBM’s Technical Contributions to High Level ments, among them a foreword by A.
Programming Languages,’’ IBM J. R&D, vol. 25, Finerman, chairman of the AFIPS Publications
no. 5, 1981, pp. 520-534. Committee; ‘‘About This Issue,’’ by the editor in
22. Abbate, p. 49. chief, Bernard Galler; and ‘‘General AFIPS His-
23. J.E. Sammet, Programming Languages: History tory of Computing Activities,’’ by J.E. Sammet,
and Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 1969. which provides a history of Annals’ gestation.
24. Abbate, p. 57; see also Bergin, oral history, Day See also, Annals of the History of Computing,
Three, 11 Apr. 2006, pp. 9-12. vol. 2, no. 1, 1980, pp. 75-76. Note: AFIPS
25. For a history of Ada, see W.A. Whitaker, created a trial issue of a journal called ABACUS
‘‘ADA—The Project: The DoD High Order Lan- in 1977.
guage Working Group,’’ History of Programming 41. Bergin, oral history, Day Four, 18 Apr. 2006,
Languages, Bergin and Gibson, pp. 173-232. pp. 4-7.
26. Bergin, oral history, Day Four, 18 Apr. 2006, 42. E.A. Weiss, ‘‘Commentaries on the Past 15
pp. 1-4. Years,’’ Comm. ACM, vol. 30, no. 10, 1987,
27. Ibid., p. 1; see also Abbate, oral history, p. 58. p. 881.
28. Bergin, oral history, Day One, 28 Mar. 2006, 43. A. Cochran, ‘‘ACM: The Past 15 Years,
pp. 1-2. 1972—1987,’’ Comm. ACM, vol. 30, no. 10,
29. At this time, ACM local chapters were repre- 1987, p. 869.
sented by regional representatives. 44. For a full discussion of the history of the HOPL
30. At this time, most ACM Council members were conferences, see T.J. (Tim) Bergin, ‘‘A History of
elected regional representatives. Jean urged a the History of Programming Languages,’’ Comm.
change in the ACM constitution that created a ACM, vol. 50, no. 5, 2007, pp. 69-74.

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45. Bergin, oral history, Day Four, 18 Apr. 2006, p. 9. 58. J.E. Sammet, ‘‘Self-Study Questions,’’ Annals of
46. John A. N. Lee served as editor in chief of the the History of Computing, vol. 5, no. 3, 1983,
Annals from 1987 to 1995. pp. 302-303.
47. Hank Tropp was a faculty member in the Hum- 59. This discussion follows the editor’s and general
boldt State University (California) Department introductions in Bergin and Gibson, A History of
of Mathematics and had done a number of oral Programming Languages—II, pp. vii-x.
interviews of computer pioneers for the Ameri- 60. The languages selected were Ada, Algol 68,
can Federation of Information Processing Soci- C, C++, CLU, Discrete Event Simulation Lan-
eties (AFIPS); Tropp also served as Annals first guages, Formac, Forth, Icon, Lisp, Monitors
Reviews editor and was a member of the first and Concurrent Pascal, Pascal, Prolog, and
editorial board. Smalltalk.
48. J.A.N. Lee, ed., ‘‘Guidelines for the Documenta- 61. J.E. Sammet, ‘‘General Introduction,’’ in Bergin
tion of Segments of the History of Computing,’’ and Gibson, p. x.
Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 13, 62. J.E. Sammet, ‘‘From HOPL to HOPL II
no. 1, 1991, pp. 51-62. (1978—1993): 15 Years of Programming Lan-
49. The papers from this conference are available in guage Development,’’ History of Programming
the ACM Digital Library at Languages—II, Bergin and Gibson, pp. 16-24.
toc.cfm?id=800025. The edited papers and tran- 63. The unedited papers are available in the ACM
scripts, as well as other conference materials Digital Library at
were published as R.L. Wexelblat, History of Pro- cfm?id=154766. For the entire proceedings, see
gramming Languages, Academic Press, 1981. Bergin and Gibson, A History of Programming
50. Bergin, oral history of Jean E. Sammet, Day Languages—II.
Four. 64. See
51. Wexelblat, History of Programming Languages, 65. The languages presented were AppleScript,
pp. 199-243. BETA, C++, Emerald, Erlang, Haskell, HP Fortran,
52. Ibid., p. xiii. Lua, Modula-2 and Oberon, Self, Statecharts,
53. The Annals of the History of Computing was orig- and. ZPL. For an overview, see: T.J. (Tim) Ber-
inally sponsored by the American Federation of gin, ‘‘History of Programming Languages Con-
Information Processing Societies (AFIPS). ference (HOPL III),’’ in Events and Sightings,
54. N. Stern, ‘‘From an Historian’s Perspective,’’ IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 29,
Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 1, no. 1, no. 3, 2007, pp. 64-65.
1979, pp. 68-69. 66. Edited papers are available in the ACM Digital
55. J.J. Horning, ‘‘Additional Viewpoints,’’ Annals of Library at
the History of Computing, vol. 1, no. 1, 1979, cfm?id=1238844&type=proceeding&coll=
pp. 69-71. [emphasis added] portal&dl=ACM.
56. Other members of the HOPL Program Commit- 67. B. Ryder, personal communication, 4 Nov. 2007.
tee who also served on the Annals editorial 68. See
board were Robert F. Rosin and Henry Tropp. cfm?id=1004423&srt=alpha&alpha=S.
See A. Akera, ‘‘The Life and Work of Bernard A.
Galler (1928—2006),’’ IEEE Annals of the History
Readers may contact Tim Bergin about this article at
of Computing, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 4-14.
57. B.A. Galler, ‘‘About this Issue,’’ Annals of the
History of Computing, vol. 5, no. 3, 1983, Contact department editor Thomas Haigh at
p. 223.

January–March 2009 85

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